The Deep sea currents massive heat source

As the water is heated by cellar radiation, it is four so flow back towards the poles.  Giving of its heat on the journey!  But the water flows in a turbulent fashion so itself is a massive heat source.

The idea of professor Z's uncle, who was a from professor at Columbia University.  Who published the work on cold fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray so natural physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Tony some the hydrogen ions from adjacent water molecules, into helium!  By which we need TU to be turbulence > 1 Watt.  Which is why the seas we use my crew bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen.  Technically oxygen forms ozone.

2 O₂+O→O₃↑ the ozone rises to form the ozone layer.  That protects multi cellular life from the sterilising effect of naked solar radiation.  So it sea currents are continuously producing areas and the effects of carbon fluorocarbons is insignificant!

Throughout the year the deep sea currents to generate 10⁴⁰ W our carbon zero heat/solar radiation only adds 10⁶⁰ W our adds heat to nature.

As an engineer, and very interested in a plasma is doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+TU+PL→He+O+E²+X-ray

Who is he every rain or snow storms are continuously doing physical molecular nuclear fusion right now.

4 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

Who is heavy rain or snow storms emit X rays an warm the air!  Interesting.  The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, the electrons and the the negative charge falls to the ground.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike, to discharge all that electrical potential.  That the passage of the electrons through the plasma to the physical molecular nuclear fusion.  The plasma has already stripped the water molecules down into hydrogen and oxygen positive ions, and free electrons!

The hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.

7 ⁱH⁺=p.⁺n⁰+e⁻→2n⁰ hence lightning spits out neutrons.  Which are a proton bonded to an electron.

Physics gets very excited about neutrons.  And here we have a non nuclear source of neutrons.  The great a minder is of matter.

8 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→5(E²+L+X-0ray)

We put it altogether and a fine of lightning burns regular water molecules into carbon zero heat, light and X rays.

9 H₂O+P+PL→5(E²+L+X-ray) so totally non nuclear source of carbon zero heat.  My friend had fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, using the steam from a paint stripper,.  And the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.

He firm that are 30x1.5cm steam plasma liberated a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  Further into a thermoelectric generator we get out 65 kW of mains linked phase and voltage AC current.  Giving us an annual income from the national grid of warm 0.5 million UK pounds.

As we produce the carbon zero electricity for between eight and 20 houses.  Annual income of 180,000 UK pounds/

A monthly income of just 15,000 UK pounds.  We buy a tough 1000 UK pounds half megawatts steam turbine, and convert are 1 MW of carbon zero heat, is ½ MW of carbon zero mains AC electricity.  Annual income of 1.5 million UK pounds.

So we run a thermoelectric generator for a month.  To get the capital to buy our little half megawatts steam turbine.  Giving us an annual income of 15,000 UK pounds for producing the carbon zero heat for ways to 150 and 300 houses.

Annual income 1.5 million UK pounds.  For that lovely carbon zero electricity!  But already plants eat carbon dioxide, caf E temperate level carbon dioxide at just two parts per million.

Above the polar ice In winter photosynthesis shuts down and we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the winter of for the air.  A temperature down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice cap!  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.

And around the Holly earth we can run a steam plasma as a carbon zero heat source.  Which we convert into electricity we have a solid state thermoelectic generator, or with a little steam turbine.  Which is more expensive and requires more maintenance!

Carbon zero is neither harvest more expensive!  It plans A fantastic income from the national grid.  Using 1930s technology!

Nuclear power concocted manmade climate change and global warming after the Chernobyl incident 1986:, clear soup prove that uranium nuclear power was the technology of hades!

Then the world experienced the 2010 Fukushima nuclear incident in Japan - the world's best engineers.  Germany and Japan renounced uranium nuclear power instantly!  Without the French and EDF do no hyper toxic uranium nuclear fusion.

The French are the TC eating surrender monkey's!  And the world's worst engineers.  Who should not be entrusted with a hyper toxic nuclear power.  Such a dangerous technology!

A steam plasma linked to a thermoelectic generator of ice cures there is carbon zero heat and electricity.  No possibility of a nuclear core meltdown as we have no nuclear core.  And no radioactive materials required all produced!

Plants limited free temperate carbon dioxide to just two PPM, for the last 11.2 thousand years.  The carbon dioxide drives nature!  Photosynthesis greedily gobble up all the carbon dioxide making get.  Down to two PPM.

A 30cm steam plasma linked to a thermoelectric generator the ghost 65 kW of mains linked carbon zero AC electricity.  There row of her plants eat carbon dioxide down to two PPM.

No possibility of man's industry is affecting biology is carbon cycle.  Extra carbon dioxide resulting in additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.

If only use of fires up a 30cm steam plasma burning to our thermelectric generator he gets out 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  A house needs only 8 kW on Christmas day!  They sell the excess electricity to the national grid, they get an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds every year.

Carbon zero pays big time!  Annie is totally non nuclear.  Involving no fossil fuel burn!  As we utilised A plasma to burn regular water into massive heat, a blinding white light and are not even sure that we get any X rays off.

The next area for scientific study!  Then I have already idiots who prefers manmade climate change and global warming the cause five biologically impossible increase of carbon dioxide around the temperate earth.

All the climate change scientist moved to other work.  Though they are nickle applied to supervise a primary school milk round, before there are 55 Margaret Thatcher in the 1970s.


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