Nature does nuclear fusion on earth

Nature does carbon 0 for 3.8 billion yrats

Which is free carbon zero heat all over the earth!  Including over the North Pole at -50° C!  And atmospheric pressure.

Geography has recorded since the 1930s that heavy rain or snow storms release X rays.  Of which there is no chemical source!  It is nature doing nuclear fusion on earth.

1 H₂O+P+YTU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray TU= turbulence > 1W

You are unlikely to wander around through a storm with a Geiger counter as home.  This explains why storms give off a spooky light flash illuminatio.  This explains what heavy rain or snow storms warm the air!

There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays and helium gas!  So we have all experienced nature doing nuclear fusion on earth.

The production of the charged ions is interesting, so the positive ions carry the positive charge to above the clouds layer.  Where the negative charge is carried to the ground by the electrons!  Storms are a massive battery.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike!  To discharge all that electrical potential.  This is a lightening down strike!

Followed by a much more dynamic lightening up strike.  As nature it uses the light in parts to do nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+3e⁻+O⁺

So within a plasma a standard water molecules, are stripped into a hydrogen and oxygen positive ions, the free electrons.

The a hydrogen ions electrons bond to form neutrons.

3 H⁺=p⁺,x n⁰ so are hydrogen ions are a proton bonded to one or more neutrons.  Usually just one.

Within the plasma they could electrons are attracted to the plasma should release charged protons.  And the protons and electrons bond to form another neutron!

4 p⁻.n⁰+e⁻+PL→2n⁰ PL= plasma

So the steam plasma is continuously split in water molecules into high June ions and electrons, plus free electrons.  The high June ions and electrons bond to form to neutrons!

Totally non nuclear neutron formation!  But then the neutrons bond with the oxygen ions, and to cause repeated nuclear fission and till worth if four hydrogen ions, and three free electrons.

5 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻-E don't worry about this physics!  It are cancer and to free E carbon zero heat.  Totally non nuclear!

Within the plasma and main energy release comes from the a hydrogen one, being converted into helium three -tritium.  Which undergoes instantaneous nuclear fission into heat light and X rays.

6 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→³H⁺→2(E²+L+X-ray)

So we have done a plasma burn of regular water.  And putting it all together gives us a really simple equation.

7 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

The carbon zero Energy System are heavy rain or snow storms.  Going on continuously around the earth for last 3.8 billion years.

So in the air continuously turbulence in the seas are rovers of the earth, turn water into helium and oxygen gas, plus light flashes energy and X rays.

On Earth, He is relatively rare—5.2 ppm by volume in the atmosphere. Most terrestrial helium present today is created by the natural radioactive decay of heavy radioactive elements (thorium and uranium, although there are other examples), as the alpha particles emitted by such decays consist of helium-4 nuclei.

But the air is heavy!

The atmosphere has a mass of about 5.15×10ⁱ⁸ kg, three quarters of which is within about 11 km (6.8 mi; 36,000 ft) of the surface. The atmosphere becomes thinner with increasing altitude, with no definite boundary between the atmosphere and outer space.

Every day the helium is lost to space, and replaced by the nuclear fusion NR and throughout nature.

8 5.15x10ⁱ⁸ x 5.2x10⁻⁶= 5.67x10ⁱ² tonnes.  5 million, million tonnes of helium gas.  Of issues no chemical source!  Nature gets 2.5x10³⁰ W of heat every day from the nuclear fusion going on in the turbulent flow of water more than 1m below the water surface!

Direct sunlight only provides 10⁶⁰ W and heat for a cellar radiation.  So the nuclear fusion going on in deep lakes and seas around the earth, as the deep water currents carry warm currents factor was the polar regions, is a truly massive energy source!

So my American contact fired up a 30x1cm steam plasma, using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma.  Which then self sustains for the rest of recorded history!

And free use a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat, A totally non nuclear heat source!  The plasma smashed use water molecules into just massive heat with light and lower power X rays.  No carbon dioxide!

And no burning of fossil fuels involved.  We use the 30cm steam plasma to drive a steam turbine water boiler.  And we get out ½ MW of electrical power!  For convenience we rectify into mains linked phase and voltage.  Better for power transmission!

Our 30cm steam plasma will produce the carbon zero electricity for 150 houses, on Christmas day!  We get an annual income of 1.5 million UK pounds.  From an injury system costing under 2000 UK pounds to set up!  And produce carbon zero electricity.

Without any nuclear processes, or fossil fuel burn!  We get a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

A gas or oil burners only produces 45 kW of heat.  We are producing massive life enhancing carbon dioxide.  Green plants on land and sea metabolise the carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.  Sucking it from the air!

9 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So globally around the temperate earth pass on land and sea fix carbon dioxide and water into the carbohydrates of life.  Chemically equation for carbohydrates Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ.

Which explains why green plants in light produce so much heat, and X rays while excreting helium and oxygen gases.  So plants do nuclear fusion on earth!

The than just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the afternoon temperate air.  Extra carbon dioxide being converted into additional plant biomass!

Animals eat the plant biomass, breathe in the oxygen excreted by plants, and burn the carbohydrates back into carbon dioxide and water.  Again with a trace of helium and oxygen gases.

10 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+(2+r)O₂+ digestion→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So animal digestion also does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  And the carbon goes around again!  99.9998% of the daily carbon dioxide around the earth is freed out by animals as the oxidise carbohydrates.

On the carriers carbon dioxide releases the organic carbon died out in the earth mass extinctions.  Which is why the Jurassic had 85% more biological life, and we see on earth today.

Carbon dioxide fixed at just two PPM and there is nothing it physics so nuclear power can do about it!

Above the arctic ice In winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide medically.  And the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!

It has most life on earth!  This sulphur cycle is to acidic!  But does go on around volcanic pools of hot water.

11 H₂S+E+TU+4H₂O→H₂SO₄+4He a system that biology and physics years the study!  As it is nature was more do nuclear fusion on earth.

My friends 30cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of heat, a steam turbine will convert into ½ MW of AC current.  Without any fossil fuel burn and or radioactive processes involved!  Totally carbon zero. 


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