Nature does carbon zero power

The most important energy source on earth is photosynthesis!  The biochemical process that powers life on land and C around the temperate earth.  We use the biological catalyst are chlorophyll to do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The nuclear fusion of water molecules in biological organisms.  That saw ealy life evolve on earth!

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂↑)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+Lb+X-ray)

So photosynthesis utilises infrared light at 80nm, in the presence of carbon dioxide and loss of Walter, and the biological capitalist of chlorophyll, during the day, to build the carbohydrates of life, excreting the surplus oxygen oxygen.  Or the same time doing an nuclear fusion.

Turning some the hydrogen ions into helium ions, the oxygen positive ions and free electrons.  Emitting a faint blue light and X rays.  There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays!

So photosynthesis is struck by infrared light!  Animals involved, to eat plant biomass, the carbohydrates and combine it with the oxygen gas helpfully excreted by plants,

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+TU→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+Lb+X-ray)


the turbulence of food digestion.

So both halves of the carbon cycle actually do nuclear fusion!  And all life on earth is dependent on the energy release from turning hydrogen ions into helium ions.  Which is lost to space within 24 hours, reacting with nothing.

Capping free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth at just two parts per million today.  Above the polar ice In winter we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

Just as the air the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack in winter.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!

And all life on earth is supported by nuclear fusion on earth.  The most important biological source so nuclear fusion is are the process we erroneously call photosynthesis.  Which is just plant molecular nuclear fusion.

And plant's eat carbon dioxide, does have resonated two PPM.

In the Jurassic photosynthesis Free carbon dioxide or four PPM.  There was 85% more biological life on earth!  In the one periods of the Jurassic seals were 60 metres lower.

And there were three natural ice ages!  One lasting for 1000 years, the carbon dioxide levels at eight PPM.  Life in the seas still busy doing photosynthesis!  That basic biological support system have shut down on the snow covered land.

The natural air climate has 28 year periods of warming and cooling, cause five predictable solar emission variations.

1986 and were in a natural global warming cycle.  When Ukrainian lower power experienced the Chernobyl nuclear incident.  The predictable consequence of trying to do hyper toxic nuclear fusion on earth.

A process so toxic nature does not do it!  All nature does nuclear fusion.  And get high June ions to form helium!  No nature does nuclear fusion - breaking large metal elements apart into lower atomic numbers.

The most important source of nuclear fusion in your body, is as your heart beats, the pressure waves in the plant also do biological molecular nuclear fusion.

3 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

Which is why you breathe out methane and helium gas.  Though we do not breathing in any helium gas!  Of which there is no chemical source.  And you can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter.

Which crosses between the disciplines of biology and physics.  He do not talk to each other!  The biology are the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.  They just do not realise the significance of all that helium and X ray radiation.

You may idea the most important natural source of nuclear fusion using the turbulent flow of the deep sea warm currents.  Carrying cellar heat towards the poles.

4 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the deep sea current one metre below the surface, for my crew bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen gases.  Geography has noted the release of X rays from the deep sea currents.  But not explained it!  There being no chemical source of X rays.

The free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules in the air, to form ozone - the protective high atmosphere layer that protects multi cellular life from the sterilising effect of naked cellar radiation.

5 O+O₂+TU→O₃

In the 1980s there is very speedily enacted legislation, to burn carbon fluorocarbons.  Which he was sorts was degrading the ozone layer!  Which is being augmented every second the day by the turbulent flow of seawater.  There was never an ozone problem!

Which has resulted in a constant 5.5 PPM helium in the temperate air.  Which again is being constantly replaced by the turbulent flow and of deep water currents in the seas.

Scientists had never considered that the turbulent flow and of high pressure seawater, constantly replacing the helium.  Which is actually the idea of Dr Z for a Sheffield University.  Who came across idea from his uncle who was a professor at Columbia University.  Without doubt the most brilliant piece of thinking I have ever heard!

Mankind use for it that the amount of helium in deep earth magma chambers, is strictly limited.  And be so only by radioactive processes in the deep earth.

The helium high us to free used five physical molecular nuclear fusion in the water flying around the earth in anti clockwise fashion.

6 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

Hence the production of helium and free radical oxygen, and X rays from the turbulent flow of water in deep earth magma chambers.  A continues source of helium gas!

Today helium has a higher price weight for weight than gold!  And brain does santis the cancer are going on about helium running out!  The helium is being replaced dynamically every day.  We really do not need to worry about it!

Issue as it is essential to realise that nature on earth is free EC massive amounts of helium every day, the mass of the air is so great, and thereis at 5.5 PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Lost to space every day!  Which he is nature he free using 50 tonnes of helium around the earth.

Which will never run out!  We can fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  And allow the low as high number helium and free radical oxygen gases to escape at the base.

The oxygen has highly commercial value!  And the helium more valuable than gold.

7 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²+X-ray

So he can produce helium in small chemical plant!  Then use refrigeration to freeze liquid helium and oxygen gases.

8 He-T→Hel that was then to be liquid helium!

9 2O-T→O₂l O₂l is liquid oxygen.

Helium is typically price on a cost per unit weight basis. The actual cost of helium varies every day, but in recent times the cost of helium has been in the range of $30-$70 per kilogram of helium.27 Jul 2023

Not as much as I expected.  Which implies people have read and are acting on my ideas about producing helium.  Which is in high demand for its inert properties.

He they are was a goal rush of the early 21st century!  Nature does nuclear fusion in heavy rain or snow storms, and some for last 3.8 billion years.

10 H₂O+P+TU+O₂→He+O₃+E²+X-ray

Which explains why heavy rain or snow storms produce helium, ozone and X rays or warming the air.  Even snow storms warm the air!  As we are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Constantly somewhere around the earth now!

Again adding to the daily natural production of helium gas around the earth.  And all venting the ozone layer.  Geography has noted the emission of X rays an production of helium gas from storms.  The again physics don't talk to geography departments either!

There is loads of natural nuclear fusion going on around the earth by now.  Even in your own beating heart!  Which is why you can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter!

At 30° C and eight atmospheres pressure.  No 10 million degrees C.  Which would vapourise any biological organism.  And distinctly moderate pressure waves!

It is important to realise that the natural world and biology do nuclear fusion on earth.


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