Making oil and gas

Unless you are a thermodynamics expert you're not be a aware that the reaction of hydrocarbons and oxygen, reverses according to temperature!  We are familiar with the burning of hydrocarbon at room temperature.

1 CH₄+3O₂+spark→CO₂+(2-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So in the 21st century, we are aware the combustion of natural gas and oxygen actually does physical molecular nuclear fusion.  This knowledge was not available to Sebatier he documented the reaction of carbon dioxide and steam.

In deep earth mantle pockets we have heated carbon dioxide and steam bonding to form methane - natural gas.  The French scientist Sebatier tried it out the combustion of heat is carbon dioxide and steam in a glass cylinder, and document is he is an death amec reaction producing methane.  As he is not aware of the nuclear fusion going on alongside!

2 CO₂+2H₂O+E+spark→CH₄+(2-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So we had no above Powell's of the natural combustion it guess system, already do nuclear fusion.  Which is a

re continuously the deep earth is producing methane - natural gas, by routing steam we carbon dioxide,

So natural gas we generates!  By the likes of Siemens can do this in a chemical plant.  And produce unlimited amounts of methane by sucking carbon dioxide air to the air.  Doing 2.

And so they it methane, natural gas as high a commercial value.  As it allows people to do nuclear fusion, by burning overpriced methane!

But now engineering firms can produce her own natural gas - methane.  By sucking carbon dioxide air to the air.  This juncture we need a source of carbon zero heat.

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Which does physical molecular nuclear fusion.  First of all we have a heavy rain or snow storm is self doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  For free.

3 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray

Which is why heavy storms feel electric and warm the air!  They are doing nuclear fusion.  The most important energy source in the universe.  At 5000 volts we have accumulated 100 amps charge on the ground.  And the accompanying positive 100 amps charge above the clouds layer.

We then get a lightening down strike.  A 1.5km x2cm steam plasma.  Which sets about doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.

4 H₂+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+E+X-ray

At this juncture all my contact fired me up a 30x1,5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Which unfortunately he did not pressurise!  I calculated A4 atmosphere steam plasma would release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.  The practical confirmation was for a non pressurise steam plasma.

5 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) the xrays are are are low power and of no interest here.  They do not penetrate the glass cylinder.

We get a carbon 0 1 megawatt of heat!  My friend acemi had the best way to transform this into electrical current.  1/2 MW steam turbine would work, but will cost 12,000 UK pounds.  But generator monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds!

The home user could rent a steam turbine for 12,050 UK pounds.  And obviously pay off the turbine month one and then an annual income a warm 1.5 million UK pounds.  For that lovely carbon zero electricity.

Home use is without access to money, good buy a 1,500 65 kW thermoelectric generator.  And generate the carbon zero electricity for eight houses.

The steam turbine we generate carbon zero electricity for 150 houses.  Potentially causing a meltdown in the National Power grid!

The thermoelectric generator would have a nice annual income of 180,000 UK pounds annually.  Or supplying the carbon zero electricity for eight -20 houses.

It transpires a carbon zero electricity is fantastically simple to produce!  Which is why the crude oil prize 2024 he is in terminal decline.  Having formed from $120 a barrel, to just 78.  And going down!

Engineering company is will produce the O and electricity needs.  But then sell the excess to the National Power grid.  And making a massive fortune!

Being carbon dioxide to drive of carbon cycle, and support biological life on earth.  The global photosynthesis on land and sea around the temperate earth, there is just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.

Higher numbers are just paid fiction on behalf of nuclear power.  Who ironically use a fossil fuel burn on limestone to freeze the cement.  For all their reinforced concrete.

Be there in two years of plant construction uranium nuclear power releases the carbon equivalent from running a conventional power plant for 25 years.  After 25 years the nuclear facility house to be demolished!  Or we get another Chernobyl all Fukushima.

After Chernobyl 1986 the required annual insurance for uranium nuclear power was set at an impossible 40 billion: nuclear power Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million - the insurance cover appropriate before Windscale 1978.

And now we're 3 mile island in Washington, the most serious nuclear accident before Chernobyl in the Ukraine.  We drip rays so quiet insurance cover to 40 billion.  There is no insurance available above one billion!

All 200 surviving uranium nuclear plant so around the world running with criminally insufficient insurance cover.  After Fukushima that insurance cover was rays to are totally impossible 100 billion.

Nuclear power Carries the same insufficient 50 million, and bribed the national nuclear regulators to look the other way!  Though most serious and biggest corporate crime in recorded history.

But no company is can make natural gas!  Their first through a multi layer honeycomb face centre cubic metal catlayst, the fuel oil drips out, carbon 12 being diesel fuel while.  Carbon 16 been petroleum fuel oil.

So the likes a seamen's can produce a carbon negative fuel to drive the world.  Fuel are just been a convenient way to package of nuclear fusion.  Totally non nuclear!

The carbon dioxide steam at a local plant growth, no possibility of it accumulating in the air.  So there was never any chance of global warming and climate change being anything other than nuclear public relations fiction.

Designed to terrify the stupid, 


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