Home Power that pays

Sheffield in Yorkshire UK

For their notes here go to the Dr. Z, he gave me his uncle's idea 2000.  Is a non core theme of her three science professors are published the work on cold fusion at Columbia University.

In July and November 1989, Nature published papers critical of cold fusion

Science academics were horrified!  As it totally contradicted the phantom science of man made global warming popularised by nuclear fusion, after the so the fatal Chernobyl incident in the Ukraine.

The cold fusion work is interesting, as the documents the turbulent interaction of water molecules producing helium and free radical oxygen gases, plus massive carbon zero heat.

They wish to use platinum, as a face centred cubic metal structure hydrogen catalyst.  Massively expensive!

In the 1980s I was working within Inco.  Who were doing metal forgings with titanium and then nickle metals.  I was doing a master's degree in to engineering and metallurgy.

There was not until my PH D work with Dr Z with, that I re-engaged to nuclear fusion.  The best way to do nuclear fusion on earth, is to copy nature!  Constantly around the world there are heavy rain or snow storms, to what the late Professor Bernard Argent termed molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

So a heavy rain or snow storms do nuclear fusion on earth, down to -50° C over the north pole.  In the winter there is no photosynthesis on land and C around the polar ice.

Carbon dioxide levels double to four parts per million, twice the two PPM we have in the afternoon air around the temperate earth.  99.9998% of the daily carbon dioxide, is freed out by animals as they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+(n+r)O₂+TU+rO₂→(mCO₂-E)+r(He+rO₃+E²+X-ray) TU here= the turbulence of food digestion.  Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ are the 10th plant biomass.  Com and with the oxygen gas excreted by plants on land and C doing photosynthesis.

Cafe and the future ost our carbon dioxide level in the afternoon air there are just two parts per million.  Remember half the levels of the carbon dioxide in the polar winter air.  Down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice cap.

Firm is do their own power outage of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Sucking in carbon dioxide, to the biochemical process of what we erroneously term photosynthesis.

3 mCO₂+L+(n+r)H₂O+chlorophyll+TU→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So the turbulence in the plant photo blast during the day, does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Building the plant carbohydrates and excreting the oxygen, and also have evolved to metabolise!  And do 2.

Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.  The now professor Z though obviously teach engineering students of our physical molecular nuclear fusion.

I was taught in the 1980s that the turbulent flow of steam or long steam pipes, for the little helium and oxygen gas.  Well cure for X rays and they've rating heat.  Physical molecular nuclear fusion!

4 H₂Os+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+X-ray as my high school chemistry teacher taught me 1980 oxygen free radicals will carry a positive charge, though really does not like it!

So here we have a engine in chemistry doing nuclear fusion on earth.  At 120° C eight atmospheres pressure.

But the most important form of physical molecular nuclear fusion, is that done by lightning strikes!  As heavy storms do nuclear fusion, a positive charge collects above the clouds layer.  And negative charge falls with electrons to the ground.

At 5000 volts 100 amps we get a lightening down strike, to discharge all that electrical potential.  Storms act as a natural carbon zero heat source.

But once we have the 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma set up, the plasma burns regular water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen positive ions.

5 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

The hydrogen ions I use to a proton bonded to one neutron.  The electrons are attracted to the positive proton, and formed a minute to form a neutron!

6 p⁺.n⁰+e⁻→n⁰ for first year undergraduate physics lecturer is around the world.  A non nuclear source of neutrons!  Which cannot penetrate a paperbag,

They bond with oxygen positive ions, to produce four hydrogen positive ions, and three negatively charged electrons.  A process that takes in energy.

But the hydrogen positive ions bonded two neutrons.  To form tritium!  Hydrogen three.

7 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→³H⁺→3(E²+L+X-ray) the nuclear fission of hydrogen is us the clean and safe most energetic Energy System in the universe.  My thanks to the physicists who published the work and sub atomic particles.

8 H₂O+P+PL→3(E²+L+X-ray) the most energetic non nuclear carbon zero Energy System in existence.  Go and constantly in radiant suns' coronas throughout space!

You would have expected my inbox to have filled up with emails from the climate change idiots.  Who are away it too busy spurning the nuclear research grants, to write scientific gibberish!  My e-mail is JonThm9@aol.com

So a plasma burns regular water into massive heat with light and lower power X rays.  Without any oxidation being involved!  We generate heat and light with no fossil fuel burn.

No telling biology is carbon cycle.  Extra carbon dioxide being converted into plant biomass within for free within 5 minutes around the temperate earth land and sea.

And remember constantly plants and animals are busy doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The most important and studied Energy System out there!

Professor Z though obviously be doing a fascinating lecture series of physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Which explains why working steam engine boiler and turbine hall, give out helium and free radical oxygen.  With the emission of X rays an even light flashes.

There being no chemical source of helium gas or X rays.  The industrial revolution was powerless as mankind he use the steam cycle - access the energy release of nuclear fusion.  Even before there was devised!

Green plants in light of busy doing as biological molecular nuclear fusion as you read this article!  Biology has never studied it!  As physics has the body time biology they are the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.

If we fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma be accessed physical molecular nuclear fusion.  The ready constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

A $12,000 steam turbine will generate a carbon zero half megawatts of mains electrical AC current.  Annual income or 45 million UK pounds.  What a payback!  15,000 UK pounds a month.  We can rent the turbine for just 125 UK pounds a month.

Then my eight month one!  And get as high ½ MW of AC current.  For free!  Without any fossil fuel burn, an absolute no nuclear processes involved!

Since Fukushima every uranium nuclear power plant in the world, has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion a year.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million, applicable before Windscale in the 1970s.

The ultimate carbon zero heat and Energy System!  That would make an excellent high school in every global newspaper or magazine.  Since my friend confirmed a steam plasma doing nuclear fusion 2018, globally newspapers have shown no interest in is carbon zero heat and Energy System.

And remember the 1900 is cell mankind adopt the expansive steam cycle has the ultimate Power System.  They were unwittingly doing nuclear fusion!

The can replace the need to run a fossil fuel driven by the system, by utilising one on my little steam plasmas.

1 MW of carbon zero heat going into ½ MW of carbon zero mains AC current.  The free, non nuclear, the fossil fuel burn free energy and electricity system.  What a lecture course at Sheffield University!

At little 30 cm steam plasma will produce 65 kW from a 1500 UK pound thermoelectric generator.  They of automatically produce mains synchronise phase and voltage AC current.

An annual income of 180,000 UK pounds!  Utilising a thermoelectic which can be hired for 125 UK pounds a month.  Generating a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds.

A totally carbon free Energy System!  Non nuclear, featuring no fossil fuel burn.  So no toppling biology;s life support carbon cycle.


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