carbon zero power pays big time

Carbon 0 pays 1.5 million

Around the world every 3 minutes heavy rain or snow showers, set up for a lightening strike!

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ TU= precipitation turbulence.  I told Dr Z this in 2000, but manmade global warming was the big cash cow or academia.  Thus has a world cooled from 1995, this metamorphose ice into manmade climate change from 2005: an eton years after the natural climate started cooling - down to predictable solar emission variations.

All the planets in inner solar system have been cooling.  Including mass there 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  In contrast the temperate earth has just 0.000 2% carbon dioxide in the air.

Extra carbon dioxide being metabolised into plant biomass within 5 minutes.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)

So photosynthesis takes in carbon dioxide greedily, following the carbon atom to water molecules.  A process so excrete oxygen gas!  At the same time ir does physical molecular nuclear fusion r(...).  Excreting helium or the meeting a faint blue light and X rays.

So we take in the 80nm infrared radiation from sunlight.  And emit a faint blue light and X rays.  Of which there is no chemical source!  We are doing nuclear fusion, from the hydrogen ions bound up in water molecules, unlocked by the turbulence of the precipitation.  This is really interesting science!

My American friend fired up the steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  And got her a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Carbon zero is that easy.

3 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²+X-ray E² = 1 MW our carbon zero heat from a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma.  We fire up the plasma using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.

Also established it will shine for so long!  Why we add just 0,000,000,000,000,000cc of regular water a year.  So we get a that lovely 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

We hire A half megawatts steam turbine for under 1300 UK pounds a month.  Annie pays us 15 thousand UK pounds - money from the National Power grid.  For ½ MW of carbon zero mains phase and voltage electricity.

Every year the national grid is in the UK will pay us 1.5 million UK pounds, for our lovely carbon zero electricity.  Which is really not hard to produce!  And we get a check for 1.5 million every year.

The carbon zero power for 150 houses.  And a house owner can set up the system in a garden shed.  Attic or cellar.  And for under 2000 UK pounds get a system which pays 15,000 UK pounds a year.

I was in a car drove past Rebecca long Bailey's office in salford today, and I would love to work with her Labou injuring contact to build nice little carbon zero Energy Systems.

And it was all science published in the 1980s!  Way he before man made global warming was thought up by nuclear power, in a desperate attempt to justify their existence.

They forgot to factor Ian the carbon emissions from nuclear power.  During construction of a uranium nuclear power plant, the instructors use a fossil fuel burn on limestone to make her cement.

So in the two years of constructing a nuclear power plant construction nuclear power releases the carbon equivalent from running a commercially sies commercial power station for 25 years.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter!

Burn our building a carbon zero power plant is so simple.  And yes fire engineering was covered on my degree in the 1980s.  So yes to the annual check for 1.5 million.  So Boselli for saving life on earth.

The green plants' greedily gobble down extra carbon dioxide, building plant carbohydrates within 5 minutes around the temperate earth during the day.  Carbon is so fixed!

So each homeowner can produce a carbon zero electricity for 150 houses.  Getting an annual check for 1.5 million.  Man made climate change meaningless nuclear verbage.

As since cretaceous the trace level of carbon dioxide left in the temperate air, has the strictly limited by natural photosynthesis.

Today above the arctic poles in winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Twice the temperate limit!  0.000,000,004.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures during the arctic winters when there is no sunlight.  So no photosynthesis!

Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Twice the temperate carbon dioxide limit!  Then spring comes and photosynthesis resumes.  Carbon dioxide falls to the temperate limit of just two PPM and the arctic C experience a barmy temperature, of are to 10° C in the summer.  In the warm periods!

Carbon is as a climate follower!  Rising in the cold.  So little ice age in Europe in the 18th century, so when it four PPM carbon dioxide in the European Air.  Average temperature -20° C we or snow covers the land and sea ice covers seas in the winter.

Which just goes to prove the academics will write a meal scientific rubbish, if you off all our enough money!  Educational integrity, not with a pressing crashed wrapped set of educational idiots.

Any academic who has ever written papers about manmade global warming or climate change, to bear in mind the temperate carbon dioxide limit is fixed by photosynthesis today are just two PPM.

And resigned in disgust!  For being the worst educational idiots in recorded history.  Writing paid coffee on behalf of nuclear power - the most toxic Energy System ever.

My friends 30cm steam plasma liberated a constant carbon 01 megawatt of heat.  The Energy System of choice in the 21st century!  Compare and contrast with nuclear power, that generates to them and 50 kW from a hyper toxic uranium nuclear fission roared.  Annual insurance for 100 MW power plant 100 billion.

They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million!  But really the most criminal and illegal Engineering System ever.  And such a huge carbon source!


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