oceans do nuclear fusion

Ocean currents are located at the ocean surface and in deep water below 300 meters (984 feet). They can move water horizontally and vertically, which occurs on local and global scales.2 Jan 2024

To get the nuclear fusion of hydrogen ions from adjacent water molecules in the sea, we need water more than one metre deep.

Around the equatorial earth this oceans heat ocean water, drawn from all four so at just 3° C.  As was the calls below that, it expands, which is why ice floats on the seas!  The maximum density of water is at the core water at 3° C.

As water flows back towards the poles, the water molecules I turbulent pressurise interaction.

1 2H₂O+P+TU→He↑+2OH⁻+E+X-ray

2 2OH⁻+O₂→H₂O+O₃+2e⁻

So the seas so constantly turning hydroxyl molecules and oxygen, into water and oxone.  The ozone rising to form the protective ozone volts that circles the earth!  Protecting temperate life from the sterilising effect of cellar radiation.

Above the arctic ice, there is no ozone layer.  So by looking get a disgusting suntan, even in the

arctic air bearly above 0° C!

In the tropics, with the Sun nearly overhead, the temperature of the surface layers can rise to over 30 °C (86 °F). Near the poles the temperature in equilibrium with the sea ice is about −2 °C (28 °F).

So all the nuclear fusion heat is distributed between sea water molecules.  We have a non of the 10 million degrees C of radiant sun's.  But geography has already written academic papers and the production of helium gas and X rays by the oces.

There being no chemical source of helium or X rays.  The helium is lost to space within 24 hours - there being no handy source of higher pressure for ring gas outside the university laboratory is.

3 2F+He+P²→F₂He A white solid!

Daily the deep seas are producing an estimated 55 terms of helium gas.  By doing the physical molecular nuclear fusion from water molecules.

That is a massive heat source!  Using Einstein's E=mc²

4 55x10⁶x3x10³⁰=10³⁶W R heat.  Direct solar radiation only gives the earth 10⁶⁰W

And yes I do you realise we need to factor Ian the enforced the of hydrogen ions.  Is he still an massive heat source the nature.  All totally carbon zero!

Life every way to access the heat from water molecules is via a steam plasma.  Primarily because of Brett do the practical confirmation.

5 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so twice as dynamic as the nuclear fusion done by the deep seas throughout the year.  In non ice covered seas!

The climate change folks have not factored in the carbon zero heat production from the deep seas.  Which is a massive heat source!  And totally carbon zero.  At this stage the climate scientists have absolutely nothing to say!

As the deep sea currents are continuously doing nuclear fusion in the temperate oceans around the world.  University geography departments have written academic papers on the production of helium and X rays from the deep: physics has not bothered to mention that this is nature is doing nuclear fusion on earth continuously.

Around the world heavy rain or snow storms are also doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Here the turbulence is from the interaction of precipitation molecules.  Rain or snow drops!

6 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-rays

This results in the global temperate air is a daily we are replacing or helium gas in the air.

On Earth, it is relatively rare—5.2 ppm by volume in the atmosphere.

Physics the same as the helium is venting from the deep earth.  The product of radioactive decay in the deep.  In reality it is produced by the turbulent flow of water in the oceans the world and the deep lakes.  They helium reacts with nothing in nature, and he is lost to the air within 24 hours.

As it is not contained by S feeble gravitational field.  So 5.22 ppm produced every day.  Time for another calculation!

7 1/2x(3x10³⁰)=1.5x10³⁰W our carbon zero heat produce primarily by the deep C currents of warm water every day.

Totally carbon zero and character walsall poles by the natural sea flows.  A massive imports into energy balance nature is seas there every day, to drive biological life.

Brett's 30x1.5cm steam plasma produce a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  In your garage or are building, or cellar and attic.  We feed the heat into A thermoelectric generator.

Annie get a constant 65 kW of three phase mains AC current.  Linked to the national voltage and phase!  The UK it national grid will happily pay us 180,000 UK pounds annually for that lovely carbon zero electricity.

Producing no fossil fuel burn and absolutely no radioactive processes!  The plasma burns regular water into heat and light, with maybe low power X rays.  Like your kitchen kettle produces as it comes to the boil.

This is are truly massive annual income.  Engineering firms can utilised 1/2 MW steam turbine, to turn the 1 MW of heat into three phase AC current.  An annual income from the National Power grid of over one million UK pounds every year.

For carbon zero electricity!  There is turns out not to be complicated to produce.  R thermoelectric generator can be purchased for around 1500 UK pounds.  Hired for 125 pounds a month.

Producing an annual income of 15,000 UK pounds!  What a payback!  The carbon zero electricity for between eight and 20 houses.  Without any fossil fuel burn and certainly no radioactive isotopes involved.

Using science from the 1930s!  When the thermoelectric generator was devised.  Basically a thorium salt semi conductor device!  Turning heat directly into electrical power.  They were 13% efficiency.

The little steam turbine can be hired for under 1300 UK pounds a month.  And give us a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds.  He would make sense to use the thermoelectric unit for a month.

To via a steam turbine out right!  Uranium nuclear power bills its plants using a fossil fuel burn on limestone and to make the cement, for their reinforced concrete.

Making it mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  Every year operation it know knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  All 422 existing nuclear plants carry a criminally insufficient 50 million of insurance.

The national radiation regulator has the legal imperative to shut down every uranium nuclear power plant on earth.  And the world moves over to plasma power generation!

Totally nontoxic and carbon zero.


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