Carbon zero pays
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The Devil does nuclear |
I have this idea practically confirmed 2020. And every climate scientists on earth has red my frequent papers on carbon zero, molecular nuclear fusion.
The easiest form is plasma molecular nuclear fusion. As Dr Z pointed out to me 2001, the turbulent flow and of high pressure water or steam already does our molecular nuclear fusion.
Heavy rain or snow storms give off X ray radiation and heat, as the two safe physical molecular nuclear fusion.
1 ⁱH₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray+L
So within the storm, some the precipitation water molecules or even snow particles, interact in such a way that the high June ions from adjacent water molecules undergo hydrogen nuclear fusion.
2 2ⁱH₂O+O₂+TU+P→He²⁺+2H₂O⁻s+E²,+Lf+X-ray so rain or snow storms produce steam! And university geography departments have written academic papers about the emission of X rays, light flashes, heat, steam and helium ions.
There is no chemical source of helium! We are doing nuclear fusion in the free air. Crucially utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive elements.
It goes off from regular light water! The turbulent interaction of water molecules and oppression must be over off 1 W. The strong atomic force which keeps hydrogen molecules from of using constantly!
Mind year nature is four of molecular nuclear fusion. Why waterfalls over one metre high.
3 ⁱH₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E₂+Lf+X-ray thus waterfalls over one metre high, converts very little of wages turning water as he hits the pool of water at the base, into helium and free radical oxygen ions.
We get the production of light flashes, X-rays. Most telling of all is her or production of helium!
There is five parts per million helium in the air, which is lost to space every 24 hours. Annie is totally beyond the levels freeze five radioactive decay in the earth's interior. Which should be parts per 1,000,000,000! Now the earth he is over four billion years old.
So the deep C water flows in the oceans, are also are doing our physical molecular nuclear fusion - using 3.
Even photosynthesis does biological molecular nuclear fusion. Utilising infrared light from solar radiation, to fix carbon dioxide and water molecules, into carbohydrates. Plant biomass!
4 mCO₂(n+r)H₂O+Lir+rO₂→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lb+X-ray)
Photosynthesis around the temperate land and sea, takes in infrared light, but then he emits a faint blue light and X rays. As he Prix uses massive heat, plus helium and ozone positive ions.
Oxygen you see carriers a 2 negative charge. But in extreme circumstances it can also carry a positive charge!
Within 5 minutes of being emitted, during the day he green plants' have converted the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life C̀₆(H₂O)₈.
And the carbohydrates can no conceivable effect on world climate! The carbon dioxide which cord is in the stratosphere, ejected there by explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistory.
Which has left a static 2.5 parts per million/m³ in the stratosphere since the Jurassic age. Man's carbon dioxide circles to the ecosphere, driving plant growth to produce carbohydrates.
As photosynthesis took hold in the cretaceous, carbon dioxide levels crashed from 10 parts per million, just one PPM. 90% of life on earth died! Their views mass extinction in history. Bigger than the death of the dinosaurs.
Animals increased in numbers - they had already evolved! To eat the plant biomass, and excrete the carbon dioxide needed to stimulate plant growth.
5 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+P+TU→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lry+X-ray) I seem to remember films of food digestion, from 36 years ago, showing them the pressurise turbulent flow and of fluid within the stomach, give off red yellow light.
Biologists have recorded the xray production of food digestion. The unfortunate physicists do not deem them cells to talk nuclear fusion to biology. Who ironically enough of the global experts on biological molecular nuclear fusion.
Name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent! Who did not realise quite still prevalent molecular nuclear fusion was throughout nature. Realy the lectures I should have received at university in the 1980s!
Nuclear fusion is just so inter quarrel to life on earth. And photosynthesis limits free carbon dioxide today are just two parts per million. It was four PPM in the Jurassic - as photosynthesis was less evolved.
There was 85% more biological life on earth in the Jurassic one periods, and four PPM carbon dioxide in the Jurassic Air. Sea levels were 60 metres lower!
During a three natural ice ages the men record teaches is there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air. As there were few green plants to eat the carbon dioxide! Clustering around the equator in medicine collider wide strip. Which is her or five furlong on!
There was 10% more oxygen in the air during the one periods. And twice the carbon dioxide compared to today. 103 ice ages lasted for 1000 years. The biggest glacier Asian a mineral record. We phosphorus dates the locks, which are I cured get 20,000 years, carbon dates only good for last 5000 years.
We can fix the date of rocks by assuming a constant deposition rate of rocks. Which obviously is not very exact, but will take us back 300 million years. Into the cretaceous!
Around the temperate earth today and photosynthesis on land and seas, them is free carbon dioxide to just two parts per million. The constant level for last 11.2 thousand years.
Man carriers additional carbon emissions represent only 0.0002% are the carbon dioxide this followed by animals. Lost in the environmental noise of measurement!
And photosynthesis proceeds every day and sell carbon dioxide four star Majik two PPM. We could utilise the photosynthesis in volcanic pools. Which are more efficient at dumping free radical oxygen.
Thus increasing global food yields, we have a little genetic modification. Which is probably two unpopular! Though it would help prevent droughts.
The simplest way he to produce fresh water around the equator, is not to use the energy expensive and dangerous reverse osmosis. High pressure filtration or sore water!
Instead we use a little steam plasma to generate free electricity. A 30x1.5 steam plasma does massively exothermic physical molecular nuclear fusion.
6 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) my friend on benefits in the U.S., Utilised the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light to fire up a steam plasma. Which self sustains utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water to freeze 1 MW of carbon zero heat for a year.
A $12,000 steam turbine will generate an monthly income from the national grid of 15,000 UK pounds a month. 1.5 million a year! Carbon zero power that pays a fortune.
Just 1 W are the 500 kW are generating electricity, will suck up seawater by one metre, analyst at boils! And he is 1000 times easier to pump. So transport the water ensure. And irrigate the deserts!
We plant seedlings and grass seed in soil maps, and tonnes form the arid deserts into lash green areas. That suck in all that lovely carbon dioxide! And gives Saudi Arabia a vibrant farming industry.
And the farm plants and animals: the animals breathe in the oxygen excreted by plants, eating plant biomass their own breathe out carbon dioxide, needed to stimulate future plant growth.
Helping to feed the growing world population. And we ceased burning fossil fuels. Which incredibly enough fire up A steam plasma!
7 CH₄+3O₂+flane→(CO₂+(3-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray)
Which is why a flame of gas or oil, produces helium and free radical oxygen, light heat and even X rays. Actually oxidising the carbon atom takes in heat! And is linked to the production of steam. Where the heat is provided by nuclear fusion! Oxidising the carbon takes in energy.
A flame of gas or oil only releases 45 kW/m of burner. Our 30x1.5cm steam plasma releases a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. So a better Energy System! The fans love the carbon dioxide generation from burning fossil fuels.
A steam plasma releases free radical oxygen and helium ions. They helium being lost to space within 24 hours - reacting with nothing. No possible climatic effect!
As the main source of physical molecular nuclear fusion, is from the deep C currents. Which Prix uses 10 tonnes of helium ions a day.
8 H₂O+O₂+P+TU→He+O₃+E²+X-ray
Hence the production of helium from the deep seas! I wishes no chemical source. The deep seas are doing our physical molecular nuclear fusion. If I can't drove all these engines using steam plasmas, he was struggle to produce more than 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of inert helium gas a year.
Lost to space within 24 hours! Having reacted with nothing. So water is the first 80 substances. We burn it in a plasma, just massive heat with light and lower power X rays.
No oxygen required for the planning process! And deftly no carbon dioxide generation. So totally carbon zero energy future years with us. And the climate change seudo siencetists will work such nuclear funded idiots!
Building A uranium for nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone to free use all their cement - calcium hydrate. Releasing the two years of plant construction the equivalent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power station for 25 years.
And after 25 years we must demolish the nuclear facility, or we get another Fukushima! Which Wil cause 20 million air early deaths across Asia. And so the Japanese nuclear plant exploded 2010.
The total legal fine is 2000 trillion! Our planet only worth 138 trillion. That is the inevitable consequences, are trying to do hyper toxic uranium nuclear fusion.
Burn water! Carbon zero and totally safe! And 80 times as energetic as uranium nuclear power. Which requires annual insurance for each uranium nuclear power plant, of at least 100 trillion.
As outlined above they really need 2000 trillion. All 200 uranium nuclear plant's run by EDF in France.
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