Carbon rises in the cold
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2x the temporate CO2 |
Every day around the temperate earth, plus metabolise that night's carbon dioxide! 99.9998% of which is freed out by animals. Man's carbon emissions are lost in the environmental noise of measurement!
Plant's utilises carbon dioxide to do nuclear fusion. That's right nature does nuclear fusion on earth. The carbon negative Energy System. We erroneously term photosynthesis.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So plants gobbling up all the carbon dioxide the can get, down to the present level of just two parts per million.
In the Jurassic plants and photosynthesis was less evolved, and that level was four PPM. And the Jurassic there was a basically warm period of prehistory! Cause five predictable solar emission variations.
The Jurassic age had had three natural ice ages. One lasting 1000 years. The long this glaciation in the mineral record. But the climate santis will idea there must be stomach science!
So that is spurious today. Plants used infrared light and the biological catalysts are chlorophyll, to link carbon dioxide and water together into the carbohydrates of plant biomass, chemical formula Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ. Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.
Who was that is what we are talking about! Fusing two hydrogen ions, so or one helium ions. Which is why we get the emission of helium and X rays. Flus the emission of a faint blue light. There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays and helium.
So biology has written academic papers about the emission of helium and X ray radiation from growing green plants. Which physics has fastidiously failed to read!
Working on its fusion Tauruses. Which air filter to do exothermic nuclear fusion ever, the green grass on your lawn is a faint blue light, produces helium and X rays.
And crucially sucks in all that lovely carbon dioxide! To form plant biomass. Excreting the surplus oxygen.
During the cretaceous carbon dioxide levels crashed from 10 parts per million around the temperate earth, to just one PPM. And 90% of life on earth died. A bigger mass extinction and the death of the dinosaurs.
Animals multiplied to eat plant biomass, and confined it with the oxygen gas excreted by plants. Animal cell mitochondria. Again biology he will understand the science! Physics will not.
2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pÒ₂+mitochondria→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray
Has thus taking carbon dioxide and water, and produce the carbohydrates of life. Or the same time doing biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(...)
Animals eat plant biomass, and do the slow matter burn of carbohydrates and oxygen in the cell mitochondria. Breathing out carbon dioxide - the gas to stimulate plant growth! And the same time also doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
So the carbon dioxide circulates around life! The limit to life on earth is he are available carbon dioxide. Plants tie up carbon dioxide has carbohydrates.
Animal hearts also do molecular nuclear fusion, with every heartbeat! You can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter.
3 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
Which is why animals breathe out helium and methane gases. Though the helium is produced by doing the nuclear fusion of two hydrogen ions from adjacent water molecules.
dP/dT is the mathematician medication for the pressure waves caused by a beating animal heart. So you are a nuclear organism! As I mentioned you can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter.
Go for a walk in the field for green crops during the daylight, and you can measure the X ray emission. Though the helium production is a very very! So all life on earth does nuclear fusion on earth.
Plus utilising infrared light from solar radiation. And I also employing the turbulence from the heartbeat,
We paying physics massive money not to exothermic nuclear fusion. Yet the every Peter hearts the santis are doing exothermic nuclear fusion. As biology would explain to them!
Which explains emission of X ray radiation and from living organisms. Which biology has noted, by physics never explained!
So during the daylight across the temperate earth and land plants' gobble up the carbon dioxide down to just two parts per million. During the day he can only utilises the carbon dioxide excreted by animals, as they eat plant biomass! All other heart beats.
An all star or is cure for burst of radiation, as a stomachs digest the meal - and he loads of biological molecular nuclear fusion. Here we have the turbulence of digestion!
3 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+TU+P→mCO₂+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) so the stomach get a energy by oxidising some of the carbohydrates. Your cell mitochondria oxidise the rest!
Which makes biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth. Physics has a ring fenced nuclear fusion, as its area! But he does not understand biology all the carbon cycle.
The most important factor of which use that global carbon dioxide in the daytime is some earth to just two PPM by plants doing photosynthesis, utilising infrared light, and emitting a faint blue light and X rays along with freezing helium gas. Very very interesting!
Throughout the natural world the turbulent flow of water molecules, does nuclear fusion! Which is why waterfalls give out X rays, and free suppose the and and helium gases.
4 (1+r)H₂O+P+TU+rO₂→(H₂O+E)+r(He+O₃+E+Lf+X-ray) which explains why waterfalls over one metre high he give out light flashes and X rays. And of course freeze or helium and ozone gases.
There being no chemical source of helium or in nature. This science is with a Geiger counter-based the waterfall, can measure the emission of X rays as the water falls into north wall of water.
Gas something equipment will show the presence of tiny volume is of helium, and the nurses can detect the enzyme today.
Nature is four of nuclear fusion on earth! The lending a steam energy seas does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
5 H₂Os+tH₂Ol+O₂+P+TU→He+O₃+X-ray+(tH₂O+E²)
So we heat up of four water five very very little! And was again we get the emission of X ray radiation. And geography is familiar with emission of heat! So get loads are steam bubbles ascending!
For our very little the geothermal steam. And the most interesting form of physical molecular nuclear fusion, is a heavy rain or snow storm which again gives off X rays radiation, light flashes and heat.
6 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray
The positive atomic nuclei carry a positive charge to above the clouds layer. The electrons carry the negative charge to the ground. Where we have a potential difference of 5000 volts, a 1.5x2cm partial steam plasma links up the charge arrears.
The lightening down strike discharges that electrical potential. Every 3 minutes somewhere around the earth!
But once we have the steam plasma set up, it does physical molecular nuclear fusion the time.
7 H₂O+EF+P+L+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L²+X-ray
Cure of he has noted that every lightening strike that makes five tonnes of helium, ions. A quick relativistic conversion teaches is that every lightening strike releases 2.5x10³⁰W of carbon zero heat.
The plasma burns the water molecules into energy light and X rays. We get light and X ray emission been no combustion! We are familiar with firms failing to oxygen reactions, but here the plasma burn it produces oxygen.
My friend had fired up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light starter, to fire up a plasma. Which then self sustains!
Burning water molecules into helium and oxygen ions. We of light heat and X rays! But asked me simplest way to turn all our carbon zero heat into electrical power.
The idea was developed in the 1930s. We pass the heat across a thermoelectric generator. Basically a thorium salt. Which has a 13% efficiency and turning heat directly into electrical power.
So up a 1500 UK pound semi conductor device will produce 6 to 5 kW of AC 3 phase electrical current. An annual income of 15,000 UK pounds! We can rent a suitable device purchased over 125 UK pounds for the first month.
Then by a to her right! Or we could invest 12,000 UK pounds there half megawatts steam turbine. Which has a 50% efficiency! Annual income of 15,000 UK pounds.
For that lovely three phase AC electrical current. Really not a hard problem! Totally carbon zero electrical power. Utilising that 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
Totally within the remit of a serious garage scientist, or light engineering workshop. The engineers can then generate all their own electrical power, and a 480 kW of electrical power to sell to the national grid. Gave me an annual payout of 1.3 million UK pounds.
What ever else it it does not really matter! The aftermath they build another eight plasma driven steam turbines. I am I getting an income of over 10,000,000 UK pounds every year.
And pretty soon are generating the 44 GW of electrical power the UK and requires. Without any fossil fuel burn, and absolutely no radioactive materials required all produced.
From a tiny volume of regular water a year. A 1,000,000th of a CC of regular water every year. Without any fossil fuel burn! Uranium nuclear power requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion a year for every 100 MW nuclear power plant.
That insurance is not available in the world! All existing 422 uranium nuclear power plants running criminally under insured and hyper toxic.
Plasma power produces no radioactive waste! It goes off from regular light water. So is basically free and nontoxic! Surely the most important idea ever devised by the half life Sheffield University, who were embarrassed that nuclear fusion was that easy!
Though I had a in 20 years of work on nuclear fusion since Sheffield.
Every arctic winter photosynthesis on land and sea shuts down. So carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM. Just as we experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.
Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. For last 11.2 thousand years the temperate carbon dioxide has been fixed at just our 2 PPM. Except in ice ages!
When rose to four PPM. Just like every year above the arctic ice. Carbon dioxide so very obviously not a warming gas.
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