Nuclear massive uninsured carbon source

They use a fossil fuel burn on limestone, and drive of carbon dioxide.  Using a fossil fuel flame!

1 CaCO₃+E→CaO+CO₂ CaO being the cement, there require for their reinforced concrete.  The may have to use the power plant construction, uranium nuclear power release a carbon equivalent from operating the same size up a commercially fired power plant, for a 25 years!

Every year of operation since Fukushima in 2010, all existing 422 nuclear plants around the world needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million - a valid insurance before Windscale!  Which was on 10 October 1957.

The required insurance rose to 40 billion after Chernobyl in 1986.  There being no source of insurance cover above one billion and, every nuclear power plant ever since hasbeen running criminally under insured.

Nuclear power plant money into education ever scenes to drive via future and in 1986 they contacted the summer's fiction of man made global warming.  Proposing that the increased level of carbon dioxide in the air...  Totally impossible!

For the last 11,200 years, modern photosynthesis has left just a static two parts per million and carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  A static trace gas affects nothing.

Who ever the construction of a nuclear power plant such a massive carbon source!  So very not carbon zero.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

Then 1995, exactly on the natural climate cycle all the planets in inner solar system static cooling.  Tracking and the a predictable solar emission cycles.

That global carbon dioxide still capped at just two PPM around the temperate earth.  Over the arctic ice In winter we have four PPM carbon dioxide: for times the afternoon utemperate limit.

In the arctic winter we have a Jurassic four parts per 1,000,000 carbon dioxide in the air.  -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

The mineral records tells us the Jurassic at four PPM carbon dioxide in the warm air.  Term percent more oxygen in the air and 85% more active biological life.

The Jurassic and three natural ice ages.  One lasting 1000 years, with eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Four times the carbon dioxide, in an ice age!

In time to experience the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  The men record tells us that in the little ice age of the 18th century across Europe, the air four PPM carbon dioxide, average air temperature -20° C.

Four years ago and academic HIV carbon dioxide was a warming gas.  The at the record is our own little time machine into the past and carbon dioxide increases in the cold!  By turning out at the minimum level for photosynthesis, in the warm periods.

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Where the interaction of rain or snow molecules the water does molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

It is really that easy to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Dribble water down a 1 metre cylinder, and week in use a Geiger counter to measure the nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray+E253

Totally within the RE minute of every high school physics department in the world!  Who have the required Geiger counter.

I black-friends plasma confirmation.  As he sent me the details!  Though he did not tell me the temperatures.  Which I have saved around the range of 800-2000° C.

And we get a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  A 15x1.5cm thermoelectic generator gives us a more manageable 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  The generator will turn into 65 kW of three phase mains linked AC current.  Though they use of high voltage and phase!

The national grid will happily send us an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds every year.  Supposedly for saving life on earth!  The area ice plans take Ian extra carbon dioxide within 5 minutes, to V is the carbohydrates of plant biomass.  Sucking the carbon dioxide air out of the air.

Use a carbon zero electricity for between 20 and eight houses.  Eight houses on Christmas day!  Truly an massive income from of carbon zero power.

Uranium nuclear our spitting out 'carbon zero cost too much money!'.  No.  Carbon zero power gives us a millionaire's income, from two little regular water ever to measure!  10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water a year.

They are every uranium nuclear power plant on earth is face Wuhan to purchase insurance way beyond that available!  There is no commercial insurance above one billion.

Without adequate insurance the national radiated regulators around the world must oppose immediate stop orders on every nuclear power plant in existence.  There is no legal argument!

It is a precondition of the operating consent: there was carrying the required insurance cover.  And are not allowed to carry the insurance in house.  As one of Fukushima and all insurance would be invalid!


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