Light engineers fix climate change

When we burn or oil or gas you are actually doing what professor Argent named molecular nuclear fusion: turning hydrogen ions into massive carbon zero heat.

1 CH₄+P+flame+3O₂→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

A frighteningly small volume of the high June ions end up as helium and massive 

heat.  Plus light and X rays.  Of which there is no chemical source!

Which is why an oil or gas flame requires for the fuel air mixture to be pressurised, Allen gives out and light and X rays.  As we are doing nuclear fusion.

The carbon dioxide goes off to see my local plant growth, being convert into carbohydrates of life within 5 minutes on land or sea, around the temperate earth.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+rO₂+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O+mO₂-E)+r(He+O₃↑+E²+Lb+X-eay)

The cure wander through a field of growing green crops in light, and measure the xray production with a regular Geiger counter.  Arise detecting the faint blue light emitted by growing plants.

So ca

pping carbon dioxide in the afternoon air to just two parts per million.  It's static level for last 11.2 thousand years.  Harmony is having evolved much more recently.

Mankind's industrial revolution has not increased the two PPM carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.  This has led to a massive increase in biological life!  In the 18th century the was far fewer plants, particularly in the snow covered European fields.  There are massive famines.

Above the arctic ice In winter, snow covers the land, and sea ice covers the seas.  There is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air - twice the temperate limit.  And the coldest natural temperatures on earth, down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

The ice is a real growth problem!  But we can erect a grid of steam plasma is tonnes light and heat to what he or the dark winter months,

3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so a constant 1 MW of heat from our 30x1.5cm steam plasma cylinder, below little aluminium flotation balloons.  3m above the ground!

So I grid are steam plasma is can provide free 'sunlight' 24/7, 365 days a year.  Making the north pole more productive than Texas!  We start up the steam plasma is using it to alter the electricity for a fluorescent light starter.

The plasma are will then self sustain!  Burning two little water ever to measure, into a constant 1 MW of heat and light.  Banner saying the cold dark arctic months!  Establishing agriculture above the arctic circle, all day, every day the year.

And the course of plant growth will suck Ian all that lovely four PPM carbon dioxide.  As the plant's do 2 - three photosynthesis all year around.  Generating such a farming income!

Can make they can illuminate the air above the arctic circle, which are now the light and warmth all year around.  They can do the same their own public areas in Manchester, totally transforming life in the north of England.

Farmers in lancashire, Yorkshire or Scotland, gamma established all year around to 4 hours a day agriculture.  Making an absolute fortune!

The steam plasma is running basically for free for ever!  With no need to top up the water level.  Though I might include a little 5 cc spring loaded water reservoir, to top up the plasma using a hypodermic into the plasma.

All other times sucking the lovely carbon dioxide from the air!  Free carbon dioxide is actually globally invented amount.  Burning the fossil fuels increases active biological life on earth.

And the climate is made in the stratosphere, according to 28 year periods or cellar emission warming and cooling.  So all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling since 1995.

Included Mars with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  Average Martian Air temperature -112° C.  Carbon dioxide obviously not a warming gas!  That was nuclear funded science fiction for the stupid to believe.

So now we are sucking in the arctic carbon dioxide, and transforming its into plant biomass!  We need a source of free fresh water - as the arctic so very arid.

We utilises a little steam plasma, to freeze a 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  A little steam turbine will convert into ½ MW of mains AC current.  The national grid automatically changes between the three phase electricity AC waveforms.

He is certain a mine you to amount to this free power, to suck up seawater by one metre.  At which stage it boils!  And for being that water vapour high within geordie greenhouses.

To whet our growing plants!  Illuminated by the steam plasma cylinders.  We could make burn off for such a fertile area!  Tonnes my life on earth.  Helping feed the growing earth human population.

And the greatest shortage into the future, will be available carbon dioxide!  Get those fossil fuels burnt!  Increase life on earth.

So light engineers can fire up R30 CM steam plasma, and free use a constant 1 MW of heat.  Fed into a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator, we get at three phase AC current.

Basically free electricity!  Every house earner for GMC generating 65 kW of electrical power.  This in 19 easier Dr. Leading by one in eight houses.  For the world to clear carbon zero.

We are free electricity!  The light engineers produce a little steam plasma power units.  Costing under 800 UK pounds to produce, market by 80,000 UK pounds.

Generating an annual mother income from the national grid of 15,000 UK pounds.  Though obviously as people start generating surplus plasma power, the electricity prices will crash!

Nuclear power ceases to make economic sense as audits below $100 a barrel.  Even with massive price support, the our price is below $83.00 a barrel.  Our plasma power plant base of he produces near unlimited, carbon zero, non nuclear power.

That pays 180,000 UK pounds every year!  The check arriving from the national grid.  Thuse getting a millionaire's income from carbon zero power.

Produced by the plasma burning regular water into near unlimited free electricity.


The quantity of oil being shipped around the planet, has fallen off a cliff!  Opec is going frantic.  It is
desperately testing production!  And the world is moving to was carbon zero, non nuclear plasma power!

Or oil and gas the killing irrelevant!  And a plasma use non nuclear, carbon zero.  Free E unlimited electricity and heat!


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