carbon so static

For the last 11.2 thousand years there has been just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  Mankind's burning of fossil fuels, has it increased active plant, and so animal life on earth.  Not having any climatic effect!

Our weather is made in the stratosphere, where there is just 2.5 PPM/m³ carbon dioxide in the stratospheric air.  Where our climate is made!  Ejected there by explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistory.

Even a flying jets in the Jetstream, ejects carbon dioxide from the engine.  Which then calls and sinks back into the low earth's atmosphere.  Carbon dioxide being a heavy gas!

As I was reminded by a motors Professor Bernard Argent 2005, plant's eat carbon dioxide!  It drives the carbon cycle, the basic life support system on earth.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

A criminally this means photosynthesis is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion: when in this case chlorophyll and turbulence in the plant photo blast, turns regular water into a miniscule trace of helium and oxygen gas, with massive heat and even X rays.

So you can use a Geiger counter on your grass lawn during the day, and measure the X rays as the grass is busy doing nuclear fusion - getting the energy for biological life.  Using so the radiation to initialise nuclear fusion on earth.  This is interesting new science!  So not studdied, as far as santis are too distracted by the research money from nuclear power to fund spurious papers into carbon dioxide and the weather.

There is a static two PPM around the temperate earth, which is where man's machines reside!  Burning the fossil fuels return or cellar or cannot carbon to active biological life within 5 minutes over the land and seas.

Funky and animals take Ian the oxygen gas excreted by plants, and combine it with the carbohydrates.  Again doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  This time the animal half of the carbon cycle - taught a high school pupils.  Who are informed that mankind can not affect the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air.

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂+TU→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

Our understanding of starch degradation by filamentous fungi mainly comes from work in Aspergillus spp. (reviewed in [1]), which are industrially important producers of starch-degrading enzymes. Three types of enzymes, α-amylases, glucoamylases, and α-glucosidases, hydrolyze starch synergistically to produce glucose.3 May 2017

Fund the use of biological catalysts in place of the turbulence, created as a fluid passes slowly and heavily through the intestines of animals.

All the students are studying the passage of hydrogen and the pressure along a fusion torous are very frustrated by the lower levels of nuclear fusion we produce.

Far from hopeless!  The first of all we use Nickle plate inside the magnetic ions.  At regular intervals in a little air are four structure, to cause the circulating hydrogen gas to rise and flow in a turbulent fashion.

The nickle increases the amount of nuclear fusion we are doing our factor of two.  And the turbulence we introduce made triple the nuclear fusion eight after that!

So we are doing six times the amount of nuclear fusion.

3 (Ni)+H₂+P+TU→He+R²+L+X-ray

All the universities have a fusion torous for the 1950s.  Waiting for the big scientific insight that will suddenly make the fusion torous financially attractive!  Here the face centre cubic metal, served as nickle doubles the nuclear fusion rate.

The introduction of flow baffles to cause an increase in fluid turbulence is important.  Annie is are simple to implement them replacing the static torous with a tight helix.

But I got interested in the geographic department papers on lightening producing helium gas and X rays.  As a turbulent interaction of the rain or snow precipitation, did physical molecular nuclear fusion.

4 H₂O+T+→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

So a heavy rain or snow storms in its X rays, as they produce helium gas.  The positive charge rises to above the clouds layer, the negative charge with the electrons fall to the ground.  Heavy rain or snow storms are a massive natural battery.

My American friend got so interested, he fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  And got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

I have passed this idea to the conservatives, they have are and the liberals.  And physically concerned that the liberal party has not raise this issue in parliamentary energy equation times.

My local labour MP Rebecca long Bailey, says she's interested in carbon zero staff: it is transferred she's interested in carbon taxes, apparently not so bothered about giving the world carbon zero heat.

No company is can sell eyes the 30cm steam plasma to use to 80 cm steam plasmas.  Two together produce to megawatts of carbon zero heat.  Fed into a commercially sourced 1 MW steam turbine, we get out 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  The single steam plasma two will run 1/2 MW system, producing an annual payment from the national grid of over 1.2 million a year.

For all our excess carbon zero heat.  So to turbine will cost 12,000 UK pounds.  30 cash to companies.  Who then get free unlimited electrical power for ever.  They probably only want 20 MW our standby power.  Was the profit of 1.2 million, what ever else it it does not really matter.

The home user can hire a 65 kilowatts thermoelectric generator for 125 UK pounds a month.  And the national grid will start same year as cheques for 15,000 UK pounds a month.


DC 24V 48V 60V 72V Range Extender Generator Gasoline 1kw 2kw 3kw 4kw 5kw 8kw 10kw 16kw 20kw Electric Vehicle Battery Char

So obviously we invest the money in 1/2 MW power plant, and a 30 cm steam plasma cylinder.  Just running the thermoelectic generator will announce an annual payment of 180,000 UK pounds every year.  Which is a millionaire's income!

I have coffee at my work to cancer Alex Warren, the liver or cancer for salford quays.  Who has fallen amazingly quiet!  Though he will be our to apply he and engineering contacts that understands my basic first year engineering and a graduate science.

So get at 180,000 by the plasma burning two little water ever to measure in 1000 years, orld enter that E=mc² - matter is selected dense form of energy.  The plasma and wraps the cause of electro magnetic radiation, to give us knew him and at power levels!

With no fossil fuel burn involved.  So we get off no carbon dioxide!  To stimulate plant growth around the temperate world, and we just get her out clean three phase mains AC current: the generator is sold with the necessary electronics, to turn the DC current into three phase AC.

The very convenient for Neil was free power transmission!  So the house owners to adopt the plasma power plant, in the garden shed or cellar/attic, guess that lovely encountered a of 180,000 UK pounds.  And that warm glow, are saving life on earth from the summer's fiction rubbish popularised by the paid phones to nuclear power.

Credit where credit is due!  Building a uranium nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to produce all our carbon dioxide.  My orld arts teacher told me that exposed concrete from the 1800s, give off a source setting concrete in the 20yh century!

As the concrete could from the drawing carbon dioxide and set fully.  It urgency and tried calcium hydrate previously.  Not set concrete!

So we get a that lovely 65 kW of it free AC electricity.  He costing under 500 pounds to build the plant.  And generating an annual income every month of 15,000.  For ER three phase AC current.  Totally carbon zero.

Uranium nuclear he is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions!  A plasma power plant is free carbon zero heat and electricity.  Using 1930s science! 


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