Double farm yields
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plants eat CO2 |
This uses my practically confirmed an idea of a steam plasma cylinder, acting as a little unpowered natural suns. When we reduce the pressure on the plasma, the plasma stops shining!
So we turn off the art of acial sun during daylight hours. During the day and we drive a little thermoelectric generator, which drives up a battery, giving us access to free electricity all day.
At night we increase the pressure on the plasma and use high voltage electronics to fire up the plasma. All the thermoelectric cylinders share the same high voltage unit, switch to victory in the plasma cylinders.
1 H₂O+P+de/dT→2(E²+L+X-ray) the plasma will convert10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water into a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat light, with decidedly low power X rays! Just like natural sunlight!
In the winter when the sun has gone down, we fire up the grid are steam plasmas. It looks like one 30x1.5cm steam plasma in an eight metre grid, it meters above the ground.
Linked by electric wires, to nurses share the high voltage starter electronics.
Through water in the north of England today are the dark arid winter months, suddenly we fire up our own little suns. So producing 24 hour daylight. We may even fire up the plasma is during the winter night, to go and give us 24 hour light.
So the plant's continued to grow off all night and day all year around. We are going to more than double plant yields! Which will increase farm incomes by a factor of three.
The plant's eating all that carbon dioxide, does the present limit of just two parts per million. In the Jurassic there was four PPM. Was 85% more life on earth, and sea levels were 60 metres lower in the one periods.
There were three natural ice ages. Including 1000 year ice age - the long list glaciation in history. With eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air, as photosynthesis on the snow covered land and the ice covered seas shut down.
So four times today is present temperate carbon limit of just two parts per million, and the longest ice age are on mineral records. All those plants eat carbon dioxide. And converted into the carbohydrates of life.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ are the carbohydrates of plant biomass. There formation actually takes in energy, analysts excretion of oxygen gas. And is facilitated by infrared light and chlorophyll.
The plant photoblast does biological molecular nuclear fusion. The photoblast releases helium plus free radical oxygen, massive energy and faint blue light and even X rays.
Biology other is the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth. Physics should talk to them! As even growing grass already does nuclear fusion.
The X rays enrich the carbon isotope of the carbohydrate. And use carbon 14 dating to give us the carbon date. If we have a source of flying high pressure water at close proximity, nature already does physical molecular nuclear fusion. And there X rays skew the carbon date.
As do peatbogs. Where the deep biological organisms already do biological molecular nuclear fusion. Using fluid turbulence in place of infrared light in 1.
So nature is four of nuclear fusion on earth! And geography has again written papers on the natural emission of X rays. The physics do not talk to geography! He can already described to them how waterfalls do nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+TU+P→He+O+E²+L+X-rays waterfalls over one metre high have sufficient turbulence to convert a miniscule volume of regular water, into a helium and oxygen gas, with heat light flashes and even X rays! Again and geography has already written tests academic papers on nuclear fusion. Which physics has not bothered to read.
Of particular interest is emission of X rays from heavy rain or snow storms. Again we are doing 1, where turbulence replacing infrared light. And all instances we get light flashes, from the nuclear fusion going on throughout nature.
He every rain or snow storms give out X rays and heat! Amazing have converts regular water into helium and oxygen gases. Where the free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules in the air to form ozone.
3 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lf+X-ray
And BS oxygen will carry a positive charge! Though as my high school chemistry teacher at Bolton school noted 1980, it may he does not like it! The positive charge collects above the clouds layer. Which acts as a massive natural Laden charge collector.
The negative charge falls to ground with the electrons. So rain or snow storms act as a massive natural battery. At 5000 volts 100 amps a partial steam plasma links up the charge arrears. To discharge all that electrical potential.
We a fire up our natural steam plasma. Which no does molecular nuclear fusion, within the steam plasma is years the lightening bolt. Hear my American friend fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.
And got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Linked to a blinding white light and even lower power X rays.
4 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) A non nuclear heat source. That is twice as energetic as our molecular nuclear fusion. Utilising a free using no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes.
I had calculated that a steam plasma 1m x 1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres pressure, would release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat. Will stick with the practically confirmed 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
Hear my American friend had acemi had to turn their heat into electricity. A company will already have a 20 kilowatts steam plasma. Which was the only require A tiny steam plasma.
A half megawatts steam plasma would runoff A30 CM steam plasma. Generating an annual income from the national grid of 1.5 millionUK pounds a year.
For the home user we hire a 65 kilowatts thermoelectric generator. Though shall turn our 15 CM steam plasma into a constant ½ MW of heat. Converted into a constant 65 kW of mains linked voltage and phase AC current.
An annual payment from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds every year. Why any way he would bother working I really do not understand. Made for pleasure, or social interaction and feeling of self worth. Masdells hierarchy of self actualization.
In the north of England we erect power grid of steam plasmas. Where farmers have all the technical skills required to produce our grid of steam plasma is suspended above a field.
Turning on a night or during the winter, we get 24 hour agriculture all year around. Tripling farm incomes! Facilitating the plant's eating carbon dioxide.
And remember carbon dioxide doubles every year above the arctic ice cap. As photosynthesis shuts down! And we experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. A barmy -50° C above the north pole.
So now we warm and light the fuels in winter. We have no snow! It melts on its descent to the ground, to fall as rain. So ithout the natural carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just two PPM.
Physics will still be obsessing about carbon dioxide! Biology could explain the carbon cycle and plant growth to them. Plants eat carbon dioxide down to present limit of just two PPM.
The static trace or more carbon dioxide in the temperate earth for the last 11.2 thousand years. Man's burning of the fossil fuels has facilitated plants to convert the carbon dioxide back into active plant biomass.
In the Jurassic there was 85% more natural life on earth! Though very little fossil fuels. The big drop in carbon dioxide in the temperate air, was accompanied by the evolution of photosynthesis in the cretaceous age of prehistory. Which initiated the laying down of fossil fuels.
Tying up that lovely organic carbon in the deep heated interior of the earth.
5 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+P+T→CH₄+r(He+O+L+X-ray)
This is the creation for natural gas formation. As carbon dioxide is linked to a hydrogen ions from water molecules. And complaint by an physical molecular nuclear fusion.
Producing visible light flashes and X rays in the deep dark interior of the earth. We can fire this system up in a little chemical plant, and produce free unlimited amounts of methane - natural gas.
Mass of the undercutting British Gas! Week in utilised her own natural gas to fire gas flames. Selling the excess to the National Gas main. Which is why the electricity grid for ferry people for producing natural gas.
They chemist in he got excited at this juncture. Yours if you pass this methane up A multi layer honeycomb aluminium cancer list. And fuel or oil will drip out! Carbon 16 varying petroleum fuel while.
6 16CH₄+T+P+(FCC)→C₁₆H₃₄+(FCC) so producing free petrol! Away from the inflated OPEC oil price. In Texas we can refill are oil Wells, and extract the oil to tanker around the world! (FCC) is a face centred cubic metal catalysed. Cheapest being aluminium.
Giving the world diesel or petrol for 10 per cent of the price of fossil fuels. Or over here R fuel or oil is carbon neutral. So we manufacture fuel oil.
By sucking in carbon dioxide from the air: technically we use a steam plasma as a Prix source of heat and so electricity.
7 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)→ free carbon zero electricity.
So we make fuel oil, and for convenience store raid in exhausted oil Wells. So we are producing carbon neutral petrol. So there is no reason to our or petrol burning cars!
As chemical engineers are producing carbon neutral fuel oil. By a firing a Carnot refrigeration cycle, to chill carbon dioxide air to the city air at -20° C.
We utilises still hot steam after fire generation, to unburn our carbon dioxide into fuel oil and oxygen.
8 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+T+(FCC)+spark→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)+(FCC)
So once again we are physical molecular nuclear fusion. Which results in the formation of hydrocarbon fuel oil.
So the natural pure is a product of a physical molecular nuclear fusion, happening around the earth 50,000,000 years ago. A chemical engineer plant can produce our fuel oil dynamically. No time delay!
All this science was taught to me in thermodynamic so at Sheffield University in the 1980s. Since nuclear power concocted manmade global warming 1986, any santis who has done her level biology and physics has winced in the academic pain!
Growing green plants in light or in the temperate earth there free carbon dioxide to just two PPM today. Man is extra carbon dioxide being converted into extra plant and animal life, within 5 minutes!
Are plasma burn of water, to form heat light and X rays, is the carbon zero natural free heat source. Involving no fossil fuel burn! Which would have stimulated plant growth around the world anyway.
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