No cancers in the world
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RIP cancers 2020 |
All cancers totally cured by 2020! Though the cure outlined below was published 2002. Since when no Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe the now defective cancer drugs.
2024 no registered Dr. Has been allowed to test for cancers for four years, as they do not exist! Charging to apply he spurious biochemical tests is contrary to the doctors Hippocratic oath. Striking off the Dr. and health centre.
2000 I thought up the idea of using higher power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth. As I became aware that ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, or cause cancer to emit X rays!
Of which there is no chemical source. We were doing what was later cold molecular nuclear fusion - name devised by professor Argent. I is for S. Gerrard the chemical/physical equation.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray P tells us that the foreign cell structure common to cancer and infections, must be pressurised to induce infective structure replication.
The more placid regular body cells, not affected by a High Intensity UltraSound, which causes foreign cell types like cancers to boil and rupture. This induces the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active antibody to the foreign cell type - like all 200 types of cancer.
The professors at the Moffitt we induced to take early retirement by the drug companies. And were only awarded the noble prize in medicine 2015, for the published cure to all cancers.
Which are at a stroke murder 80% of drug company and Dr. Income. Universities gets 60% of the income from their medical school, to do biochemical research.
But since 2002 HIUS has been found to cure all inflated structure causing cancers and viral and bacterial infections. All the medical money removed!
2013 medics confirmed my idea from 2008, that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest, and they added at the back to each kidney totally clear all heart disease. Coronary heart disease vanished from the universe!
For 2023 he was found that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest over the coronary arteries, totally clear all heart arhythmia.
But the British Heart Foundation pays suppose the registered doctors to still do biochemical research into heart disease. Though all heart disease is cleared by local application of HIUS - like for ½ minute to the top left to the chest.
The immune system would have cleared and secondary heart disease from the kidneys automatically. So there is no heart disease! So the British Heart Foundation is on TV every day asking for trouble donations to fund the illegal unethical biochemical research,
But medicine does not permit our research into already cured diseases. Our heart disease is were totally cured from 2013. Certain they do not exist 2024. So there is no disease for the doctors' to research!
In any case biochemical research is now defective and prohibited medicine.
Or heart disease sure inclu 2002 - as every registered Dr. On earth had to buy and validated an 8 W three MHZ unit. Which cost them $1000. I use an equally effective 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, costing under five UK pounds.
Yesterday I met an Asian gentleman, who had diabetes! Medics have put on record that all diabetes have stopped forming by February 2023. And the best medicine is HIUS applied to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas. 30 seconds clears type two, type one requires the full minute.
Doctors have reacted to the cancer cure, with discust! I have enforce those in the Moffitt cancer work since 2010 and people for their own 8 W one MHZ unit.
And void 2020 he cancers had vanished from the world. Though every practice nurse in every health centre around the world, are required to apply 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to clear all cancers. All 200 types! First and only legal cancer medicine.
But doctors put on record for every 2023, that diabetes had stopped forming. The practice nurse can use the health centre HIUS device to clear all diabetes in 1 minute or less.
Doctors are not been permitted to prescribe insulin or metformin.
What is the new pill that reverses type 2 diabetes?
However, many people with type 2 diabetes find it challenging to reach their blood sugar goals through diet and exercise alone2. On May 13, 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a unique, first-in-class medication for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, known as tirzepatide (Mounjaro).
Mounjaro still full defective diabetic type two treatments, which can be totally cured using ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest. From my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.
No registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe metformin and now Mounjaro since Seville type two diabetic cure was freely published on the Internet by myself 2013.
No registered Dr. Could do any pre search for cured diseases! So the development of Mounjaro was illegal under standard medical. Striking off the involved doctors and drug companies.
Drug company is so attractive and other sources of income. So in 2019 they announced the development of the Covid19 flu virus, Covid is just the name for the regular seasonal flu is has circulated the world tracking winter since 1934.
So so no research into a medical vaccination has been illegal medicine! As it takes six months to develop a vaccination, which is only automatically obsolete only six months into a two year legally required drug testing regime.
This year we're on Covid23 and till the 1st of October, when the internationally agreed medical naming convention will be on Covid24. So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete in counter productive, when he entered medical useful and January 2021.
So no care of it vaccination ever legal licensed medicine! He GP giving just one Covid vaccination automatically struck off and for ever totally excluded from legal medicine.
This year the standard medical cure to all viruses, ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will totally clear all strains of the common cold or Covid, so no Dr. or academic medic has been allowed to research Covid biochemistry since 2002.
When the Moffitt published the total cure to all viral infections. All viral and bacterial infections respond to standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
A family or group of friends can buy a the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device over the Internet, and for under five UK pounds cure all infections at home.
Curing all viral infections stops cancers, diabetes, dementia and the other diseases of age from forming. 1 minute of HIUS from the health centre 8 W ultrasound unit, would have cured all 200 types or cancer from 2002.
Best and only legal cancer medicine. Cancer drugs became defective and prohibited medicine after the Moffitt Paper 2002. Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since then, the struck off without legal challenge.
Planet void 2020 all cancers had vanished from the earth. And for is only the whole universe! The drug company is went into a panic wanting to test the world for cancers., Seeing all at her us would have returned negative results.
As they are one tree signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath, and were required to validate the effectiveness of HIUS 2002. Ceasing manufacture and sale or cancer drugs for ever!
Just one day's manufacture of the defective cancer drugs, the struck off the drug all other biochemical patents they once possessed. The company is were then virus, and do not raise funds from the banks against a nonexistent share price.
The most bankrupt corporations in economic history! Totally virus for last 22 years. Still hellishly persuasive, pretending to V legal biochemical drug companies. When they are not!
Doctors have not been permitted to apply the spurious cancer tests since 2020. Which should have in 2002, if doctors had ever had their Hippocratic oath, of using best medicine. Which to cancers was 1 minute or application of HIUS - clearing all cancers.
Doctors to prescribe cancer drugs since 2002 struck off. The socio prescriptions illegal and invalid - no registered pharmacist should have filled the drug orders. And no registered nurse apply the fatal medication. Without being struck off!
The doctors receiving a 25 year jail term for each medicated cancer death. The applicable jail time for the assisting nurses and pharmacists, is a matter for lawyers!
Their own conscience demands of their a sue them cells instantly from medicine for ever. They are knew about HIUS 2002, so application cancer drugs has been illegal and fatal medicine for 22 years.
So nurses and doctors and of the most psychopathic mass murdering bastards in history.
2024 and doctors are falling people into apply he a spurious cancer biochemical test: which did not exist 2002. And no registered Dr. Was ever allowed to do biochemical cancer research work ever since.
So the drug company biochemical cancer tests are defective and illegal medicine. And always have been!
And they can stay as all return a negative result. And the medicating cancer patients should all have been dead by 2022. Removing cancer from the earth! No week in our develop cancers, as all viruses are cured using HIUS so no cancers develop.
My Asian friend told me yesterday that his GP was still prescribing metformin. The pressure for which assault to Americans, only for the Federal drug administration to issue a metformin recall. Due to horrendous side effects. Why the development of cancer.
And now the standard application of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and to a patient reports warming, totally clears all diabetes. My diabetic drug prescription even legal or required.
Doctors acting as if there were mysteriously are there to medicate existing diabetic patients. Their Hippocratic N oath requires them to validate and then use best new medical science.
So at 2013 and a every registered Dr. On earth totally aware that the application of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally clear all diabetes.
No decade long decline to inevitable Bio chemically assisted diabetic death. A 1 minute total cure. Which is first diabetic medicine.
Registered pharmacists were no longer allowed to fill diabetic drug orders from 2013 for type two diabetes, the fall minute of HIUS for type one diabetes 2016.
So so they should have been no global diabetics! Every medicated cancer death once the usual 25 years time in high security prison, and a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.
Just one diabetic prescriptions since 2013, and the Dr. and drug company struck off without legal argument.
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