free Vintage voltage

In the early days of the internal combustion engine, it was not obvious whether matches or or oil burning would win out.  Then the pressurise the fuel oil, and we priest so much heat and so energy!

1 Cₘ


The carbon 12 is diesel oil and carbon 16 is petrol. n=2m+2


So burning fuel oil does molecular nuclear fusion.  Tony some other regular water into helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat and even light plus X rays.

As you drive a car, the engine gives out low power X rays.  Which actually stimulates the body's immune system to clear cancers.  Hence people retire and I have cancer within six months!  As he no longer get the foreign cell clearance action of the lower power X rays.

The simplest way to do my molecular nuclear fusion, is to skip the carbon fuel!  Firing up the plasma using the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light.

2 H₂O+de/dT→He+O+E²+L+X-ray

We actually burn just 10⁻ⁱ⁹cc of the water in a year!  Though I exhausts does spew out mad hot steam.  Which we can condense, an return the water to the water reservoir.

Produce he is totally miniscule volume of helium and free radical oxygen gases.  And we burn no oil!  The plasma burns A fantastically tiny volume of water into massive heat, light and low power X rays.

We utilise a 15x1.5cm steam plasma cylinder, which will produce a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  The blinding white light and low power X rays are of no consequence!

We feed that heat into a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectic generator.  And we get out 65 kW of DC electricity.  Which we rectify into a speed linked AC current.

And drive contact MS Electric Motors on the wheel hubs.  The plasma power plant is very small.  And cost under 2000 UK pounds.  The lithium batteries for the present battery charging electric car, on their own cost over 3000 UK pounds.

And have a chance he to burst into flames!  If not maintained very carefully.  Having a limited range.  Our plasma power plant will produce electricity and till the sun swells in four billion years time and swallows the earth.

We have no expensive battery charging!  And the water usage is too lower to measure in 1000 years.  And it is 1930s published science!

When parked up as home, we synchronise the voltage and frequency with the National Power grid.  Who will happily pay us 90,000 UK pounds, for all that lovely carbon zero electricity.

And two driving the car costs no money!  Other than maintain the car structure and we produce no carbon dioxide.  Not even remotely at the power generation plant!

Since Fukushima nuclear power plant so required annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  The 422 existing nuclear power plants carry a criminally insufficient annual insurance of just 50 million.

The national radiation regulator, has the legal imperative to issue immediate stop orders on every nuclear power plant in the world.  We can utilised clean, safe, non nuclear, carbon zero plasma power!  To produce three Electric Power.


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