The deep seas do nuclear fusion

Life is supported by nuclear fusion on earth

Here we are talking about molecular nuclear fusion.  Specifically the conversion of regular water, into heat, plus helium and free radical oxygen gases, with emission of light flashes and X rays.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+L+X-ray

Constantly the ice from the ice caps melt into fresh water at 3° C.  The maximum density four water.  Which expands as it freezes!  This forces its way back to the equator, pushing the deep sea currents towards the poles.

That the turbulent flow of water and more than one metre deep, does physical molecular nuclear fusion - 1.  So constantly a deep seas are producing my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases.  With massive heat,a little light and low power X rays.

As for cheekily intrigued jail master's degree, to read about the emission of X rays from the deep seas.  As is no chemical source of X rays!  And there is no radioactive substances undergoing it decay.

So obviously we were doing nuclear fusion!  The X rays go off and enrich the carbon isotope of carbohydrates ferried in the seas.  So we get more carbon 14 and the carbon date determined by the constant radioactive decay of carbon 14 into 12 are trashed!

Materials raged within living memory, within the last 50 years, or carbon date to 3000 years ago!  Peat bogs also do 1, again trashing the carbon dates!  Buried technological artefacts date archaeological remains more accurately.

So constantly this EU's are doing nuclear fusion.  Adding to the heat the ecosystem receives.

The simplest way for man kind to tap into this Energy System, is to fire up A steam plasma.  Which breaks the water molecules apart into positive atomic nuclei, and free electrons.  And yes oxygen will carry a positive charge!  They were in the words of my high school chemistry teacher, it may he does not like it!

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

The high June ions and free electrons combined to form neutrons.  Which are a composite sub atomic particle.

3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ a neutrons are the great a minders of matter.

The positive oxygen ions bond to form neutrons, to form 4 hydrogen positive ions and three free electrons.

The oxygen positive ions bonded two neutrons, to undergo hydrogen fission.  Which results in heat light and X rays.  No radioactive isotopes required all produced.

4 H⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray) so twice as dynamic as the molecular nuclear fusion from water.  Crucially free using no radioactive waste!  And my American friend fired me up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma, and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

Fed into a 12,000 UK pounds a steam turbine this all freeze a constant ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.  We rectify into three phase mains linked AC current.

The turbine cover her us for 1250 UK pounds a month.  But will generate an annual income of 15,000 UK pounds a month.  Warm 0.5 million UK pounds annually.

As he generates the electrical power for 150 houses.  1500 UK pounds will buy a 65 kW thermoelectic generator.  Which would generate an annual income from the national grid idea so 180,000 UK pounds.  So obviously we apply he the generator air rise in the first month.

The UK pension is just 8000 UK pounds annually.  We owe any 180,000 UK pounds.  Which is a millionaire's income!  Totally tax free.

Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water a year.  We'll never measure it in a 1000 lifetimes!

So free totally carbon zero electricity.  Uranium nuclear uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to freeze the cement for always reinforced concrete he uses to build power plants, making mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter!

Every year of operation since Fukushima in knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion: there is no commercial insurance above one billion, even for late queen of England.

So all 422 nuclear power plant so on earth, money hyper toxic and criminally under insured.  And there is no global reprocessing always used uranium fission rods.  Which remains lethal 100,000 years.

Without adequate reprocessing of storage space, every nuclear plant is operating outside its planning consent.  Ansome form an immediate stop!  And never restart.  The

If you factor Ian 100,000 years required for control storage of the used fission waste, he each nuclear kilowatt hour course over 12 UK pounds compared to the AP per kilowatt hour for conventional power.

Its carbon dioxide production is metabolised by green plants on land and sea, within 5 minutes.  Form the carbohydrates of life.  The ring temperate carbon dioxide as first static two parts per million for the last 112,000 years.

5 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)n+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So the production of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water, it takes in energy!  Only happens as it is inevitably linked to the molecular nuclear fusion plant's do.  Producing massive energy, a feather light and even X rays.  Making biology the global experts on nuclear fusion on earth.

So all life on earth is supported by plants metabolising carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.  Excreting the oxygen animals breathe in, to recombine the carbohydrates.  Again do biological molecular nuclear fusion.

6 Cₘ(H₂O)n+(m+n/2)O₂+mitochondria→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+Lry+X-ray)

So carbohydrates oxidation and to the so the emission of red yellow light from a cell mitochondria, again biology doing nuclear fusion!

In the Jurassic photosynthesis left four parts per million, carbon dioxide in the air.  There was 85% more biological life on earth, this sea levels 60 metres lower.

The Jurassic warm periods, were warm!  But there were three ice ages - cause five predictable solar emission cycles.  This has resulted in the global climate of the earth cooling since 1995.  Back to natural warming this year!

Hence the nuclear fiction of manmade climate change, was really just a way of covering up the 28 years of global cooling.  Or with a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

In the arctic winter there is no photosynthesis to eat the carbon dioxide.  The game the local spike back to four PPM carbon dioxide.  Arctic air temperatures down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice pack.

In the Jurassic ice ages carbon dioxide levels rose to have any aspect to eight PPM and the most serious glaciation lasted 1000 years!  We have four times the present trace level of two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

In the ice ages the ice packs extended over most of the planet.  We have so much carbon dioxide!

By animals are only affected by carbon dioxide levels of 8%.  The Jurassic ice to at eight parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  But almost no life on earth!

Who were often made up man made global warming climate change was an air of biological idiot!  He was probably a physics professor.  Spurting garbage about biology is carbon cycle.

Which supports life on earth!  There is can fire too little life supported by the more acidic sulphur cycle.  Which converts hydrogen sulfide into salford dioxide, which reacts to water to form sulphuric acid.

And goes on today around acidic poles near volcanoes.  The acidic falls again and giving off heat and X ray radiation.  As he does physical molecular nuclear fusion, this time involving the sulphur cycle. 


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