Storms do nuclear fusion

Dr Z at Sheffield University 2000 and gave me his uncle's idea, from Columbia University New York.  That the turbulent flow and of high pressure water or steam, is what was later called molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+O₂+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray TU= turbulence > 1W - the strong atomic force which prevents naked protons bonded two neutrons, bonding to form helium ions.

This explains why the boiler room or the turbine hall a steam turbine, cure for X rays so when commercially fired.  So commercial power station in its X rays, and turn souns fantastically miniscule volume of regular water into massive heat, with helium and ozone gas production.

So heat and power production with no carbon burn!  Rain or snow storms sets up for a lightening strike, as the chaotic interaction of water molecules, does nuclear fusion quite happily at -80° C over the Antarctic ice cap.

Just not a very practical Energy System!  Luckily Brett from America, fired me up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  As geography papers documented the production of five terms of helium ions, firing up a lightening strike.


turf the interaction of water molecules, strips the water molecules into positive ions and free electrons.  As it also does molecular nuclear fusion.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, nature fires off A partial steam plasma - the 1.5km x 2cm known to world is a lightening bolt!  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening bolt.

2 2H⁺+TU→He²⁺+E²+L+X-ray

So we are doing nuclear fusion down to -80° C and every lightening bought produces five terms of helium ions.

As we do 1.  A quick relativistic conversion using Einstein's E=mc², to do so was that he is an energy release of 2.5x10³⁰W.  Mostly as heat, though we also get light, so her and and X ray radiation.

Brett fired me up a 30x1.5cm non pressurised steam plasma.  Using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light and sent me the results.

3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

Twice as energetic as molecular nuclear fusion.  As the plasma breaks the water molecules apart into the positive atomic nuclei and free electrons.

3 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ and yes S oxygen will carry a positive charge!  Though I was taught by my chemistry instructor in high school, it may he does not like it!

B a hydrogen ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons.

4 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

A non nuclear source of neutrons.  Personally we get the oxygen positive ions bond in year four neutrons to produce four hydrogen ions and three free electrons.

5 ⁱ⁶O+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻

So we convert the steam plasma into a hydrogen plasma.  But we already know the energy he emission from a lightening strike.  Which is 1.2 megawatts/m.

But we will stick with Brett's results of 1 MW of carbon zero heat from a non pressurised 30x1.5cm steam plasma.

Which shines like a captive lightening strike, given ealth blinding white light and lower power X rays.  And crucially are 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

A companis will have access to 13,000 UK pounds of funding.  They can invest in a 500 kW steam turbine.  Including my old Bolton school!

This will convert 1 MW of heat, from a steam plasma immersed in the boiler room.  Which should produce steam over 800° C, 8 atmospheres pressure.

Generating a constant 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.  For convenience we rectify into mains linked AC current.  During the day companis and the required 20 kW of electrical power.  Selling the rest to the national grid!

May be hiring a little 500 kW steam turbine for 1250 UK pounds a month.  Each month getting a payment from the National Power grid of 13,000 UK pounds.  Annual fair and a 1.5 million!  For the carbon zero power for 150 houses at night.  When the factory is not operating!

It transpires the carbon zero electricity is really really easy!  There produce steam will be between 8 and 12,000° C.  Generating a payment from the national grid of at the Lowry one million UK pounds a year.  As he utilised some of power for our own uses.

So so obsessed on the annual payment of just one million UK pounds.  For that lovely carbon zero electricity.

For the home user A better idea may be seriously and and 25 UK pounds, to hire a 65 kilowatts thermoelectric generator.

Which will produce an annual payment from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds.  Which he is a millionaire's income!  For that lovely carbon zero electricity.

We use the exit steam to drive a local area space heating programme.  By being the hot water through insulated pipes to the local area.  He gain access to carbon zero heat and electricity.

With no fossil fuel burn!  Which is why all prices are crashing!  This month to just $79.00 per barrel of crude oil.  Nuclear power knees commercial power to be the have are $100 a barrel or it is losing money.

But since 1986 and the Chernobyl incident, every operating nuclear power plant on earth has required annual insurance cover of 40 billion per hundred megawatt the generative power.

The Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million of annual insurance cover.  The required insurance rose to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.  Five clear soup prove that the Japanese, that's the world's greatest engineers, could not do uranium nuclear power safely.

2010 and the Germans and Japanese renounced uranium nuclear power!  Just too ****ing dangerous.

The home user in Germany or Japan, it can fire up our 30cm steam plasma in a garden shed, cellar or attic, and get our lovely 65 kW of carbon zero electricity and heat.

Just reaching the heat in the local area, while actually generate more money!  The electricity only generating an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  Who am I kidding!  That is such a massive carbon zero income.

(2021) printed a TEG onto window glass in an economic way for solar thermal energy harvesting which shows the flexibility of the fabrication process. The overall material and manufacturing cost estimated was about $120/W (Shakeel et al., 2021).17 Feb 2021

And the world is building plasma power plants.  So the tonnage of oil being shipped is crashing!  And despite agreeing quiet accounts with Russia the our price has resumed its climate!  Boil going down!

Within a year the our price so we just $6.00 a barrel.  If you have money in oil futures, check out!  Ideal is going down to below the price three Opec Oil crisis of 1976.

Remember a 30cm steam plasma will generate as an income of 180,000 UK pounds a year.  From just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water a year.  We had to calculate the volume, as even Sheffield University who has a global reputation for Engineering Materials science, could not measure it!

I it will start off her steam plasmas with a spring loaded 5 cc of regular water.  Which I would anticipate will be unused, in four billion years time, as the sun Saul is the inner solar system planets including the earth.

An eight is a basic first year undergraduate physics.  I have a master's degree in engineering, I am at the specializing in radioactivity.  But I learned the physics an needed over the Internet.  It is really not hard!

A a hydrogen positive ions bond with an electron, to form a neutron.  And he is a non nuclear neutrons unwind water molecules into just massive heat, we have blinding white light and lower power X rays.

Or garage santis can set up their own steam plasma heat and power plant.  And get our lovely 180,000 UK pounds annual income.

Light engineering firms can give away the plasma power units, in exchange for the first 2000 UK pounds from the national grid.  For that carbon zero electricity.

Which for convenience we rectify into mains linked AC current.  Phase and voltage linked with the National Power Supply.  In the UK he the main's voltage usually is just 230 volts,

We generate 250 Watts in the UK and, 125 balls in the U.S..  Andso by the current to the national grid.  And a cutting conventional or nuclear power.  I would circle Sizewell B with a plasma power plants.

And a cutting the two P per kilowatt hour, they charge the national grid.  And a statute law induced by Margaret Thatcher, the great house to purges the cheapest power!

All operating 422 nuclear power plants in the world, should be commenced their purchasing the required hundred billion of annual insurance cover.  There being no commercial source of such insurance, every uranium nuclear power plant on earth has been running criminally under insured since 1986 - the year of Chernobyl.

Sizewell B was constructed as an illegal extension to Sizewell A.  The insurance and operationconsent for which expired as the old nuclear plant was demolished

Sizewell A decommissioned?

It operated from 1966 to 2006 and is being decommissioned. Sizewell B is a Pressurised Water Reactor, the first to be constructed in the UK. It will stop generating electricity in 2035.

As King Charles has E mailed me personally, there was never a role commission required to give operationconsent to Sizewell.  As it commenced power generation in 1984, it never has the required insurance cover!

1986 saw Chernobyl, and the required insurance cover rose to 40 billion.  As ever it carers a criminally insufficient 50 million.  2023 and is does not been a legal insured 

engineering site, since 1986.

The greatest contravention in UK are planning consent ever.  The legal fine is a cumulative some of the missing insurance cure.  40 billion since 1986 every year, rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.

They construction consortia are still operating.  But over the largest commercial fine in recorded history.  2.9 trillion at a guests.  A fine of 100 billion owing by every year operation of uranium nuclear power plant around the world.  All 422 of them.

There will so obviously never be a Sizewell C.  The construction consortia must pay the allying a legal fine.  For every nuclear plants the operated in the UK from 1986.

And Sizewell and the that legal fine of 10 billion a year, every year since 2010.  Uranium nuclear power the so the most massive fine base, it must pay off!  Every operating nuclear power plant on earth must perform an immediate stop.  Hit the big red button!  And never restart.

Around the world people are using a 30cm plasma power plant to give us are 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Company is generating 500 kW of carbon zero AC electricity.

That payment of 1.5 million a year!  Then he there are no conventional power generation is required anywhere around the world.

The or oil and gas price will continue crashing!  Uranium nuclear always illegal and totally outside insurance, And so operation consent. 


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