Oil prize to crash

Oil/gas going down

In 2002 Dr Z, who have had a double first from Columbia University including Chemical Engineering, tell me that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did what the late professor Argent named molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray TU the cause fluid turbulence.

The Energy System and skills exponentially with liquid pressure.  And void 2023 he is familiar to every science academic on the planet.  A truly great science insight!  Devised for my professors uncle, who was a professor at Columbia University.

The most famous cold fusion claims were made by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann in 1989.

A truly great science insight.  Though number so at nature reserves around the electrolysis cell, and you have it in 1985!  Two weeks to be a useful Energy System.

In salford I got busy writing songs and sing on stage, but I had an Internet link, and read geography papers on the 1.5x2cm steam plasma that is a lightening strike, releasing five tonnes of helium gas.

We start off with the biological observation that heavy rain or snow storms also do molecular nuclear fusion.

2 2H₂O+O₂+TU→H₂O+(He+O+L+X-ray+E²+X-ray) TU= turbulent interaction of precipitation > 1 W.  Which goes off even in rain storms at -50° C!

Around the world go into a heavy rain with a Geiger counter, and measure the emission of the X rays!  And time lapse photography already demonstrates the emission of light flashes.

Change your camera settings to underexpose the scene at -1EV. You may need lower if the lightning strikes are nearby. You'll want to set the shutter speed to be at least 5 seconds. If you are close to the storm, you won't need an exposure of more than 15 seconds.12 Nov 2023

So the emission of light flashes from souns has been known about since the early days and photography in the 19th century.  There is no chemical source of visible light or X rays.  And no source of radioactive decay!  We are doing molecular nuclear fusion.

Which are at a enriches the water isotope number, as the X rays bond to of regular water molecules, to form heavy water.

3 ⁱH₂O+X-ray→²H₂O

This same process happens in the turbulent flow of water in deep water reservoirs.  Which was realised in the Second World War.  That deep reservoirs for a heavy water.

4 2ⁱH₂O+P+TU+O₂→²H₂O+He+O₃+L here the X rays produce for turbulent interaction of water molecules, have done 3.  The extra oxygen bonding with oxygen molecules from the air to form ozone.

This process happens in orld he reservoir or is in the world.  Which feature the production micro bubbles of helium and ozone.  But the light flashes are too intermittent, so the light flashes have gone unreported.

We only 1/4 over one metre deep, and during the day the solar radiation it sets off nuclear fusion in the reservoir, light water.  We do form heavy water!  Which undergoes nuclear fission fantastically quickly, resulting in the formation of light water with X ray emission.  The reverse of 3.

So lightening forms a blinding white light and even X rays!  When there is no radioactive decay around.  The enrichment of the water molecules happens subsequently.

My American friend was sufficiently interested, he fired me up a 30x1.5cm regular water a steam plasma.  And the next day he sent me the results!

5 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

We fire up the plasma user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.  So of 5000 volts, 0.0001 amps.  Once started the plasma itself sustains best have been for the rest are history.

Twice as energetic as molecular nuclear fusion, as the plasma burns 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water into heat light and X rays.  Maintaining the plasma!

So we are doing 5, from a volume of water to tiny to measure in 1000 lifetimes.  All down to I Stein's E=mc².  Why the speed of light = 299 792 458 m / s

HIUS he got our 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  A staggering amount of energy!  A commercially sourced half megawatts steam turbine, would turn that 1 MW of heat into ½ MW of AC electricity.

The home user can purchase a 15,000 UK pound thermoelectric generator.  Which will convert that heat into 65 kW of carbon zero AC current.

Every house needs just 8 kW on Christmas day.  So we are generating the carbon zero AC current for wishing eight and 20 houses.  For which the national grid will happily pay us 180,000 UK pounds annually.

That's right, carbon zero power that pays big time.  So the home user can set up a plasma power plant in the garden shed, cellar or attic.  Which are happily turn a mine you volumes of regular water, into a constant 65 kW of electrical power constantly.

So we get that lovely free electricity, annual check for 180,000 UK pounds - though so far we utilises.  Convert into mains linked AC current fight the generator.

Which are actually generate three phase AC current.  Clever stuff!  Or by utilising the power of the lightening strike.

For convenience we star or standing lightening strike in a glass cylinder.  Utilises and commercially sourced electronics, we get our lovely carbon zero power.  With a massive income!

Which means that the oil and gas price is about to crash for ever!  The amount of water we utilised is so tiny, will struggle ever to measure it!  Even at my orld Sheffield University Engineering Materials department.  Who specialise in materials and radioactivity!

Tragically 2001 Dr Z was purchased a chair in chemical and process engineering, to make him professor Z.  Who abruptly and inexplicably ended my Ph.D. work.  Before we had devised my PH D title.

I had a master's degree in engineering for 1986.  So a plasma burn converts regular matter into just heat light and X rays.  It decomposes the matter!  Interesting burning oil and gas fires up a steam plasma!  Which is where the energy and light release comes from.

6 CH₄+(2+r)H₂O+rO₂+flame→(CO₂-E+O₂)+r(He+O₃+E²+L+X-ray) E²= 1 MW our carbon zero heat from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  So the flame of fossil fuels, and she does our molecular nuclear fusion.

And he is the steam plasma that releases helium and ozone gases as it does A steam plasma burn from regular water, twice the energy release of the feeble molecular nuclear fusion.

And he goes on where ever we see a steam plasma in nature.  So as the lightening strike, or from the steam plasma from steam emitted from the deep earth.  So or cannot emotions are driven by the energy release from a steam plasma.

The way he to make dormant volcanoes inactive, is to drill down into the driving magma chamber, located using ground sonar.  And then as we withdrawal the drill bit, we solar into place a valve system.

Or we feed the geothermal steam into a little steam turbine - as Iceland already does.  And generate free carbon zero electricity from the waste heat of the earth's interior.

For actually deflating the underground magma chamber, preventing volcanic eruptions!  Which is such a massive economic and lives lost cost.

The can set up the system to vent the ring of fire into the seas in the Pacific.  Where the warm water will flow back and melts the more polar ice cap.  Only stop the frequent earthquakes Japan experiences today.

We should utilised plasma power plants to generate carbon zero free electricity.  Cheaper than messing around the covering the energy from the geothermal steam tap.

So the whole world about to go carbon zero!  And stop burning gas and oil.  We are about to C the most massive crash of prices ever.  The oil water again have a negative price for ever!

Now that is such a great newspaper headline!

What is the crude oil price today?

WTI Crude73.56-0.45%
Brent Crude79.07-0.40%
Murban Crude79.29-0.08%
Natural Gas2.610+1.48%


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