Companies make carbon neutral free petrol

Carbon 0 fuel oil

Using idea that won the 1918 noble prize in chemistry.  Combining carbon dioxide from the air, with heated steam - that then unburns to freeze methane, natural gas and oxygen.

If after a multi layer face centre cubic metal catalyst, and get carbon neutral diesel or petrol fuel oil.

We start off using idea confined 2020 secure is free E carbon zero electricity.  We copy a lightening strike.  That releases light and X rays, plus massive heat as it does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

So cell for a heavy rain or snow storms, also doing molecular nuclear fusion.

1 2H₂O+Ò+P+TU→He²⁺+O₃+2OH⁻+Lf+E²+X-ray TU= the turbulence within the storm, which is above the 1 W to set off nuclear fusion of a hydrogen ions from adjacent water molecules, to produce helium!

Which is why heavy storms feel electric!  I get light flash illumination in even the emission of X rays - of which there is no chemical source.  But here we are doing nuclear fusion.

The clean and safe Energy System of nature!  And there is a lightening strike every 3 minutes around the world.

2 H₂O+P+dP/dT→H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

3 H₂O+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

So lightening bolt burns regular water into energy light and X rays.  But the steam plasma converts regular water molecules into helium and oxygen gas, the massive heat light and even X rays.

Cure the university plans to put on record every lightening bolts, every 3 minutes around the earth or year Prix uses five terms of helium gas.  And the Mekong fine of helium is free use of high pressure for ring in the laboratory.

In nature helium means you're doing nuclear fusion!  And five tonnes of helium power every lightening volts converts using Ein/tein's relativity into 2.5x10²⁵W our carbon zero heat.

So nature is doing nuclear fusion in the air continuously around the earth.  I calculated that a 4 atmosphere 1m x 1cm steam plasma ratio release a constant 8.6 MW of carbon zero heat.

24 of these plasma tubes will happily run 100 MW power station, off 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  Burning all or gas only releases 45 kW/m of burner.  So energy deficient!

My American friend confirmed that a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  They had to published freely on the Internet 2020.

By now or every energy company on earth were have confirmed the dynamic nature of her steam plasma.  And during the annual shutdown each year, could replace all the oil or gas burners, with steam plasma cylinders.

Turning conventional power plants into carbon zero facilities!  Ceasing to have her any fossil fuels, to Bruce so much free non nuclear electricity.

The home user could use a 30cm steam plasma linked to a 65 kWthermoelectic generator to produce 65 kW of three phase mains linked AC current.  Getting an annual check from the power company for 180,000 UK pounds.

That is 15,000 UK pounds every month!  So they then invest in other 30 cm steam plasma, there into ½ MW steam turbine.  Costing just 12,000 UK pounds.  Again producing three phase linked mains AC current.

This time getting a check 4.5 million every year!  As they produce a carbon zero electricity for 150 houses.

Company is can produce our own steam plasma linked to a thermoelectric generator, to get out 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Medium sized businesses require just 20 kW of electrical power.

They utilised 20 kW of electrical power, to drive a Carnot heat pump.  And chill carbon dioxide as the air as dry ice at -28° C.  Then mix with steam produce from a water boiler, produced using a or that free electrical power.

Heated to have a 400° C, we now the carbon dioxide steam makes required for the sobriety a process.  Only gases and burn to form methane gas!

4 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+T+P+spark→(CH₄+3O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) so here the physical molecular nuclear fusion, supplies the energy required or legal and carbon dioxide we steam to form methane. T> 400° C

Which otherwise would take in heat!  In the deep earth we have the heat and pressure.  So that is why carbon dioxide and steam bond to make methane - natural gas which collects in deep earth magma chambers.

So now or in a little chemical plant in the canteen, we can freeze massive excess amounts of natural gas.  Really it years a disused office in the factory.

And we pass the methane gas up a multi layer honeycomb aluminium catalyst - though A face centre cubic metal would work.  Aluminium being the cheapest.

And no diesel and petrol oil drips out!  Which he so on is crude oil, to verified into petrol and diesel.  Obviously buying back the petrol!  Too far our cars and vans.  Which then run on carbon neutral petrol.

Only releasing the same carbon dioxide, taking into a 4 minute to the previous day.

5 mCH₄+(Al)+P+T→Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+H₂

No carbon 16, is petrol and fuel oil!  All our carbon 12 is diesel.

It is far simpler to use a steam plasma to drive a non battery electric car.  The plasma are driving are producing carbon zero electricity.  We rectify into mains linked AC current, and drive contact MS Electric Motors.

6 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

My friend validated that a 15x1.5cm steam plasma and will freeze a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  And the course and 65 kW thermoelectric generator will give us a constant 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.

A sports car only news 20 kW of power.  A small helicopter just 45 kW.  So can motor to the city outskirts and fly to do just don't cities or countries!  For free.  Totally carbon zero!

And a 65 kW we are talking about a super sonic speed of travel.  With no fossil fuel burn!  Companies could actually use the polymerisation of methane, to produce plane fuel.

hemical compound is jet fuel?

In summary, the composition of Jet A/A-1, JP-5, and JP-8 are very similar. They consist predominantly of C9–C16 hydrocarbons that are a combination of n-paraffins, isoparaffins, naphthenes, and aromatics.


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