carbonless heat system

Plants EAT CO2

2000 and Dr. Z tell me that the turbulent flow and of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion.  Without any shadow of a doubt the most radical scientific idea I have ever heard!

2001 and uranium nuclear power bought by Dr. Z or a chair in chemical and process engineering, to make and professor Z and he ended my PH D studies and stopped at all the researching what professor Argent colled molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²

I went away to salford, they are busy writing songs and sing on stage: as you do.  And by air my Internet link around the worker geography university plants around the world, that lightening volts released five terms of helium gas.

Of which there is no chemical source!  The partial steam plasma was doing nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E professor Z ~ a previously for not including the charge details on the ions.  After all he is a professor of Chemical Engineering!  Though he has protested that he does not do physics.

Five tonnes of helium converts using a relativistic conversion, into 2.5x10³⁰W

My American friend had set up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, and phone that he did a plasma burn our steam.  Twice as energetic as molecular nuclear fusion - 1.

3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

The X rays are as low power has from a beating animal heart.  So your heart does nuclear fusion 70 times a minute.  With totally harmlessly.

4 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+2H₂O+r(He+O=E²+X-ray)

So you can tell you.  When the Geiger counter!  These are not INGX rays of uranium nuclear fission, the our freeze for all major doing nuclear fusion.  Light green plants in the light.

5 mCO₂+(2+r)H₂O+L+rO₂→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)-r(He+O₃+E²+Lb+X-ray)

Plants under infrared light emit a faint blue light, X rays are breezy massive heat and helium.  Of which there is no chemical source.  You can measure the Geiger counter emitted by green plants in light, using a standard Geiger counter!  Which will also detect the X rays from a beating animal hearts.  Including yours, if you still possess a human heart!

The work of my American friend was interesting.  He got a constant 1 MW of heat from a 30cm steam plasma.  This is usele heat!

Renting a steam turbine for 1250 UK pounds a month, the tavern would generate ½ MW our carbon zero electricity.  We rectify into mains linked three phase electric current.

We get an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds.  Alternatively we could invest 1500 UK pounds into a 65 kW thermoelectric generator.  Which can be hired for 125 UK pounds a month.  Which would generate a monthly income of over 10,000 UK pounds.  So we obviously buying the generator air write in a month.

And next month invest in a half megawatts steam turbine.  Then to another 30 cm steam plasma.

So we generating carbon zero heat!  We do not even produce any helium or oxygen.  The plasma burns the atomic nuclei he into just heat light and X rays.

Hence isas dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.  The world would O a every day to professor Z, that he oust 15 years ago had to be given any credit for years ideas.

As he is now a four man for uranium nuclear power.  Who fail to factor in their own he huge carbon emissions.  In the two years own nuclear power plant construction uranium nuclear power releases the equivalent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant in 25 years, in just two years!

Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon source, while actually building power plants.  Since Chernobyl in 1986 nuclear power has required annual insurance cover of 40 billion per 100 MW nuclear power plant.

That level of insurance not available!  So they had used bribed the nuclear regulator to look the other way.  The most serious or murderous corporate crime in history!

Hence Fukushima in 2010.  And the required annual insurance cover rose to 100 billion.  There had by all 422 nuclear power plant on earth.  Without adequate insurance the United Nations climate people, have the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth.

Which explains why suddenly the climate people were getting the United Nations climate to hosting annual conference is on the fictitious manmade climate change.  Carbon dioxide levels have been static two to photosynthesis, over last Xi Point two 1000 years.

Just a static two parts per million in the temperate air during the day.  Above the polar ice In winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide.  As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.  The Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient, and there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

There was 85% more biological life on earth, resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower.  But there were three natural ice ages!  One lasting 1000 years.  The free carbon dioxide at eight parts per million.

Physics, cocked it manmade global warming, apparently acting in total ignorance of biology is carbon cycle.  Which drives life on earth!

As described in equation 5.  Which The temperate carbon dioxide level of just two parts per million in the present epoch.  Burning fossil fuels just increases modern biological life.

Plans take Ian the carbon dioxide and converted into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.  There has been no gradual increase of carbon dioxide.

And now we can fire up little 30 cm steam plasmas.  And get out that 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  The electrical power for weeding eight and 20 houses.  Absolutely no carbon dioxide production!

No burning of fossil fuels, and no hyper toxic nuclear isotopes used of reduced.  The plasma just burns regular water into heat, light and lower power X rays.

2015 and professor Z was away trying to invent a way in which helium could in some way empower the weather.  The helium is lost so as to space within 24 hours, having reacted with nothing.

I never did hear back from him!  So now we have a totally carbon free massive heat system.  A. Boehner of oil or gas releases just 45 kW/m of burner.  They hyper toxic uranium fission cylinder releases just 250 kW/m -there making plutonium, the most toxic substance known to man kind!

In the deep earth the turbulent flow of geothermal water around the earth, prevents any radioactive isotopes accumulating.  Even have A uranium isotopes are scarce!

Plutonium 239 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

In the fission reaction, an atom with large atomic number such as thorium (232), uranium (235), or plutonium (239) is split into two or three lower atomic number elements when a neutron is absorbed. The fission releases large quantity of energy

So the turbulent flow of high pressure water around the earth's interior, Turner's water into hydrogen and oxygen ions plus electrons, which end up as neutrons!

And those neutrons interact with radioactive isotopes to cause almost instant nuclear fusion.  In to save a non nuclear isotopes.  So the deep earth there was no plutonium isotopes!

Even enriched uranium is present in small amounts.  So very nearly parastable.  So a steam plasma will happily run 1/2 MW steam turbine, with no fossil fuel burn and.

Generating an annual income of 1.5 million UK pounds.  Involving no nuclear processes at all!  Smashing the sub atomic particles into heat light and X rays.  Even the helium and oxygen ions, also end up as the same heat light and X rays.

So using 1930s science, a steam plasma will run a little thermoelectroic generator to produce 65 kW of carbon zero heat and power.  No carbon dioxide!

The climate people have been very quiet since 2020, when I've published my friends confirmation of the steam plasma producing just heat light and X rays.  Heat with no carbon dioxi

It is our Power System of nature!  It powers photosynthesis - building the carbohydrates takes in energy.  And only happens at it is linked inevitably to biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Go for a walk in the temperate earth in light, and measure the X ray emission and of green plants.  Confirm biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Carbon dioxide has been limited to just two parts per million, since the present epoch started 11,200 years ago air.  There has been no gradual increase in carbon dioxide levels!

Plants were just not allow it.  Own by the Jurassic had twice the carbon dioxide levels, four PPM, and the longest ice age in recorded history!  A 1000 years.  The carbon dioxide rose to eight PPM.


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