carbon dioxide boosts life

Plants eat CO2

Photosynthesis evolved in the cretaceous period in Earth's prehistory.

The Cretaceous period, when carbon dioxide levels reached 1000 ppm, was a different geological and ecological context than today. Earth's climate and ecosystems have changed significantly since then, and human society has developed in a world with different environmental conditions.3 Mar 2021

The though a generally warm period, within a the cretaceous also had ice ages.

For years, scientists have thought that a continental ice sheet formed during the Late Cretaceous Period more than 90 million years ago when the climate was much warmer than it is today. 

To stay at around the temperate earth there is just two parts per million in the temperate air.  Extra carbon emissions being turned into plant biomass within 5 minutes.  Converting the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)͂+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So photosynthesis eats carbon dioxide, using infrared light to fund it to water molecules, four with a carbohydrates of life.  Excrete NG the surplus oxygen molecules.  A process that takes in energy!

Inevitably linked to biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Though we turn regular water into helium and oxygen gases, emitting massive amounts of carbon zero heat.  And the same time and finds emit a faint blue light and even X rays.  There being no biochemical source of visible light.

So plants during the daylight hours are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  They are doing nuclear fusion down to 0° C or lower 

National Institutes of Health (.gov) › ...

by R Gupta · 2014 · Cited by 103 — Abstract. Overwintering plants secrete antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to provide freezing tolerance. These proteins bind to and inhibit the growth of ice

With photosynthesis during the day proceeds until there is just two parts per million carbon dioxide left in the temperate air.  All, dioxide being converted into the carbohydrates of plant biomass, within 5 minutes.

All academics are a player of biology is carbon cycle.  Which takes temperate carbon dioxide at the present level of just two PPM.  In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient.  The have four PPM in the air.

There was 85% more biological life on earth, the seals were 60 metres lower.  You could walk between UK and Europe, as animals did.

Are 1000 PPM is 0 0.01%!  With at the end of the cretaceous we had the biggest mass extinction in mineral record.  90% of life on earth had died.  At the end of the Jurassic and the 85% of life on earth, including the dinosaurs died.

So green plants converted the early earth atmosphere, for 98% carbon dioxide, to the lower levels of the Permian.

Atmospheric pCO2 shows an approximate 4× increase from mean concentrations of 412–919 ppmv in the late Permian (Changhsingian) to maximum levels between 2181 and 2610 ppmv in the Early Triassic (late Griesbachian).11 Apr 2022

Photosynthesis evolved and the Jurassic at four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  And the 85% more biological life on earth!  They photosynthesis had three natural ice ages.  One lasting 1000 years.  The longest ice age on record.

Photosynthesis on the snow covers the land and sea ice covers seas shut down.  So was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  During the longest ice age in history!  And life on earth was so very nearly extinguished.

Today around the temperate earth land and sea during the day any rational scientist is well aware there is just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  Scientists not familiar with the biology's carbon cycle, she was so obviously never have been in education.

Nuclear power has 410 million a year since 1986, into researching the fictitious manmade global warming and climate change.  The climate has 28 year periods of natural warming and cooling.

So will still mean global cooling until 2023!  This year will be the end of the meaningless climate change summer's fiction.  Nuclear power was aware that the equally fictitious manmade global warming, was more effective science fiction.

Since 1995 all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling, according to put totally predictable solar emission cycles.  Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  The average Martian Air temperature -112° C.

The Martian oceans froze.

Yes, there is water on Mars, but it is frozen under the north and south polar ice caps. The polar ice caps, which were once thought to be made up of only dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide), are now known to have water ice beneath a top layer of dry ice.

Which is important for future Martian space missions.  Though as yet souns has got no answer to blocking the dangerous solar radiation.  Which is sterilise all multi cellular life within two days.  Making the four year passes to malls certain death!

Even a trip to the Moon is biologically impossible!  And the Apollo missions did not carry a 6 inch ledge shield around the astronauts.  So the astronauts would warm of being dead before them a had Moon fall.

Space travel is like living in a lower power radiation source!  According to my contact or the National Institute of Health, certain death within two days.

So above the arctic ice there is four parts per million, carbon dioxide in the polar air.  As experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Where there is no active life!  And the even the extremophile bacteria have gone into deep freeze.

So around the temperate earth man's carbon emissions are converted back into active biology within 5 minutes, releasing a faint blue light and X rays.  There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays.  And no chemical source of helium!

Helium forms a white solid my pressure for ring gas in the laboratory.  Not outside in nature!

At the Jurassic mass extinction 85% more biological life went into the fossil fuels.  Which he as we burn, are converted back into biology within 5 minutes.

Animals breathe in the oxygen gas excreted by plants, and digestive systems eat plant biomass.  The carbohydrates and oxygen are converted in the cell mitochondria, into energy.  And so the carbon cycle goes around!

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂+mitochondria→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lry+X-ray)

So animals and the funky have their own form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Going on in every cell on earth.

Animal heart beats also do nuclear fusion.

3 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+rO₂+dP/dT→CH₄+O₂+r(He+O₃+L+X-ray)

So a beating heart and the arteries give out X rays in time with a heartbeat.  This can be measured with a sensitive Geiger counter.  You also breathe out methane and ozone gases.

There being no chemical source of helium!  Or for that matter X rays.  So your heart is busy doing nuclear fusion 70 times a minute.  Which can be simply measured by any high school physics department.

Or biology, he returned to allow access to a Geiger counter!  And biology is totally aware that plants eat carbon dioxide.  And excrete oxygen!  Basic high school ecology.

So around the temperate earth every afternoon just two PPM carbon dioxide left in the air.  A static trace gas affects nothing!  The climate is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.

Back to natural climatic warming this year!  We have just lived through a 28 year period of natural climatic cooling.  Nuclear power turned climate change!  They don't think you'll find is weather!  There goes on around the earth irrespective of carbon dioxide.

Since Chernobyl in 1986 every operating nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion.  Since Fukushima in 2010, the required insurance cover has risen to an impossible 100 billion: there being no insurance available above one billion!

During nuclear power plant construction, we feature a fossil fuel burn on limestone.  To free use all the cement for their reinforced concrete needed for far plant construction.  Making an active nuclear programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions!

Emitting in the two years our power plant construction, the equivalent to the carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant, for 25 years.

2020 and my American contact verified that are steam plasma tube, a captive lightening strike in a glass centre, was a massive carbon zero heat source.

4 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²+L+X-ray

So every lightening strike makes five terms of helium gas.  A quick relativistic conversion teaches is so that is 2.5x10³⁰ W our carbon zero heat.

In a confined glass cylinder we do the twice as energetic plasma burn from regular water.  Where the water is stripped into positive atomic nuclei and free electrons.

5 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

So the plasma is a chaotic missed of sub atomic particles.  Plus all get the recombination of hydrogen positive ions the free electrons, to form the composite sub atomic particles of a neutron.

6 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Neutrons being the great a minder of matter!  The plasma burns the oxygen positive ions, into lower and lower atomic masses, any with four hydrogen ions and three free electrons.

7 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻ so we convert the steam plasma into a hydrogen plasma.  And hydrogen fission is are most dynamic Energy System in the universe.  Totally carbon zero.

8 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+X-ray

So we burn the helium and oxygen positive ions, to get double the energy release from molecular nuclear fusion.  Which utilises and produces no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes.

9 ⁱH₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) no no hyper toxic radioactive materials required all produced.  We burn the regular water molecules into just massive energy light and lower power X rays.

Hence Brett found that a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  We can set up the plant in and out building, cellar or attic.

The cheapest way to turn heat into electrical power easy using a thermoelectric generator.  As to barked in the 1930s.  Converting or 1 MW of heat into 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  We rectify into mains linked voltage and phase AC current.

So we get the carbon zero electrical power for between 20 and eight houses.  Any an annual income from the National Power grid, of 180,000 UK pounds annually.  Burning two little water ever to measure!

Featuring no fossil fuel burn.  So no carbon dioxide to increase local plant growth.  And crucially no radioactive substances involved all produced.  No impossible insurance required!

Sizewell B was constructed as an illegal extension to Sizewll A.  But as King Charles III has personally E mailed me, Sizewell never had its own planning consent.  So when Sizewell A was demolished, Sizewell B instantly became an illegal engineering construction.

Sizewell A

Sizewell A nuclear power station

Decommission date December 31, 2006

Operator(s) Magnox

So every year of operation Sizewell B has operated without legal planning consent.  The greatest have used the UK planning system in history!  It's only ever they carried a criminally insufficient 50 million of insurance.

Requiring the standard 40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.  Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.  All 422 there any operating nuclear power plants, legal planning pressurise cover since 1986.

As nuclear operating consent was conditional on the planned having the legally required insurance cover.  No insurance available above one billion!  Every nuclear power plant on earth a criminal under insured engineering plant since 1986.

Sizewell B has been operating criminally under insured since 1986.  02 years after the plan was constructed!  And today is a solitary nuclear power plant operating in the UK.

Tragically in basic contradiction to UK planning law.  Which demands legal insurance cover.  40 billion since 1986!  Since when nuclear power has bribed the nuclear regulator, to look the other way!

The biggest corporate crime in UK economic history.  Sentence seeing the plant managers each to 10 years in high security prison.  Shared with the nuclear regulators!  This so spectacularly failed to do their legal duty.

A 30x1.5cm steam plasma will happily run a 65 kW thermoelectric generator.  Producing annual income of 180,000 UK pounds, for the steam plasma power plant costing under 2000 UK pounds.

Totally carbon zero and non nuclear!  I would expect my local MP, Rebecca long Bailey from salford, to raise this issue in the next energy subcommittee in their houses of parliament.


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