Heat and power that pays

Nature doing nuckear fusion on Earth

This was all taught to me in the 1980s!  But santis have chosen to ignore nature doing nuclear fusion, as it made the energy company is no money.

When we have a storm of rain or snow, when the precipitation into acts as above 1 W two or they exposed hydrogen ions from adjacent water molecules undergo nuclear fusion.  To produce helium!

So a heavy precipitation is characterised by the production of helium and free radical oxygen, X-rays and heat, plus light flashes!  We are only aware of at night.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray

So at nature doing nuclear fusion was common knowledge in the engineering departments of every university in the world, years before nuclear power concocted manmade global warming.

In 1986 Ukrainian nuclear experienced the Chernobyl incident.  And nuclear power was desperate to justify the continued existence!  So for reasons best known to them cells a concentration carbon dioxide.

Building a nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to freeze the cement for their reinforced concrete.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon dioxide.

This is not a problem!  As plants within a five KM radius, that Allies so carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.  Sucking the gas from the air!  So burning the fossil fuels has it increases modern biological life on earth.  And had no possible effect on the weather!

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So actually building the carbohydrate, Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ takes in energy and is linked to the excretion of oxygen gas.  The waste gas of plants!  Animals multiplied in numbers to breathe in the oxygen, and combine it with eton plant biomass.  And breathe out carbon dioxide.

There were animals in the air the cretaceous.  There were so many at the end of the cretaceous!  As life really took off.

Some of you are probably a little curious about the r(...) term.  Which is a chemical equation for molecular nuclear fusion.  Named by professor Argent.

So if you take a walk in the daytime through a field of green crops, you can detect the X rays!  And C the vibrant green - as the plant's actually emit a faint blue light.  There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays.

So incredibly enough or green plants on land and sea do nuclear fusion in the daytime.  Which limits carbon dioxide to just two parts per million, in the afternoon air!  Around the temperate earth.

Carbon dioxide levels rise in the cold of night!  That carbon dioxide is metabolised within 10 minutes after sunrise.  Above the polar ice In winter the snow covers the land, and sea ice covers the seas.  So photosynthesis shuts down!

Carbon dioxide levels double over the snow and ice covering.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice In winter,

Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!  The Martian Air is 98% carbon dioxide, average air temperature -112° C.  Remember around the temperate earth we have just 0.000,002% carbon dioxide today.

In the Jurassic we had four PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air, resulting there was 85% more active biological life on earth.  So there was 10% more oxygen in the air!  In the one periods.

There were three natural glaciations.  Including 1000 years ice age!  The most serious glaciation in prehistory.

When carbon dioxide around the temperate earth rose to eight PPM.  As photosynthesis logic shut down!  Only rezoning for a brief periods in a break from the ice.

That is focused on today!  Four PPM carbon dioxide in the arctic air every winter.  Lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

Nuclear power concocted total science fiction!  Manmade global warming really defies any scientific investigation.  And then 1995 the natural climate had moved into a 28 year periods of cooling.

Cause five predictable short term solar of solutions.  Chernobyl happened in every drug natural climate warming.  Being going on for all history!

Hence the change in nuclear PR to manmade climate change: equally as fallacious, predicting nothing!  Bubble at all on a static trace of carbon dioxide in the global air.

And feel sorry for all the rational santis who pay to concoct paid science fiction on behalf of nuclear power - the most toxic industry ever.  Such individuals should not be anywhere near silence of the media.

Since Chernobyl the annual required insurance has been set at 40 billion.  There being no source of insurance above one billion, they carried on with just 50 million.  And bribed the radiation monitoring people to look the other way!

Since Fukushima 2010 the required insurance cover has been certain is an impossible 100 billion.  Nuclear power has an Irish only continued with its criminally insufficient 50 million.

And frantically paid any santis that would take the poison money, to write fictitious documents about science they had no conception of.

Every 3 minutes around the world, heavy precipitation does safe clean and nontoxic nuclear fusion on earth, down to -50° C above the north pole.

So a heavy precipitation does 1.  And the positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the electrons fall to the ground with the negative charge.  At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike.

The hydrogen ions produced by the steam plasma and lightening down strike, converts water molecules into hydrogen or oxygen positive ions, with free electrons.

And the turbulence within the plasma causes the sub atomic particles to combine, and they do not annihilate!  They form a string of neutrons.  Remember a hydrogen ion is a proton bonded two usually one neutron.  H̿=p⁺n⁰

3 H⁺+e⁻→2n⁰ so the proton and electron bond to form a neutron.  Which we clear link to the other neutron.  Though the two neutrons C and cure their own way!

So we have oxygen positive ions.  And neutrons.  And the neutrons bond with a mask carrying positive ions.  The electrons do not interact!

4 O⁺+4n→4H⁺+3n⁰

So the plasma burns the water molecules into just hydrogen positive ions, neutrons and balancing electrons.  But the neutrons electrons do not interact!

At the hydrogen ion is a magnet for the neutrons.  And to neutrons bond with every light hydrogen ion, to form tritium.  Which undergoes nuclear fission into heat light and X rays.  A carbon zero heat source!

5 ⁱH⁺+2n̾+e⁻→2(E²+L+X-ray)

As you seen above burning fossil fuels fires up a steam plasma.  A lightening strike is a steam plasma.  That produces five tonnes of helium ions.

Within a glass cylinder the plasma burns the helium and oxygen positive ions, into just heat light and X rays.

6 (H₂O+PL) confined→2(E²+L+X-ray)

Here I am indebted to Brett, who fired me off a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  And produce a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  As privacy calculated that a 1m x1cm the steam plasma are four atmospheres should freeze a constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.

So his practical findings were entirely consistent with my theories.  So every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike somewhere.  The strike free using five tonnes of helium ions.

A quick relativistic conversion from two hydrogen ions into one helium ions, teaches us that is an energy release of 2.5x10³⁰ W our carbon zero heat.  So nature it gets 10⁴ W annually from this heat source.

And he also clear and well water the production of light, and maybe even felt a blast of heat.  There with our handy Geiger counter, we're on aware of the X ray emission coursing through our bodies.

An we need sensitive gas something equipment to detect the helium from a steam plasma.  Which he can set up in the laboratory!

So we are getting a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  From two little water ever to measure in a lifetime!  If we pass air over the glass cylinder with a plasma in, it emerges as 800° C!

Passed over 65 kW thermoelectric generator, we produce that lovely 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Luckily the generator will produce mains linked three phase electricity for us.

And the national grid will happily pay us annually for 180,000 UK pounds.  As we supply the heat for between eight and 20 houses.

The problem he is are all the house owner will buy their own thermoelectric and generate out 65 kW of carbon zero mains electricity.  So the national grid may find that the UK population it produces more electricity than it uses!  44 GW.  That is 44,000 MW.

From two little water ever to measure!  The are absolutely no carbon dioxide production.  Which the plant's will be very unhappy at!  As extra carbon dioxide means increase plant growth around the world.

Our weather is made in the stratosphere, which has a Preindustrial 2.5 parts per million/m³ carbon dioxide in.  Which is from eight below accurate measurement!  And has not changed since before mankind's industrial revolution.

A static trace gas affects nothing!  Carbon dioxide increases plant growth rates, no climatic effect!  Which is why the weather there is responding to the 28 year half cycles of summer emissions.  So 2023 he and which should have acted natural global warming.

With a preindustrial carbon dioxide levels in the temperate air!  I remember carbon dioxide level above the arctic ice, twice the temperate liimit!  As we experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

People who ever written a fictitious paper about manmade global warming or climate change, total biological idiots!  Writing fictitious papers on behalf of nuclear power!

The most toxic and worst paid fiction in human history.  Such individuals should not be in education or the media.  They should be cut loose to write science fiction!  Which is what the skilled at.

Me more lightening does nuclear fusion even at -50° C above the north pole.  The temperature is the result of a nuclear fiction, not the prerequisite!

We need 1 W of fluid turbulence in high pressure water or steam, or gas water vapour!  And nature is full of nuclear fusion.

Every green plant around the temperate land and C does nuclear fusion during the day.  Releasing helium and oxygen gases, the and X rays and light blue light flashes!

Nuclear fusion even at -50° C.  And distinctly moderate pressure!  No 10 million degrees C, and the 10 atmospheres around of radiant sun.  He is something for you.

Your beating heart does biological molecular nuclear fusion 70 times a minute.  Which is why you breathe out methane and helium gases!  And a Geiger counter will detect the X ray emission.

7 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+P+dP/dT→(CH₄+O₂)+r(He+O+L+X-ray)

So while alive animal hearts do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  QED.


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