Free carbon zero heat and power

As I learned on my master's degree at Sheffield University 1986, burning fossil fuels actually does what the late Professor Bernard Argent called molecular nuclear fusion.

A a fossil fuels we are interested in turning some the steam into helium and oxygen gases, with massive energy and light X rays.

1 CₘHₙ+(m+n/2+r)O₂+spark→(mCO₂+nH₂O-E)+r(He+O₃+L+E²+X-ray)

As it taught in the 1980s, that a flame of gas or oil produce helium and ozone gases, as they give off massive heat with visible light and X rays!

Ask any physicist.  There is no chemical source of helium, there's a light and X rays.  And the amount of energy use absolutely massive!  So a flame of fossil fuels it does molecular nuclear fusion from regular water.

The same process goes on in the turbulence of fast flowing river or waterfall.  Helpfully university geography departments have recorded the emission of X rays and light flashes from the turbulent flow of high pressure water.  Which they never explain!

2 (1+r)H₂O+P+TU→H₂O+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

Geography is presumably unaware that the production of visible light, X-rays and helium can only be produced by nuclear fusion and fission.

The X rays in which the carbon isotope number.  Which decays factor carbon 12 it predictable rate!

3 ⁱ⁴C+T→ⁱ²C according to the half life of carbon 14.  This is a whole faces of carbon dating!  You will probably have noticed the problem!  Burning carbohydrates of fossil fuels causes the release of X rays.

As does the turbulence in a fast flowing river.  Both are which generates X-rays!  Masterly slashing the half life of carbon 14 from 5000 years, to just 50!

Green plants in light also do molecular nuclear fusion.

4 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E)+r(He+O+Lb+X-ray) Lb= a faint blue light.  Release by plants on land and C around the temperate earth doing photosynthesis.  Which is actually a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

So all device ferried in a field of green crops, or above a peat bog, are subject to a at low dose radiation field.

So we get the same shortening of the carbon half life!  So or to vaccinate carbon date 5000 years ago, were actually buried within living memory.  And have the standard cells decade from 50 years ago.  The carbon dates are so wrong!

A phosphorus date shows the times flying going back 20,000 years, but are affected by the radiation field in the same manner as carbon dates.

So can normalise the carbon date according to the phosphorus dates!  The phosphorus date preceds human civilisation.  So we can correct the carbon date!

The most useful form of physical molecular nuclear fusion there goes on continuously around the earth, is from the heavy rain or snow storm.

5 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+X-ray TU= turbulence

Again happily university geography departments have written papers on the xray production of precipitation.

The close act as a massive charge collector!  Or positive ions collected above the clouds layer.  The electrons carry the negative charge to the ground.  And fefurthering volts 100 amps, A partial steam plasma tracks its way to the ground.  Discharging all that electrical potential.

But then we have a 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma.  Where the plasma breaks the water molecules apart into positive atomic ions and free electrons.

6 H₂O+P+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

The electrons are attracted towards the positive ions.  And are attracted towards the hydrogen ions.

7 ⁱH⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Physics gets very excited about neutrons!  As the unwind matter.  Causing the nuclear fusion of atomic nuclei.  Here we have a hydrogen and oxygen positive ions.

8 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰+e⁻→4H⁺+3e⁻-E

So the oxygen nuclei fission into hydrogen ions.  As big energy release is from the nuclear fission of hydrogen.

9 H⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray)

A fantastically miniscule amount of hydrogen the for an massive carbon zero heat.  Again my American friend therfirmer practically that a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma produces a constant 1 MW of carbon zero energy!

A light engineering firms in Salford, can link our 30cm steam plasma, to end running from the environment.  Which will be heated and the use the plasma chamber at 800° C8 atmospheres pressure.

Passed over a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator this will freeze a constant 65 kW our carbon zero electricity.  The generator will produce mains linked voltage and phase AC current.

A company is just 20 kW of the electricity during the working day.  They are freezing a constant carbon 65 kilowatts all day and night.

The national grid will happily send us an annual check for 120,000 UK pounds.  The home user requires just 8 kW on Christmas day, so he can expect an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds.

One in eight houses knees to build a plasma power plant, and the whole the salford goes carbon zero.  In actual fact the light engineering firm makes and sells the plasma power plants.

And takes the first six weeks of electricity pounds from the national grid.  Which will pay for plant with a nice profit!  Give you the seed capital for yet more plasma power units.

Which do not burn any fossil fuels.  Have had twice the efficiency of molecular nuclear fusion.  Done as you burn the fossil fuels today!

You do not utilised or produce any radioactive substances.  Giving the world access to carbon zero power that pays a fortune, is a total election winner!  And issues within the RE minute of the garage scientist.

I advocate a light engineering firm, he was they used to work in engineering!  And they can sort out all the problems, and gave the world carbon zero power that pays.  Utilising two little regular water ever to measure in a lifetime!  Simples. 


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