Better than burning oil and gas

Burning oil and gas only releases 45 kW/m from a burner.  Though he does release a carbon dioxide that stimulates plant growth around the burner!

Extra carbon dioxide converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes around the temperate earth.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+P+TU+chlorophyll→(Cm(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

TU= turbulence within the plant photo blast.  Lb is a faint blue light emitted for all organisms doing photosynthesis.

This equation is interesting!  As he teaches us that as we wander through a field of green crops during the day with a Geiger counter and gas sampling equipment, will finally green crops produce X-rays and helium.  There is a chemical source of neither!

Photosynthesis is it light induced molecular nuclear fusion, which uses chlorophyll as a catalyst.  There first use a different catalyst, so require less water finds are not as efficient at doing nuclear fusion.

Biology turns out to be the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.  Turning molecular hydrogen, in this case regular water, was named by the late Professor Bernard Argent as molecular nuclear fusion.  My idea!  His name.

Which is why plant matter, cause such residual energy!  As you burn it we get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.  Making ward in nuclear fusion Energy Storage unit.

I got intrigued 2008 by the emission of X rays from lightening volts.  Where a 1.5km like involved we set up by the turbulent interaction of rain or snow molecules in storms'.

2 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray

So storms' free use helium and oxygen ions.  And remember there is no chemical source of helium!  It is lost to space within 24 hours.  An replaced the next day by the turbulent flow of water.

For cheekily the deep sea currents!  Where we have a pressurise water in turbulent flow.  Which again releases out helium and oxygen gas, the massive heat and X rays.  Nature is four of molecular nuclear fusion from water.

So again we are doing 2 big time.  I was taught as a 30 year or school child, that ammonia refineries produce carbon residue and a X-rays!  Which I did not understand.  Neither did the teacher!

3 CH₄+P+T+TU→C+2He+E+X-ray

We did not notice of the gas heats up as it passes through the refinery.  And the production of helium gas was never explained.  Just another type of molecular nuclear fusion.

I have a speaker from an internationally circulated physics magazine, who described my frequent papers on nuclear fusion as the work of a genius.  I was helped by their ideas of Dr Z and professor Argent.  And also the experimental results of many physical scientists.

Or time talking about helium production the X ray emission.  My training is as a metallurgist!  Hence all the chemical equations above.

And other experimental result was the production of five tonnes of helium ions from a every lightening strike.  That a heavey rain or snow storms releases visible light, heat and X rays.

4 H₂O+P+TU→2H²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

Which is why a lightening fuels electric!  The positive charge rises to above the clouds layer, and negative charge falls to ground.

Within the plasma and we get the recombination of hydrogen ions with electrons.  That do not annihilate!  Positrons and electrons would.  Hydrogen ions are a proton bonded usually to just one neutron.  Which has a mass boson.

The free electrons are negatively charged, and attracted to the positive ions.  We get the interaction of a proton with an electron, which forms a neutron.

5 H⁺=p⁺.n⁰

6 p⁺.n⁰+n⁰→2n⁰

This to neutrons break apart, and bond with the positive atomic nuclei- attracted by the mass.  They do not interact with a fast moving electrons.

So a steam plasma burns regular water, into heat light and X rays.  As a high June ions are converted into neutrons, but then the other atomic nuclei the cause repeated nuclear fission, and till we get the fission NG of tritium,H³ into heat light and X rays.

7 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+X-ray

I rather imagine by now or I have lost you!  If we put it altogether the plasma burns regular water into heat light and X rays.  Without any oxygen involvement!  And no carbon dioxide generation.

8 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion, which Prix uses heat with helium and oxygen ions.  The plasma burn as all those into yet more heat light and X rays.

All this theorising suggest that a 1m x 1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should precede constant 2.4 MW of heat.  But theories are just ideas!  My American friend tried it all out for me.  Interestingly enough not my engineering friends in the UK!

As giving the world carbon zero heat destroys the external funding science education gets from nuclear power.

9 (H₂O+PL) confined→2(E²+L+X-ray) Brett found that a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Not theories, hard practically confirmed the science fact,.

So we get out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat from a 30cm steam plasma.  That utilises no carbon fuel, and Prix uses no carbon dioxide!  Not involving are producing any hyper toxic radioactive substances.

So none of the annual 100 million annual insurance every uranium nuclear power plant knees every year.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  And bribed the national nuclear regulators!

Remember Chernobyl cost the Ukraine 40 billion.  The U.S.S.R.  never paid for the nuclear incident in 1986.  Even though rasher could now afford the fine!

There in 2010 and Japan, the most technically adept nations on earth, experience the Fukushima incident.  The annual insurance cover then rose by 100 billion, for 100 MW nuclear power plant.

Sizewell B starting operation 1986.  So never have legal insurance cover ever!  Always an illegal engineering construction.  Nuclear power experiences a triple core meltdown around the world every 25 years.

As one of the 422 year a nuclear power plant experiences a triple core meltdown!  Like 3 Mile Island did, the most serious nuclear incident since the Windscale disaster.  Finally exceed by their total chaos in Chernobyl.

A plasma power plant has no radioactive core.  So can never have a core meltdown.  No China syndrome!

So our 30cm will freeze a free non toxic 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  We can turn of although MS or oil and gas burners!  And go over to free E carbon zero heat.

If we fire up a 15cm steam plasma we get a constant 500 kW of heat.  There any fossil fuel burn and totally radiation free.

We pass air over the heated cylinder, ancer a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator.  And we get at our free 65 kW of electrical power.  The generator is sold with the electronics to freeze three phase AC current, linked to the national grid voltage and phase.

Any house needs a maximum 8 kW of electrical power on Christmas day, usually requiring under 2 kW.  So we are supplying the national grid of 65 kW.  Who will happily send us an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds.

Which he is a millionaire's income!  We do not pay for our electricity.  The national grid sounds is a massive check every year!

We invest their money into her half megawatts steam turbine.  Which cost 12,000 UK pounds.  And now we generate a constant ½ MW of AC electrical power.

The national grid will send us a check only for 1.5 million.  Now that really years so her a millionaire's income!  The good we can do with that money.  We need to invest it or give away to charity, as there is just too much money even for most extravagant shoe fetishist to spend.

And after another month we build 20 half megawatt power plants.  The next month 80.  Are you getting idea yet?  Within two years the cancer by the 44 GigaW - the total electricity demand for the UK.

Show that requires a PW of electrical power.  10ⁱ⁰.  Even our 15cm plasma power plant produces 0.5x10⁶W of electrical power.  So the 10th 1000 little plasma power plants.

And crucially totally carbon zero!  China has now overtaken the U.S. in carbon dioxide production.  It as a massive agricultural industry, which have invested by the extra carbon dioxide.

Which is metabolised within 5 minutes into the carbohydrates of plant biomass.  So never reaches the stratosphere where our weather is made!

There was no chance of man made global warming and climate change was anything other than paid science fiction, on behalf of nuclear power.

But now we have a non nuclear carbon zero heat source.  Which involves no oil or gas burn.  We have a light production, but no combustion!

And again we get xray production - though lower power and of no consequence.  And light the massively energetic X rays emitted by nuclear power.  Which had just said dangerous!

I used to work in metal forging, and the feathering of metal forgings in nuclear reactor, is a big problem.  Engineers are constantly replacing a major metal forgings, evey five years!

But the nuclear power plant operation consent was for the old now are destroyed metal forgings.  They knew metal components never had planning consent!

A plasma power plant turns regular water into massive heat light and X rays.  Firing up using the high voltage electronics borrow from old fluorescent light.

Hence my friend on benefits fired up a 30cm steam plasma.  No expensive nuclear Materials Processing licence is required.  We utilised and produce no radioactive waste.

An we burn two little water ever to measure in 1000 lifetimes!  The physics magazine was impressed by this idea.  This totally demolishes the phantom science of man made climate change.

As we have no fossil fuel burn, so no carbon dioxide production!  Simples. 


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