Best zero carbon Energy System

H plasma-free C0 heat

I was taught on my master's degree in the 1980s, that the nuclear fission of patterns of to oxygen, took in energy!  Half the energy released as hydrogen ions fission into heat light and X rays.

1 H⁺+e⁻+PL→4(E²+L+X-ray)

My friend verified that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  So a 15x1.5cm steam plasma should release a constant 500 kW of heat.

But remember fission NG the oxygen into hydrogen ions takes in half the energy from the nuclear fission of hydrogen.

2 O⁺+3n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁺ e⁺= a positron electrons and positrons aniahlate

So a plasma converts water molecules into positive atomic nuclei, and free electrons.

3 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

A hydrogen plasma is far simpler!  We break the hydrogen molecules apart into high June ions and free electrons.  And they gradually amalgamated to form neutrons.

3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

So my friends 30 cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  I would expect a hydrogen plasma to release 2 MW of carbon zero heat.  Already a lot of energy!

So a 7.5cm hydrogen plasma should release a constant half megawatts of carbon zero heat.  We fire up the plasma user high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light.  Once established it will self sustain!

And he end up utilising a fantastically miniscule volume of hydrogen gas.  Somewhere around 10⁻ⁱ⁰cc a year.

Burning a hydrogen with oxygen is so energy deficient!

In layman's terms, burning hydrogen results in water: H₂+ 1/2 O₂ → H₂O + just 286, 000 joules. This combustion reaction also releases 286,000 joules of energy per mole of hydrogen gas burned.13 Feb 2015

And a hydrogen plasma is releasing 2 MW from a 30cm plasma.  So are hydrogen gas in a plasma is around 70 times as energetic as the burning of hygiene gas in oxygen.  Which itself is a masterly dynamic Energy System!

So firing up a plasma user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, gives us access to a heat system of more radiant sun's Corona: which use a hydrogen plasma!

UK centre there is lit by a sodium gas plasma.  A massively dynamic my producing system!  Which is 12 times less dynamic than a hydrogen plasma.

We could boil off water in a boiler room, and rival 1 MW steam turbine.  Which will freeze an annual income of three million UK pounds - from the ultimate carbon zero Energy System.

Firing up a 14x1.5cm steam plasma gives us access to 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  A thermoelectric generator will precede constant six to more kilowatts of mains linked AC current.

An annual income of 180,000 UK pounds!  The high June plasma is a more dynamic system.  But they are the steam plasma produces enough electricity for eight houses on Christmas day.  The ultimate clean Energy System!

Going off from regular water.  The work on the high June the plasma has yet to be done!  Ears and and 80,000 pounds a year not enough for you!  For our plasma power plant in the garden shed.  Totally carbon zero.


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