A fortune from carbon zero heat and power

Carbon 0 so easy

Involving no fossil fuel burn and no utilisation of production of radioactive materials.  Present uranium nuclear power bills its plants using a lot are reinforced concrete.

The cement for it is free used viral fossil fuel burn on limestone - driving off the carbon dioxide which will increase local plant growth rates.  There is no accumulation of carbon dioxide in the temperate air possible!

We are staying on at a preindustrial two parts per million.  In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient, and left four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  There was 85% more life on earth, resulting the sea levels in the one periods were 60 metres lower.

There was also a term percent more oxygen in the air.  Oxygen is the waste gas excreted by plants on land and C as they do photosynthesis.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So plants utilised infrared light from sunlight.  They bond carbon dioxide molecules with regular water.  Producing the carbohydrates of life, and excrete NG the surplus oxygen gas.

At the same time they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Releasing helium and free radical oxygen gases.  Though massive energy and even faint blue light and X rays.  There is no biochemical source of visible light or X rays.  And there is no source of radioactive decay.

So we are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The X rays bond with the carbon atoms in the carbohydrates, to enrich the carbon isotope number.  And the carbon decay is as a predictable rate, giving the basis for carbon dates.

2 ⁱ²C+X-ray→ⁱ⁴C

There he is so slight problem, the turbulent flow and of pressurise water itself does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+P+T with→He+O+E²+L+X-ray

Hence the production of gases an even light flashes as the river round so a bend all fours down a waterfall more than one metre high.  The deep sea currents also do physical molecular nuclear fusion.

Hence the bubbles of helium and oxygen gases from the deep.  And flowing water heats itself up!  Which then rises to join the warm sea currents, they carry the heat naturally towards the poles.

For artefacts buried in a peat bog or or river, the carbon 14 is subjected to X rays.  Slashing the half life from 5000 years, to just 50.  So all those archaeological dips that have unearthed total technology for in advance, of the datable artifacts surrounding it, just as the wrong date!

Staff parenting are over 50 years ago air, there is have a carbon date to 5000 years ago.  We really need datable technology!  Phosphorus dates are good at 20,000 years.

If they were away from a natural source of X rays.  Otherwise the phosphorus dates are just so wrong!

So even today as water rounds A friend in river, it gives off light flashes and X rays.  The X rays can be measured by waterproof Geiger counter held on a long stick.  And we actually have proved nature does molecular nuclear fusion.

Actually the idea of Dr Z, who discernment molecular nuclear fusion as uranium nuclear power, purchased him a chair in chemical and process engineering - to make him a professor Z.  A truly great mind!  Totally compromised by nuclear money.

Bret got interested as he vent my work on he every rain or snow storms, already doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.

4 (1+r)H₂O+P+TU→H₂Os+(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray)

This heavy precipitation releases helium and oxygen ions.  Interestingly enough we get light flashes - which produces a spooky light we have all experienced in heavy storms.  There is no chemical source of helium gas.

So a heavy precipitation actually does nuclear fusion.  And geography departments around the world have written academic papers and the production of X rays, light flashes and helium from heavy storms.  Though could not explain it!

Search for 'X-rays light flashes heavy storms' are your favourite search engine.

That production of ions and free electrons, we actually see in a fluorescent light.  So 2002 and my American contact user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light to fire up A steam plasma.

A confined steam plasma produces hydrogen and free electrons.

5 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

Within the plasma the turbulent flow and causes the Mr. them Asian of hydrogen ions and electrons.  Which do not annihilate!  Positrons and electrons would.

6 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

So the plasma spits out neutrons!  Which bond with the oxygen ions, causing the fish and chain andtill there for just four hydrogen ions and free electrons.

The regular hydrogen ions, bonded two neutrons, to produce ³H⁺.  Which undergoes nuclear fission naturally in two as heat light and X rays.

7 H⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+K+X-ray) twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.  Though the plasma burns regular water ions into just heat light and X rays.  With no oxygen our carbon be involved!

So my friend's 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Burning oil or gas only produces 45 kW of heat releasing carbon dioxide.  Which increases plant growth rates within 5 minutes locally.  No climate effect!  We utilised a 15x1.5cm steam plasma, releasing across a plasma kilowatts of heat.

We could take a commercially sourced quarter megawatts steam turbine, passing 12,000 UK pounds.  And producing an annual income from the national grid of 15,000.  So obviously favour of the turbine in a month!

We can purchase the turbine 41500 pounds on hire purchase.  And pay of the purchase deal in a month!

Are totally removed by a 1500 UK pound thermoelectric generator.  That would generate a constant 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Sold with the electronics to produce three phase AC current.

Every house needs just 8 kW of electrical power on Christmas day.  So we are getting an ice tax free income of 180,000 UK pounds annually.  A millionaire's income!

We will obviously invest the money in building new plasma power plants are ½ mile grid.  Each Juan given us the income of 180,000 UK pounds annually.  We are going to provide the 44 GW the UK uses every year, in just two years!  That is 44,000 megawatts of electrical power.

And we turn regular water into heat light and X rays.  We do not even produce a faint whiff of helium and free radical oxygen, symptomatic of molecular nuclear fusion going on.

Throughout nature!  Driving volcanic eruptions, and adding heat to the hot sea currents.  And every green plant on land and sea already does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  University biology departments would be the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.

Physics could explain it to them!  But giving the world carbon zero plasma power, totally destroys the phantom science of man made climate change.  There is no carbon dioxide production!

Just an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds.  And more free electricity B can shake a stick at!  Utilising two regular water ever to measure in 1000 lifetimes.

To reiterate our 15x1.5cm steam plasma they've rates a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  That will drive a commercially sourced thermoelectric electric generator to free use a constant 65 kW of ER three phase AC electricity.

The power company can easily change between the three phases, to match the power demands of the local electricity consumers.

But every eight house will own a plasma power plant, and free use all the electrical heat and power required for eight houses.  So the world goes carbon zero!

And ceases to have a a fossil fuels.  And hydroelectric stations like the 3 Gorges damn, are a major tourist attraction for ever. 


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