carbon zero energy that pays

Involving no fossil fuel burn and deftly no radioactive materials involved.  We utilised physics!  That teaches the gas plasma smashed use matter into just heat light and X rays.

Around the world every 3 minutes there is a lightening strike.  That releases 2.5x10³⁰W of non radioactive heat!  As the term and interaction of snow or water molecules, does nuclear fusion.  Which Professor Bernard argent named molecular nuclear fusion.

Personally we get a heavy rain or snow storm, where the turbulent interaction of water molecules already does molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

Which is why heavy storms give out X rays, heat at the air and produce oxygen and helium positive ions.  Plus free ranging electrons!

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer.  The negative force to the ground and at 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike.

Santis can go out in a snow or rain storms, and we have a Geiger counter and measure the priest X rays.  Of which there is no chemical source.

Every person on earth is familiar with lightening giving out visible light.  The underwear it also releases X rays and helium gas.  As it forms ozone.  University geography departments have written academic papers about the production of X rays and helium from lightening.

We get five tonnes of helium ions.  Which teaches is weak in the energy release of 2.5x10³⁰W of energy.  Totally carbon zero.  There no fossil fuel burn and no radioactivity involved!

My American friend got so interested he fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Every climate scientists on earth is now a familiar with molecular nuclear fusion.

The totally carbon zero Energy System.  But they are paid by uranium nuclear power to talk about carbon dioxide.  Omitting to mention that the construction of a uranium nuclear power plant, releases in two years the carbon equivalent of operating a conventional power plant for 25 years.

After 25 years we demolish the nuclear power plant.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon source!

But a steam plasma is totally carbon zero!

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so matter into massive heat, there's a light and X rays.  There is no chemical source of visible light or X rays.  And he utilises just 10⁻ⁱ⁵ccc of regular water a year.

To smaller volume ever to worry about.  And involves no fossil fuel burn.  And water falls for free from the skies!

We utilised the high voltage electronics from a all fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma.  Which my friend had found was self sustain at one atmosphere.  We need to top up the water level by such a mine you to volume and even in a lifetime.

And we get out 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  My local MP E coli a personage is fascinated by carbon zero technology.  This all came in my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000.  It is such old news!

The the climate pundits have chosen to ignore!  A 30cm steam plasma will freeze are 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  We use to heat air we pass over a thermoelectric generator.

Which produces a carbon zero electricity for eight houses!  An annual income from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds.  The national grid will pay 3000 pounds per kilowatt year.  And we are producing a 65 kW!

We then use the exit steam to drive an area central heating scheme, providing massive carbon zero heat from the same houses.

No fossil fuel industry for money into global warming science fiction fantasy.  Thinking is so stupid!  Yet I was 1986 and by 2023 quasi eight santis are still trying to convince people, that yes there were maybe cooling, but it is all due to carbon dioxide.

Green plants on land and sea eat carbon dioxide.  Convert into the carbohydrates of plant biomass within 5 minutes.  No possible weather effect!  We're just experienced the usual 28 year period of global cooling and.

The weather has been cooling since 1995!  Chernobyl happened in a period of natural global warming.  Cause five predictable solar emission cycles!

By now or house owners can fire up their own 30cm steam plasma and get a that 65 kW of carbon zero heat.  Using 1930s published physics!

And getting an annual check from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds.  From a plant costing under 2000 UK pounds to set up.  That then all basically run for free for the rest of time!  The sun walls well as for the earth in four billion years time.  Only 4x10⁹ years.

Are plasma tubes will still be shining, as the sun swallows the earth!  And the climate pundits will still be balloting on about carbon dioxide!  Or maybe by then they will being turned into a fossils who knows who cares.

So carbon zero electricity and heat is stupendously simple to produce.  Using high school physics!  Tragically physics are promoting manmade global warming climate change, seeking to get new hyper toxic an insurable nuclear power plants.

Since Fukushima every operating feet of your requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  No insurance above one billion is available and!  All 422 nuclear plants running hyper toxic and totally an insured!  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million of insurance.

Our plasma cylinder involves no radioactive materials.  It just burns the war steam into heat light and lower power X rays.  Which would generate 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.

This is not hard science!  It is almost embarrassingly easy physics.  Am a Prix uses costs free electricity.  Utilising no fossil fuel burn and hyper toxic and an insurable uranium nuclear power.

Even Sir David Attenborough has been financially induced to talk about global warming.  There the natural climate started cooling 1995.  Oh manmade climate change was really just a holding tactic, for natural weather cooled!

This year we're back to natural warming.  That green plants limit carbon dioxide in the temperate earth to just two parts per million.  Four PPM above the arctic ice Where there is no photosynthesis.

Which has the lowest natural temperatures on earth!  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Then spring returns and photosynthesis resumes in the seas.

And even above the poles we have the temperate two PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  And remember, uranium nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

And there is to use their money to subvert education and academics.  Gives in to talk horse shit about nuclear fiction.

Which is probably doing a disservice to horse shit. 


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