Non-nuclear carbon zero heat

So safe, non toxic,and free

I have this confirmed by my American friend!  Though it was my PH D area at Sheffield University 2000.  No academic were never countenance contradicting global warming - which is ended naturally 1995.

The natural inner solar system climates, are controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  So the warm and cool every 28 years!  There are long the period sporadic ice ages.

The most dramatic ice age was a period in earth prehistory cold at the snowball earth.

What are the carbon dioxide levels in Snowball Earth?

While previous estimates had put the carbon dioxide concentration at as much as 90,000 parts per million, this new analysis put it lower than 3,200 ppm, possibly as low as it is today, about 400 ppm.5 Oct 2011

Present photosynthesis limits free carbon dioxide levels around the temperate earth to just two parts per million.  The additional 0.004% carbon dioxide released by man's engines, are converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes during the day.

So carbon dioxide levels spiked at 90,000 PPM, during the most significant ice age in the earth's history.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!  45,000 times the carbon dioxide level, most massive ice age in history.

During daylight hours green plants on land and sea use photosynthesis to eat carbon dioxide level from the air, stand to 2 PPM.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(Cₘ(H₂O)n+Lb+E²+X-ray)

As we wander through a field of green crops during the day, a Geiger counter will detect the X ray emission.  Just as geography has written academic papers about!

Are I's detect a faint blue light - which makes photosynthetic plants look so radiant.  In the Jurassic that's down to the carbon dioxide level of 4 PPM.

There was 85% more life on earth.  Sea levels during a warm period were 60 metres lower.  Remember we had twice the carbon dioxide level in the temperate air!

There were three natural ice ages - caused by a predictable solar emission variations.  Before mankind had evening evolved!  Carbon dioxide levels spiked at 8 PPM.

Four times the present carbon dioxide level!  Strictly plagued by organisms on land and in the seas doing photosynthesis.

So green plants in light do nuclear fusion.  The conclusion on my PH D studies way back 2001.  Professor Z is under the academic imperative, to publish to the site on which Sheffield University Internet site.  To tell the world photosynthesis does nuclear fusion on earth.

A process the late Professor Bernard Argent termed molecular nuclear fusion.

The simplest way for man kind to tap into this massive ended system, is to fire up a steam plasma.  Which have been talking about for five years!  Not one comment from the climate change brigade, paid by nuclear power to aspire to biological rubbish.

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so the plasma burns regular water into heat light and X rays.  With no fossil fuels or oxygen involved!  And certainly no hyper toxic radioactive processes.

My friend firm that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma at the ready constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  You would have thought that professor Z would be all over this science!  But his chair in Chemical Engineering was paid for by hyper toxic uranium nuclear power.

Who so do not want clean, safe and nontoxic nuclear fusion on earth devising!  The turbulent flow of water or high pressure steam already doing molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray the greatest scientific insight given to me by the professor.  Off 10 repeated by American academics!  Totally familiar with nuclear fusion from compounds of hydrogen, at room temperature and only slightly elevated levels of turbulence.

We feed the heat from my friends 30cm steam plasma into a 500 kW steam turbine.  And yes there ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.  Rectified into 3 phase mains linked AC electrical voltage.

Mitsubishi Inverter Drive, 1.5 kW, 3 Phase, 400 V ac, 3.6 A, FR-D740 Series

So carbon zero electricity is stupendously simple to produce.  Totally carbon free.  Featuring no fossil fuel burn and no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes involved.

So carbon zero electricity is totally within the RE minute of the garage scientist.  Generating 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Annual payment from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds.  A massive fortune.

After a few months reply the half megawatts steam turbine.  And we are then on to the annual income of 1.5 million.  Good luck on spending that!  Featuring no oil, coal, or gas burning.

And certainly no handling of hyper toxic radioactive materials.  Just regular water!  Too small a volume ever to measure in a lifetime.


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