Keir Stammer wrong as normal

Git for hire

Nuclear power has played politicians to assume the carbon emissions affect the climate.  That is the highest level of biological stupidity ever!

Within 5 minutes of emission, the carbon dioxide has cooled have fallen to ground level.  Where it is greedily eaten by plants on land and in the seas of the world.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So during daylight hours plants' gobble up the available carbon dioxide, and combine it with water molecules.  To form the carbohydrates of life excrete NG the surplus oxygen: Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂.

So photosynthesis budding carbohydrates takes in energy.  I would not happen in nature if not linked to a biological molecular nuclear fusion.  I we turn some other water molecules into helium and oxygen gas, emitting a massive amount of heat a favour light and even X rays.

Every physicist in the world understands is massively dynamic process!  Which supports most life on earth.  However the major cash cow or since 1986 was manmade global warming.

At the natural climate has been cooling since 1995 - the planet of predictable solar emission cycles.  So all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling.  Included Mars with 98% oxygen in the air.

In the Jurassic the earth's atmosphere had just four parts per million, carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  0.0004%.  But the Jurassic had experienced three natural ice ages.

And the carbon dioxide level shot up to eight PPM.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!

In the present epoch, since before 1880 he and mankind's industrial revolution, carbon dioxide has been limited to just two PPM.  Around the temperate earth!  Extra carbon dioxide resulting in additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.

Extra plant growth rates these inevitably to extra animal life!  As he animals breathe in the oxygen gas excreted by plants, combine it with eton plant biomass breathing out carbon dioxide.

Man carriers additional carbon dioxide or cancer is 0.0004% of the daily carbon dioxide.

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂+TU→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray) TU= turbulence

Those animals also do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  As I have been discussing a professor Z for 20 years.

He gave me the idea from his uncle who helped devise cold fusion at Columbia University.  That the turbulent flow and of high pressure water or steam does molecular nuclear fusion.  A process that takes place in cell mitochondria.

So carbon emissions increased life on earth!  The very last thing politicians should be doing is trying to restrict life.  Keir Starmer's stupid idea of Ultra-Low imission Zones will not affect the two parts per 1,000,000 carbon dioxide left in the afternoon air, around the temperate earth.

The static carbon dioxide level since before 1880 and the industrial revolution.  Family is across Europe are being hit by the sudden surge in inflation rates.  So they nothing so this is a great time to introduce additional food taxes.

Which will impact Majerle on their own voters!  The income houses, struggling with the present search in living costs.

Reducing carbon emissions reduces the rate at which, man's burning of fossil fuels the term is the prehistoric carbon dioxide to active life.

3 CₘHₙ+n/2O₂+flame→(mCO₂+(n-r)-E)+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray)

So actually oxidising the carbon takes in energy.  The massive heat, visible  light and xray of  production are the product of molecular nuclear fusion.  Which is why a flame as a fuel gives out light, massive heat and even X rays.  Professor Z has been amazingly silent about the realizing a flame of fossil fuels does nuclear fusion.

So restricting carbon emissions will only decreased life on earth.  The trace level of carbon dioxide in the stratosphere is 2.5 PPM/m³.  And and it's static level since the present epoch started.  Before mankind had even evolved!

So labour is promoting the biologically nonsensical concept of carbon dioxide affecting the weather.  A static trace gas affects nothing and carbon dioxide around the temperate earth is fixed at just two PPM.

Above the arctic ice Every winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the arctic air.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Where there is no photosynthesis!

This trading carbon emissions will increase the prices of everything.  Just as the world is recalling from the present credit crunch!  Everything is getting dear - which in fact Majerle on low income households.

So they ever thinks there is a good time to introduce additional food taxes!  Am also increase petrol prices.  The latter so Boselli to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the temperate earth - which are already fixed by green plants' the just two PPM throughout the year.

Rising or snow covers the ground.  So carbon dioxide levels rise in the cold.  Making Keir Starmer the most dangerous biologically stupid party leader ever.


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