carbon zero is here

Carbon 0 SO easy

When you fire up a steam plasma, the water molecules are stripped into positive ions and free electrons.

1 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ stop any passing physicist, and they will explain the satanic science to you: which is why they were always dismissive of man made global warming - their major cash cow for research warming.  Hence they shut up!

They get the recombination of the hydrogen ions and electrons, to form neutrons.

2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Electrons and positrons would annihilate!  Hydrogen ions and electrons form neutrons.

The neutrons bond with the oxygen positive ions, and cause repeated nuclear fission and till left with hydrogen ions and one fewer electron.

Two neutrons bond with the regular hydrogen ions, to form tritium!  Which decays almost instantly into heat light and X rays.  So the net physical equation the steam plasma is massive carbon zero free energy.  Totally non nuclear.

3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

My American friend validated that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma the ready constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.

Where the water is converted into helium and oxygen gases, with half the liberation of heat light and X rays.  The steam plasma burns all other water molecules!

The most attractive option for the garage hobbyist is to rent a thermoelectric generator, to freeze a constant 65 kW of carbon zero heat.  The carbon zero electricity for eight houses, or three medium sized businesses.

This will generate an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  After only two months we apply a 500 kW steam turbine.

And start generating ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.  They national grid will pay us 1.5 million UK pounds annually.

In actual fact the light engineering firms would give away the steam plasma linked to a little steam turbine.  Exchange for first two months payments from the national grid.

Which pays for the cellar and with a nice profit!  There is are then gets an annual check for 1.5 million.  And the engineering firm is on to the next house owners.

Within the next five years you can generate all the UK's electricity using steam plasmas.  Already within the UK has and is have used regenerate four Power Systems, to generate 44 GW of electrical power.

100 per cent of the UK he energy requirement!  There national grid has a two year back block in licensing new Energy Systems.  Desperately trying to disguise the fact that the UK is already carbon zero.

Today he the government is offering new dilling rights to the north sea.  Looking to extract fossil fuel natural gas.  Endogenous natural gas production!  We no longer have to imported from Russia, or elsewhere.

If we fire up a little steam plasma the cancer that 65 kW of electrical power.  We drive a small refrigeration system, using 20 W.  And condense carbon dioxide air to the city air at -28° C.

We then combine it with are still hot gas - after the fire generation system.  When exposed to a flame steam and carbon dioxide level 400° C, unburns.  Doing the sobriety a process, awarded the noble prize in chemistry 1918.

4 2H₂O+T+CO₂+spark→CH₄+2O₃ the ozone off when it's the protective ozone layer.

We are used to the pressurised stream or gas and oxygen,1 burning at room temperature!  As high a temperature the reaction reverses.  As is often the way with thermodynamics.

5 CH₄+3O₂+spark→(CO₂-E)+(2-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

So burning oil or gas already does molecular nuclear fusion - r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray).  Which releases visible light heat and X rays.

Actually oxidising the carbon takes in heat!  And certainly does not release this or light and X rays: the province of nuclear reactions.  And here we are doing nuclear fusion from high June ions - as is no source of radioactive decay.

The X rays it enrich the isotope number of the carbon dioxide.

6 ⁱ²C+2X-ray→ⁱ⁴C with so open coal fires enrich the carbon isotope, which then decays at a predictable rate!  And there C have another source of turbulent water molecules, again doing molecular nuclear fusion and releasing X rays.

Your beating human heart already enriches the carbon isotope, which will then be breathed out as carbon 14.  Which trash use carbon dates.  Sorry archaeologists, you need Koreans are datable technology to really date archaeological sites.

Medicine so company is can produce 'natural' gas.  They can make their own methane!  Making a plasma Power System to a little refrigeration unit.  Then makes NG the dry ice with a hot steam and unburning it to give back the natural gas.  4.

Which makes the UK government the signing of gas extraction and licences for the north sea look like criminal opportunism.

So bad he did not realise he was setting off molecular nuclear fusion and his chemically equation so the production of methane being endothermic - taking in a engery.

A quick Geiger counter demonstrates that we are doing nuclear fusion.  Rather unexpected - as the gases are are at 400° C and room pressure.

So we sat the carbon dioxide air to the air and the same gases only released as you burn the methane under pressure.  So it is the carbonate neutral Energy System.

Required no offshore drilling or locating of gas pockets.  Any medium sized business can freeze and unstued free electrical power, and produce methane!  A totally carbon neutral Energy System.

For the the steam plasma is the better Energy System.  Producing a constant 1 MW of heat, and from two little regular water ever to measure in a lifetime!  No production of carbon dioxide.

We leave that gas to plants and animals - two support life on earth.  So no no expensive offshore gas licences required!

Company since it is can produce totally carbon neutral methane gas for free.  Or getting their electricity at alcester for free. 


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