carbon fixed

Plants EAT CO2

This is the issue climate 'scientists' never address.  In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved, and left twice the carbon dioxide level in the air: four parts per million!  That is just 0.0004%.  This is a frighteningly low amount.

There was 85% more biological life on earth.  It was a golden time of the earth's history!  That was during the warm periods.  There were three natural ice ages.

When the snow covers land, and ice covered the seas!  And the global sea level fell drastically.

During the last ice age glaciers covered almost one-third of Earth's land mass, with the result being that the oceans were about 400 feet (122 meters) lower than today. During the last global "warm spell," about 125,000 years ago, the seas were about 18 feet

During the ice age carbon dioxide levels increase to eight parts per million.  So or four times the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air, in an ice age!  Carbon dioxide is a climate follower.  It reacts to the wax and wane of plant growth.

During the present epoch modern photosynthesis fixes the afternoon carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth at just two parts per million.  Man so extra carbon emissions account for 0.004% of the daily carbon dioxide.

All of which is taken in by green plants within 5 minutes, and converted into plant biomass.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray) so photosynthesis sucks in carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of infrared light, and cause the carbohydrates of life.

Excreting oxygen - a process that takes in energy.  Linked inevitably to biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Where we turn some water molecules into helium and oxygen gas, a faint blue light massive energy and even X rays.

You can wander through a field of green crops during daylight hours, and measure the X ray emission!  Also seeing a vibrant green and plant's - as they emit a faint blue light.  There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays.

And certainly there is no chemical source of helium gas.  Plants are doing nuclear fusion.  It was the evolution of photosynthesis in the seas, that was a massive energy source - and yanked the earth after the snowball earth state - which it causes the biggest mass extinction in earth prehistory.

Photosynthesis releases massive heat as it does nuclear fusion.  A system which is never been studdied - just so crucial to life on earth.

Today around the temperate earth in the afternoon sun there is just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  Carbon is so fixed.  Man's carbon emissions have resulted in extra life on earth.

Extra plant life these inevitably to extra animal life.  We are gradually releasing the 85% extra life that died at the Jurassic mass extinction.  If I have could survive the meteorite impact near Mexico, humanity is totally incidental!

HIUS carbon emissions are actually releasing the fossil fuels back into the air as carbon dioxide.  To be taken in by modern photosynthesis - to create extra plant biomass.

Above the poles in winter carbon dioxide levels double to the Jurassic four PPM.  Where there is no photosynthesis sucking the carbon dioxide in.

Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice shelf.  Carbon dioxide so obviously a warming gas.

We are in the summer months and the climate change santis are happily talking about global warming!  Though carbon is at the same level it was in 1880 - before mankind's industrial revolution.

This is going to be a bad, bad winter!  And the climate santis are we talking about climate change and extra rain!  Climate same tactic totally contradicts global warming.

Both based on the erroneous physics idea, that man carriers carbon emissions were increasing the carbon dioxide level in the air.  Nobody asked the green plants!  Within 5 minutes the carbon emissions all year around, results in extra plant life on earth.

During the winter months, the carbon dioxide has to circulate to the water equator, before he can be metabolised.  As we see in the arctics carbon dioxide levels increase!  Doubling in the Antarctic polar air, as be experienced the air temperatures down to -80° C.

In the Jurassic ice ages we had eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  So carbon dioxide so obviously is not a warming gas!  It reacts to the wax and wane of photosynthesis.

A system familiar to all biologists on earth.   Physics is totally unaware of the carbon cycle tragically physics has forgotten that biology it was taught at high school.

Carbon is fixed!  There is a Prix industrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

They carbon dioxide does not reach the stratosphere!  Explosive volcanic eruptions have resulted in there being 2.5 PPM per metre cubed.

Use water molecule occupies just 10⁻ⁱ⁶m.  So this gives us a level of 0.000025 parts per trillion.  Which can have no conceivable effect on anything!  And it's static all year around.  Winter does not reach the stratosphere.

Man carriers carbon dioxide is contained in the earth's lower atmosphere, and converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.  They physics to shut the hell up about the carbon cycle.

If you talk to a biology lecturer of professor, and as other words 'global warming', they will very nearly dying from after!  It is the biggest barrier scientific rubbish ever.

No rational santis can ever give any house room to manmade global warming and climate change for a nano second.

An SI unit of time is nanosecond (ns) and it is equal to one billionth of a second. The prefix nano and the unit second combine to make the term nanosecond. nanoseconds = seconds × 1 , 000 , 000 , 000. One second has a duration of 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds, which is why we used this number in the formula above.

Though stupid science fiction ever!  A nuclear power has been and always hopes for a future on the biggest slow scientific twaddle ever.  Carbon dioxide is at a Prix industrial levels.

Carbon dioxide has obviously no affect on the weather.  We are not about to experience the hottest temperatures ever recorded!  Manchester is experiencing a cooling summer.  21° C, instead of the usual 35° C.

And Europe is busy cooling!  Just as the climate change people were forecasting the HIUS European temperature is ever.  The temperatures seen to have fallen by 8° C from last week.


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