carbon dioxide rises in the cold

Weather cooling since 1995.  CO2 so static

At present every day, photosynthesis limits free carbon dioxide in the temperate air to just 2 parts per million.

Modern photosynthesis evolved approximately 3.2 to 3.5 billion years ago

There is suggestive evidence that photosynthetic organisms were present approximately 3.2 to 3.5 billion years ago, in the form of stromatolites, layered structures similar to forms that are produced by some modern cyanobacteria, as well as numerous microfossils that have been interpreted as arising from phototrophs ( ...6 Oct 2010

In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less adept at dumping free radical oxygen.  And only talk in carbon dioxide down to four PPM.  Photosynthesis itself is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(C₂(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

BX rays increase the isotope number of carbon to carbon 14.  Though source of radiocarbon dating!  Unfortunately massively inaccurate!  If there is a source of turbulent flowing river water close at hand.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+X-ray

4 ⁱ²C+2X-ray→ⁱ̾C

During the day organise an steam photosynthesis on land and sea, take in light at nano meters, emitting a faint blue light and X rays.  It A sure sign of nuclear processes

While previous estimates had put the carbon dioxide concentration at as much as 90,000 parts per million, this new analysis put it lower than 3,200 ppm, possibly as low as it is today, about 400 ppm.5 Oct 2011

It is wrong that we take carbon dates as sure science!  There are many sources of molecular nuclear fusion in the environment, muscle by shortening the half life of carbon 14.  An increasingly apparent date of artefacts!  Buried within the last 50 years, carbon dating to 3000 years old!

Which makes a fast a lot less interesting!  An explains why gave men walked around a digital watches on.  I always wondered why!

So here isn't nuclear fusion on earth professor Z was so keen on as Dr. Z.  And lost all interest as uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering.

Since Chernobyl every nuclear power plant on earth had required annual insurance cover of 40 billion.  Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.  When I was unfortunately in Brazil!

There is no available source of independent insurance above one billion.  Fukushima totally bankrupted the Japanese State for ever.  That is what nuclear power does!  Fukushima may have led to the early deaths of 20 million Asian people.

That is a total legal fine of 2000 trillion.  Our planet only worth 138 trillion!

You can wander through a field of green crops with a Geiger counter in light, and measure the X ray emission.  You I is will detect the faint blue light emitted five plant's!  So nature has done nuclear fusion on earth for 3.8 billion years.  Since waterfalls over one metre deep existed!  It with he is not hard science.

Every winter above the arctic ice, there is no photosynthesis.  Carbon dioxide rises to four PPM.  Double the carbon dioxide level - at -80° C.

In the snowball earth 800,000,000 years ago, if of carbon dioxide water a warming gas, is levels should have fallen to one PPM!  Which was a suggestion of on TV yesterday.

The mineral records teachers that carbon dioxide levels reached 3,200 PPM.  So carbon dioxide very much not a warming gas!  As they can have been no snow covering around the earth.

We should have seen air to rest your temperature of 40,000° C.  Which would have a fatally sterilised the earth totally!  We have a world totally covered in snow.  Whoever made up man made global warming, was a serious nuclear funded biological idiot.

No rational scientist can give any time to the erroneous suggestion, the carbon dioxide is a warming gas.

Is very easy to check!  Measure the temperature of the carbon dioxide is cylinder.  Which show naturally be out 200° C.  Instead of room temperature!  Carbon dioxide increases plant growth rates.

Increasing life on earth!  Taken in by plants around the temperate earth within 5 minutes - and converted into plant biomass.  No possible weather effect!

Manmade climate change was a nuclea a holding tactic, to cover the 28 years of natural global cooling we experience since 1995.  When the world began naturally to cool.

Controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  So all the planets in the sources as some have been cooling since 1995.  Included MARs with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

Average Martian Air temperature -112° C.  Not the expected in excess of 30,000° C.  Carbon dioxide not a warming gas!  Professor Z is under the academic obligation, to publish this corrective nergy on May Sheffield university Internet site.

He has no discretion!  It is what academics do - freely published corrective papers on the Internet.  To be read and validated by every scientist on earth.


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