carbon already static

Plants eat extra CO2

The only carbon dioxide that could have had a climatic effect, is that in the stratosphere.  In the high Earth atmosphere!  Mankinds carbon emissions never leaves the low earth's atmosphere.

They cool, slinky and all the time eyes by green plants on land and in the seas.  Used to are the carbohydrates of life!

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

The 'r'it means that photosynthesis does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  You don't need to understand this!  I unfortunately do.  So actually producing the carbohydrates Cₘ...  takes in energy.  And is accompanied by be plant excreting the oxygen gas plant's produce.

This system went on before man the even evolved!  Mankinds releasing carbon dioxide, by burning the fossil fuels actually returns biology to active life.  The fossil fuels were all active biology in prehistory.

If we go back to the Jurassic there was 85% more biological life on earth.  There was twice the carbon dioxide level in the temperate air - four parts per million.

There were three natural Jurassic ice ages.  And carbon dioxide will have doubled to eight parts per million.  And sea levels will have fallen, they were already 60 metres lower in the one periods.

Who is an interesting question!  Rishi Sunak has declared the carbon dioxide is a major problem.  Carbon dioxide is a static trace gas in the global air.

Every afternoon plants sink the carbon dioxide, that he is eat the gas, cancer the present limit of just two parts per million.

Half the level in the warm Jurassic periods!  When there was 85% more life on earth, and global sea levels were 60 metres lower.

In the one epoch carbon dioxide has been limited to just two parts per million in the afternoon temperate air.  Back to before 1880 he and the industrial revolution.

So presumably people are measuring the carbon dioxide in the global air.  And the temperate carbon dioxide level in the afternoon air is two PPM.  It rises naturally in the cold of night!

Mankinds carbon emissions have had no effect!  They have increased plant and so animal life on earth.  They can have had no conceivable effect on the weather!

Today around the UK in the afternoon air in the spring through to the autumn, there is just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  So static!

Rishi has declare the intention to ensure the carbon dioxide levels are backed a Prix industrial levels within 37 years.  They were at two PPM 1880.  Ander at two PPM today.

And always she is quasi scientists should have informed him the carbon dioxide years so a static!

Mankinds huge carbon emissions are carbon 0.0004% are the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals including humans.  Which is taken Ian and within 5 minutes five plant's during daylight hours.

And use to are the carbohydrates of life.  Nuclear power has been trying to justify its continued existence, since Chernobyl in 1986.  By declaring the carbon dioxide must inevitably warm the air!

A static trace gas does nothing!  The global climate has been cooling since 1995 - like all the planets in the inner solar system.  Including Mars which is 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

The temperate earth has just 0.0002%.  And most telling me of all totally static!  Above the arctic ice In winter carbon dioxide does rise.

To four PPM.  Twice the terrestrial limit - no photosynthesis!  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

So every day he Rishi Sunack will be given an update on the carbon dioxide level.  'still at 0.0002%'.  No increase ever!

When he uranium nuclear power bills lower power plant, they use a fossil fuel burn on limestone and to free use the cement for their reinforced concrete.  Making an active nuclear power plant building programme mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter.

Nuclear power is so not carbon zero!  And remember carbon dioxide is a static trace gas.  Already in the UK people have built expensive region energy sources.

They generate 44 gigawatts of electrical power.  The total UK Energy demand!  The need neither commercial more nuclear power.  There national grid has had two year delay in licensing energy sources.

Trying to hide the fact that the UK is already totally fossil fuel independent.  If we a fire up a steam plasma, we get out a carbon zero Energy System.

My friend firm that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of heat.  Burning oil and gas only releases 45 kW of heat.

The garage scientists can see that heat into little half megawatts steam turbine: bought on hire purchase.  They cost 12,000 UK pounds to buy.  1200 pounds to rent from month.

Annual income a warm 0.5 million UK pounds.  So he paid for the turbine within two months.  And sit back and enjoy the income of 1.5 million.  For all that lovely carbon zero heat.

It turns out the carbon zero heat and power is a very very simple!  It is worked out at Sheffield University during my PH D work 2000.  Certain professor Z her us out on my work.

As his professorship into chemical and process engineering, was paid for by uranium nuclear power!

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) from 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  We'll never measure it in 1000 lifetimes!

Totally carbon free heat, utilising no fossil fuel burn and or hyper toxic nuclear processes.  The total answer to manmade climate change!  All the politicians will run around madly, trying to justify their financial contributions from uranium nuclear power.

A process so that toxic in a needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  All 422 nuclear plans around the world running with criminally insufficient insurance.  Massive carbon source is!  Just so that toxic.  Think Chernobyl, and then Fukushima.  Conclusive proof that the Japanese, the most technically adept nations on earth, can do uranium nuclear power safely.

There is no fossil insurance cover above one billion.  Hence the Sizewell C consort EM have vanished into the undergrowth!  Just such a criminal process.


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