best zero carbon car

Cars and the UK go carbon 0

We do not use battery charging.  Which only causes carbon emissions at the power plant.  Instead we use a carbon zero heat source.  Which is basically a lightening strike in a glass cylinder!

A steam plasma smashed use water molecules into just heat light and X rays.

1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

A lightening strike would do molecular nuclear fusion, splashing water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, plus the same heat light and X rays.  Only half the heat!

2 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+(E²+L+X-ray) The idea of Dr. Z from Sheffield University.  Who lost all interest in clean safe and nontoxic nuclear fusion, as he is have fought a chair in Chemical Engineering by uranium nuclear power.

Who curiously enough has been a nasty get no credit for the most important scientific idea in history!  What the late Professor Bernard Argent cold molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning water molecules from the turbulent flow of steam or high pressure water, into massive carbon zero heat.

My American friend was so intrigued, he did the practical experiments for me!  He firm that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma liberated a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.1 which is really a lot of power!

A commercially sourced thermoelectric generator, we generate 130 kW of electrical power.  Even three phase mains AC current!

If we utilises a 15cm steam plasma we generate 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  Now at this stage of the electrical car manufacturers are horrified!  Having invested billions into lithium battery production.

Hear a car can generate its electrical power as it goes along!  From two little regular water ever to measure.

Thermoelectic generators have a 13% efficiency, how to get at 65 kW of carbon zero heat.  A small helicopter would only take 45 kW.  So we drive around all day, and plugged into A plug socket in the garage.

And sell 57 kW of electrical power to the national grid.  Enough to power a seven houses!  An we generate absolutely no carbon dioxide.  I do not see the problem of carbon dioxide - plant's take in carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.

And converted into plant biomass.  So nature eats carbon!

3 CO₂+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+r(He+O+E+Lb+X-ray)

During the day green plants on land and sea eat carbon dioxide.  Man can is enormous carbon emissions are just 0.0004% are the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals.

So much less important than a decent forest fire all volcanic eruption.  The carbon dioxide being converted into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.

During the snowball earth, photosynthesis had not evolved.  We at 3000 parts per million carbon dioxide in the air during the long ice age.  So carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!

In the Jurassic photosynthesis had evolved in the cretaceous, causing in the cretaceous mass extinction, as carbon dioxide crashed as one part per million.  Life recovered as animals increased in numbers!  They had already evolved.

The Jurassic one periods had 85% more active biological life and is on earth today.  Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower.  But there were three natural ice ages.  Which saw free carbon dioxide increase and four PPM, to eight PPM.

Since 1880 modern photosynthesis around the temperate earth has have just two PPM, carbon dioxide in the air.  1/4 level in the Jurassic ice ages.  Cause five predictable solar emission dips.

Resulting me all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling since 1995.  As scientists have not bothered pointed out - as the major cash cow or is a research funding the receipt from uranium nuclear power, to top biological nonsense about carbon dioxide.

Even professor Z has kept his head down and not talked about clean and nontoxic nuclear fusion from the turbulent flow of water.  The last time I talked to him, he proudly pointed out here fail to publish any work on carbon dioxide.

Not bothering to tell the world the carbon dioxide have been static at two PPM, since before 1880 he and mankind's industrial revolution.  But he did tell me how the turbulent flow of water or high pressure steam did nuclear fusion.  What an idea!

Within a confined glass cylinder the plasma burns the helium and oxygen gases, into yet more heat light and X rays.

4 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

Who is are truly massive heat production from a glass confined steam plasma.  12 1m x2cm steam plasma is at four atmosphere, will release over 200 MW our carbon zero heat.

A driving a power station to generate 100 MW of carbon zero electricity.  Which we convert into mains voltage three phase current for convenience.  Totally carbon neutral!

We burn no oil or gas.  Every electric car or one I utilise a 15cm steam plasma to generate its own 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Looked up at home, we rectify into three phases mains current and voltage.  Totally carbon neutral!

The plant's also upset!  As mankind's industrial revolution has increased available carbon dioxide by 0.0004% every day it since 1880 he and the industrial revolution.

So now we use a water a hybrid car.  The steam plasma using a thermoelectric generator to barked in the 1930s.  CJ is and 65 kW of electrical power.

So we have had no need to reckon the recharge of battery.  We get free E an infinite range!  Utilising no fossil fuels.  Producing no carbon emissions!

An we draw no power from the national grid.  Or power stations convert over to a steam plasmas as carbon zero heat sources: again much to the disgust of green plants!  Who loved all the extra carbon dioxide.  Even their man only produced a mine you had trace.

Publishing the use of her steam plasma producing carbon zero heat he is leading edge of science!  That would have four at Sheffield University on the world academic map.  The nuclear power would be incensed!

But every one of 422 nuclear power plants need annual insurance cover after Fukushima of 100 billion.  A carry a criminally insufficient 50 million!

There is no available insurance round the world for more than one billion.  So each other nuclear power plant so is running with criminally insufficient insurance.  The United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down all nuclear power.

And the garage harvest can build his own 30cm steam plasma.  Fired up using the electronics from old fluorescent light purchased at the local secondhand shop.

Buying a 500 kW steam turbine on approaches will cost just 1200 UK pounds a month.  So we paying off the turbine within two months!  And the immune get an annual income of 1.5 million a year.

That really is a lot of money!  Already E in the UK a month ago, the newspapers reporting that UK residents had invested in regenerate four power supplies.

Turning the flow of river water or even waves, into massive carbon zero energy.  Or using a small coppice to grow tree is to feed a burner.

Producing carbon neutral electricity.  We rectify into three phases mains voltage.  Which he is a far more expensive than the steam plasma!  But the UK he now we generate 44 GW of electrical power.

Which is 100% of the UK Energy demand: the national grid has had two year backtalk in registering new power generators.  As it has realised in horror, the UK it now it generates all the electricity in its uses.

Before the garage santis fire up the steam plasmas!  The UK is carbon zero/neutral.  Which turns out really not to be a huge problem!  All those expensive cellar panels have done what engineers have so massively failed to do.

Termed the UK carbon neutral - two years ahead of schedule!  But for me the steam plasma years the best energy solution.

Giving the house or and as the annual income of 1.5 million a year.  The power company is suddenly have no customers!  Remind me to cry for them!

And plasma power is carbon zero and free.  Utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive waste.  Require a non other hundred billion of annual insurance required by every nuclear power plant on earth.

Rishi Sunak is ecstatic!  The UK has gone carbon neutral/zero with no large financial input from the government.

One little 30cm steam plasma linked up to a commercially sourced 500 kW steam turbine, and we get the annual income of 1.5 million.  The carbon zero power for 150 houses!



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