Free non nuclear power for Germany and Japan
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free,non-nuclear carbon 0 heat and power |
Both countries have excellent engineers! My best guess is that nuclear power has invested money trying to reverse the nuclear burn imposed after Fukushima.
The every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike. That does molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+TU+P→He+O+L+E²+X-ray
So lightening strikes give out light and X rays! As they produce 1.2 MW/m of heat from a 1.5 KM steam plasma.
During my master's degree in to engineering 1980s, I did visit Germany and also is Kive for at the engineering skills. But they have never fallen on a steam plasma as a carbon zero heat system.
Within a glass cylinder the water use convert into positive atomic nuclei and free electrons. The hydrogen ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons. And they you burn regular matter, into just hydrogen ions and electrons.
Are big energy release is only burn regular water, and to neutrons is just heat light and X rays. We are doing the nuclear fission of tritium.
2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰
3 H⁺+2n⁰+e⁻→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So we are burnt the matter into heat light and X rays. And my American contact do the practical confirmation for me - as academics are scared of carbon zero Energy Systems. As it removes the research funding from nuclear power, into the world climatic systems.
The climate of the enough licence or system have been cooling since 1995. Even Mars, with 98% carbon dioxide in the air. All down to predictable 28 year cycles of cellar emission increase and decrease.
So the Chernobyl happened during the period of natural global warming. And we're just experienced a 27 year period of climatic cooling.
In the little ice age of the 18th century, we have four parts per million carbon dioxide in the European Air. Twice the present limit! Imposed by natural photosynthesis metabolising carbon dioxide to form plant biomass.
So we had twice the carbon dioxide level on the temperate earth today he, just two parts per million, average European Air temperature -20° C.
Over the arctic ice In winter we are back to the Jurassic four parts per million carbon dioxide air over the arctic ice - with no photosynthesis! Average air temperature down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. Come dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!
Every uranium nuclear power plant knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion per 100 MW power plant. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. And bribed the national nuclear regulators to look the other way!
They are mass of MS under insured and hyper toxic industry ever. And the United Nations is under the legal imperative to shut down all the 422 nuclear power plant in the world. 200 in France and the U.S.! Almost instantly shut down for ever. What the regulators term crash. Stop and never restart!
If we use a high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up a steam plasma, we get out 1 MW of carbon zero heat from our 30x1.5cm steam plasma centre.
Where the helium and oxygen gases are burnt into hydrogen ions and free electrons, and then undergo nuclear fission into just heat light and X rays. Or which will be totally obvious to Germany engineers.
If we then use a little 500 kW steam turbine, we can convert that 1 MW of heat into 500 kW of electrical power.
Germany operates on a 230V supply voltage and 50Hz.
So we rectify the current into mains AC current. Though she every German coal or oil reserves below the black forest. But fire up a steam plasma is a far better idea!
We get totally carbon zero electrical output. Burn actual fact plants during the day he will convert additional carbon dioxide into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.
Man carriers carbon dioxide never reaches the stratosphere, where our weather is made. There is just two parts per million/m³ carbon dioxide in the air in the stratosphere. Thrown there by explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistory.
Man's carbon dioxide never leaves the low earth's atmosphere. And so it is converted into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes. Whoever made up man made global warming was a total biological idiot! A face to each to uranium nuclear power.
Who employ a a fossil fuel burn to convert minus turn into cement. For all their reinforced concrete used to build a power plant. Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
Nuclear power is so not carbon zero! Why the hell do they start talking about carbon dioxide? When there totally ignorant of biology is carbon cycle. A buzz life on earth is supported by plants metabolising carbon dioxide.
A good high school for, biology will fill in the details. So carbon dioxide is globally capped at just two parts per million around the temperate earth land and sea. Rising to four PPM above the arctic ice In winter. They attempt to -80° C! Carbon dioxide is not a warming gas.
But no Germany can fire up little steam plasmas, to free use a carbon zero electricity for eight houses on Christmas day, or three medium sized businesses.
Totally carbon zero power. Happy? Utilising two little water ever to measure in a lifetime. 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc a year. No fossil fuel burn required!
To double the energy output from burning petrol or diesel, Nicol plate the engine of boilerplate. This will double the heat output.
4 (1+2r)H₂O+flame+P+(Ni)→H₂Os+2r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray)+(Ni) so illegal doubles the amount of molecular nuclear fusion we are doing - to 2r. But he's not in itself used up!
So journée can tap directly in two the nuclear fusion of water molecules, into helium and oxygen gases. Which releases massive heat, visible light and X rays.
The carbon zero heat system for the early 21st century.
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