No ice caps usually in the Jurassic
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but 3 ice ages |
A generally warm period of prehistory, the Jurassic had 85% more active biological life in the one periods, resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower. There was twice the carbon dioxide and we see in the temperate earth today. There was four parts per million.
The Jurassic there was a generally warm period, with three natural ice ages. When mineral records dollars there was eight parts per million carbon dioxide in the air. In an ice age!
The climate of the Jurassic was warmer than the present, and there were no ice caps. Forests grew close to the poles, with large arid expanses in the lower latitudes.
So watering tree life he is quite exceptional! There is no dream above the tiger, and the ice caps are tree free.
In the arctic winters today carbon dioxide rises to the Jurassic four PPM. Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.
The earth ships the cellar heat around the earth, using the deep sea currents, today he the warng oceanic currents or low life to extend far as was the north and south pole.
The big problem for the earth so the cold at the poles, is tied up in the ice. The maximum density water under pressure is at 3° C. So as the warm ocean experiments life on the ice sheets, the pressurise smells and sinks to make so they cold sea water.
Blown backed equator at 3° C! The cold water push use the warng water out of the way. Takes up solar radiation during the day, and then itself is pushed to waterfalls.
So the cold water pushes! There and say abrogated using a Carnot heat pump, to melt the ice.
We take in low temperature thermal energy into a low pressure gas like ammonia. When we double the pressure, we take out the same energy at 250° C. The magic of the heat pump!
That the Jurassic had a younger son and received more solar radiation. And sea levels were 60 metres lower, and was 85% more life on earth. The golden period in earth prehistory.
So around the polar ice we can anchor steam plasma cylinders. These freeze massive carbon zero heat at 800° C. That heat will be spread out by the calld seawater as up to 10° C in the summer, I will be heated up by 20° C.
It to life on the ice sheets, and melt the ice! This night cold to fire back to the equator. So we directly warm the really cold lands, and he in turn will call down the equator.
Steam plasma is are a very efficient miniature sun. Was started they consume a miniscule when the water, to produce massive heat light and X rays.
1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So a volume of water around 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc is converted into heat. Light and X rays every year. We can a little spring loaded water top up mechanism, there were a that he is a very tiny volume of water.
Will get out heat and light. So will stimulate algal and plant growth. So will need to leave a little room between the plasmas, as algal blooms are toxic to fish.
My calculations indicate that a 1m 2cm steam plasma should release a constant 8.6 megawatts of heat. This is going to boil off the surface water seriously! Adding my sheer in two the arctic air. Which today he is the white deserts.
The water will be as steam! So we may even get rain falling on the ice caps. Which all melt the ice, and the core water will run back into the seas. And the ice cap will lift up! Sucking in sea water.
The ice is buoyant on the seas. So as the ice melts, sea levels do not rise. The I's sheet just lifts up out off the water.
All this cold water flows back to the equator, mixing with the seawater down to -22° C, when sea ice. And when it hits that magic 3° C, it flows back to the equator.
That cold water cools down the hot lands. Where our fate of natural cooling he is very welcome! This will end up increasing remnd for around the Middle East. As a whole moist air is cooled down by the former cold.
Ecuador Air holes are lots of water vapour. Add a bit of cooling, and we form a cooling mist. Which plants will really love. And extra plant growth sucks carbon dioxide as as the air.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So photosynthesis does biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(...). Without it carbon dioxide or would not be fixed into the carbohydrates of plant biomass/as building the carbohydrates Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ takes in energy. I would not happen unless linked to a massive Energy System might nuclear fusion.
If you walk through a field of green crops in light of the Geiger counter, you can measure the xray production! You'll smell the ozone - forms of and the free radical oxygen bonding with oxygen molecules to form ozone.
Nuclear fusion is really that easy! Your own beating hearts also gives out X rays as it does biological molecular nuclear fusion.
2 CO₂+3H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+(3-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
The pressure waves of an animal hearts cause the heart to do biological molecular nuclear fusion, turning some other water molecules in the applied into helium and free radical oxygen gases.
Converting the carbon dioxide into methane! Which is very very interesting - it crosses from the disciplines of biology into physics.
So you can take your poles with a Geiger counter. And even some four your breath for the presence of methane and helium gases. There being no chemical source of helium.
Which is a tricky use by a magician's to hold their breath. But after a long illness, Houdini no longer have the bacteria to do the biological molecular nuclear fusion. And he died in a locked box!.
If you apply a Geiger counter to a major shiona holding his breath, you'll C the year of at the xray emissions.
It transpires that nature is four of nuclear fusion on earth. Just nobody has a looked! And he is the source of the free radical oxygen and helium gas nature is full of.
Where ever we get the emission of helium and free radical oxygen, we can measure the X ray emission!
As doing a PH D into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000, which car abruptly ended as I started talking about nature doing nuclear fusion on earth.
Which is choir possibly the most important science I will ever discover. There thinking on, it is suggested using high intensity ultrasound to clear the pressurise structure other diseases of age - including cancer.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from a medically licensed ultrasound massage device, will clear all cancers. ½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
Which has saved all the cancer lives on earth. Which in 2000 was 20,000,000 annually. When the world population 6.6 billion. The world population is now above 8.1 billion, and the world is overcrowding, as cancers are cured.
So he badly need to cite steam plasma is around the arctic ice, and he agreed over the new land. So can now a farm the arctics. An increase global food supplies.
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