Engineer cures cancers and AIDs

Following near fatal car accident in 1988, I was back at Sheffield University 2000 doing engineering research.  And my supervisor Dr. Z got me looking into the climate.  Which engineer said nothing about!

A fellow PH D student told me, that the turbulent flow of steam released helium gas and X rays.  This seemed incredible!  But the professor told me that the turbulent flow of steam did nuclear fusion.

I drew up the equations.

1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray TU= turbulence

And I confirmed that a working steam engine and did indeed emit X rays and produce helium gas - of which there is no chemical source.  It began to get interested!

I then realized that the ultrasound scan or cancer cells also are emitting X rays.  And the cancer cells have a non native pressurise cell structure!

2 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray US= ultrasound

Hence the formation micro bubbles the cancer cells give an ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz.  The my crew bubbles turn out to be helium and oxygen gases!  There being no chemical source of helium.  Or the misuse X ray radiation.

I wrote a these ideas and 40 them to my medical friends.  Who forwarded them to the Moffitt cancer centre.  Sheffield University he yanked my PH D from under my feet, before my cancer into the evil pay for it!  As I have found out how to do nuclear fusion on earth.

And uranium nuclear power did not want nuclear fusion devising!  But nuclear power itself drive a steam cycle to generate electricity, so uranium nuclear power was already doing what the late professor argent named molecular nuclear fusion.

Turning some other water into helium and oxygen gases.  But around a nuclear processes they had gone unnoticed!  But nuclear power produce too much energy for the uranium mass it burned.

So we are back doing 1!  They shres you do not need to burn uranium as a heat source.  Conventional power uses a fossil fuel burn, and the steam turbines year X rays an massive heat!  As they already doing nuclear fusion.

My thanks here go back to my old high school, Bolton school, where the physics teacher always taught me to keep an open mind!  And watch the results.  They will explain what is going on.

At this stage I got interested in cancer scans an ultrasound.  Since the 1950s medics have applied ultrasound, and cause cancer cells to emit X rays.  So we are doing 2.

At the Moffitt three medical professors got ideas from my paper, and turn of the ultrasound power to e.g. 8 W 3 MHZ.  I utilised an 8 W 1 MHZ unit, which cost 25 UK pounds and was as effective as their $10,000 unit.

They applied 1 minute of this high intensity ultrasound externally to where it hurt, and got a 100% cure to all 200 types of body cancer.  ½ minute each side the chest also clears all viral and bacterial infections - which share their foreign inflated cell nature.

3 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the cancer cells boil had and ruptured.  Damaging the surrounding regular body cells.  That produce the body wide immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

Cancer plus viral and bacterial infections would cured!  Antibiotic tolerance is irrelevant.  We are 100% cure to all viral and bacterial infections.

2012 my personal contact in New York used the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  Which vanished from world!  Medics never explained why.  They just lost a six and $80.00 million business.  From which they had raised five billion in charitable donation.  To research or a cure they never found!

And as medicine prohibits research into a cured condition, no medical work into a biochemical cure for AIDs is legal are medically ethical.  All that money should be returned to the downers.

And medicine annouce cancers, plus viral infection to even including AIDs have all been cured.  Massage all bacterial infections without any Dr. or drugs intervention.

80% of Dr. and drug company income Monsanta cancer drugs.  Hence they carried on prescribing these defective and fatal medicines until 2020.  All the doctors first associated drug companies, nurses and pharmacists all struck off and remove from medicine for ever.

The drug company is any structural all other biochemical drug patents they owned.  The law firms defending the void biochemical patents, within basic a legal malpractice.

Also struck off the legal register and removed from legal all for ever.  So all cancers and AIDs cured!  But the medics have said nothing.  As her vicar magically go on prescribing the no defective and fatal cancer drugs.  They can't!

Sheffield University should announce the nuclear fusion has been devised.  Too much happier research is tied up this spurious research into this cure to science.  So they likewise say nothing!

Bolton school show trumpet the one another crippled students went on to devise nuclear fusion, and cure cancer and viruses.  But unless the other professionals accept the cures, they say nothing!


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