Nuclear power - carbon hypocrits
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Nuclear power not remotely sane |
After Chernobyl in 1986 conclusively demonstrated that nuclear power was the technology of hades, nuclear power promoted the idea the carbon dioxide would inevitably cause warming. And the weather was in a natural cooling phase.
The natural weather has short term weather periods over 28 years - so will cool and warm and every 20 years. So a natural climate started cooling exactly on schedule in 1995.
Uranium nuclear power bills its plants using reinforced concrete. The cement for it is produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone.
1 CaCO₃ + Ī → CaO + CO₂ Ī is the energy import I usyally term E
This makes nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. After power production, jet planes and heating. So an active nuclear power building programme is mankind's fourth largest carbon source.
Since 19 86 nuclear power have gone on about carbon dioxide warming the natural weather. Which is controlled exclusively by a predictable solar cycles. Throughout history carbon dioxide levels have doubled in a natural ice age.
Every winter above the arctic ice At the north and south pole, we have four parts per million carbon dioxide in the air. Around the temperate earth photosynthesis on land and sea metabolises extra carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.
2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+chlorophyll+L→(Cā(H₂O)ā-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So photosynthesis is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion. Turning to a high June ions from molecular water, into helium gas. Spitting out the had two atoms of surplus free radical oxygen.
Photosynthesis is self produces massive heat, a faint blue light and X rays. And sit there doing the carbohydrates of life takes in energy!
This year's your lawn at home in light is doing nuclear fusion! Producing helium and free radical oxygen, heat and X rays. You want to study nuclear fusion, walk into a field of green crops with a Geiger counter and gas analysis cure. Life on earth is supported by nuclear fusion on earth.
Every lightening strike around the world is set up by heavy rain or snow storms also doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
3 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray TU= turbulence
A fantastically miniscule volume of regular water is turn into massive heat. Which is why heavy storms give out light flashes and X rays, nuclear fusion on earth is prevalent!
The policy of atonic nuclei rise to above the clouds layer with the positive charge. The negative charge falls with electrons to the ground. Heavy storms act as giant natural batterys.
Please get into steam we have a potential difference of 5000 volts, and charge accumulation of 100 amps. A partial steam plasma links up the cloud tops and the ground through the water mist. Which forms a natural plasma.
And the lightening down strike releases visible light and X rays. And there is no source of nuclear decay - so we are doing the nuclear fusion of hydrogen ions into helium. Which is what makes radiant stars shine.
As an eight year this is so interesting! Nature does nuclear fusion in the air around the earth. And we have all witnessed it! Geography is even written academic papers about the production of helium gas and X rays from lightening strikes.
Which are a 1.5 km x2cm steam plasma. Which in the three there is a lightening strike produces five tonnes of helium ions. Using E=mc² we discover this energy of release of 2.5x10³⁰W. Totally carbon neutral! The climate change a lot are still on about carbon dioxide.
Choosing not to mention that nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. And the of and all the science fiction about manmade global warming. The natural climate had termed in 1995. He just experienced 27 years of natural global cooling.
Yet nuclear power is still playing everywhere he to talk about carbon dioxide warming the weather. Which it does not do! Above the arctic ice In winter as we have the lowest natural temperatures on earth.
Above the Antarctic ice We have -80° C. And no photosynthesis to take in carbon dioxide. Usually plant's metabolise extra come dioxide within 5 minutes.
So carbon emissions are a measure of how much man's industries, have increased natural life on earth. There is no possible weather effect! The carbohydrates suck the carbon dioxide as the air.
Which is why nature is always one of medicine estimates the carbon emissions. As they cannot be measured! The were those pesky plants eat carbon dioxide. Then so the present limit of just two parts per million.
In the Jurassic one periods that photosynthesis so there was four PPM. Except or three natural Jurassic ice ages, the only had eight PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air. Which is covered by snow. So no photosynthesis.
The sea were covered by ice - again no photosynthesis. More recently the little ice age of the 18th century, sort Europe can buy snow and mineral records tells us that there was a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
Average European temperature -20° C. We had twice the carbon dioxide? Which is so obviously not a warming gas. That is just the latest nuclear fiction.
My American friend was so interested, working plasmas, he fired one up. He proved that a 15x1.5cm steam plasma freeze a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.
We feed into a 65 kilowatts thermoelectric generator. Which casts $650. The national grid will pay us 18,000 UK pounds, for her carbon zero current. OK, we used 7000 UK pounds minute. We still get a check for 12,000 UK pounds every year from the national electricity grid.
For all that lovely carbon zero electricity. The climate change brigade have red all my papers on this subject. Was are still going on about carbon dioxide. Listen guys there is carbon zero electricity generators were developed in the 1930s. We rectify the DC into mains linked AC current.
So can sell our excess current to the National Power grid. One house in 60 knees to purchase the semi conductor device, and the whole world goes carbon zero! Houses during the day generate the carbon zero power for industry.
At night the use their own carbon zero power. So the world now has access to carbon zero power that pays a small fortune! The national grid pays us. We burn no or or gas.
Electricity production is the second largest carbon source on earth. And all the electric carts get many of electricity from the National Power grid. Which is produced using a fossil fuel burn.
Or in a nuclear plant constructed using a massive fossil fuel burn as it is built. Electricity is so not carbon zero. The pundits are talking about burning petrol and diesel. As this will mean some magic way he stopped carbon emissions. No.
He just move some of to the centralised power station. Where we had to generate more electricity, to make and for transmission losses. So electric cars actually increase carbon emissions.
That as I have tried to explain several times, plant's eat carbon dioxide. Emissions end up as extra biological life within 5 minutes. The Jurassic had 85% more active life on earth.
We had twice the carbon dioxide level in the temperate air. We are not sure if he had any ice caps! It's certainly had three natural ice ages. The mineral records show is a massive decrease in the active biological life.
Most telling of all the Jurassic Sea levels were 60 metres lower. We had twice the carbon dioxide in the air. Which means is not one syllable of the nuclear concocted manmade global warming which even approaches the truth.
B academics are out to those papers on manmade global warming, should hang their heads in shame. During the present epoch carbon dioxide in the temperate earth has been limited to just two PPM. Even before mankind evolved!
Man's industrial revolution has increased active plant life on earth. It is not affected the trace level of carbon dioxide in the lower air. I stress this, as our weather is made in the stratosphere. Controlled exclusively by a predictable solar cycles.
There is just a static 2.5 PPM per m³ - parts per billion. A static parts per billion. And then we get Fukushima in 2010.
As 90% of the safety recommendations from Chernobyl whenever actioned - nuclear power decided there were two expensive. Apparently there was no backup cooling system.
So when the earthquake struck, the cooling system shutdown and the nuclear reactor went into triple core meltdown. Since then Germany and Japan have renounced all nuclear power in their territories.
Luckily Germany only news fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma to get Ed or 1 MW of carbon zero heat. That would generate ½ MW of electricity using a 12,000 UK pound steam turbine. Which will generate an income of 1.5 million a year.
The thermelectric generator will yield an income from the national grid of 21,000 UK pounds a year. So next year we fire own little steam turbine, and get serious about generating carbon zero heat.
So a journey in Japan, the two most technically adept nations on earth have renounced uranium nuclear power. Without the French EDF build a nuclear power plants.
The cheese eating surrender monkey's and the worst engineers on earth. We need to plant power psychiatrist's on danger time!
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