real carbon zero power is free
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Mor CO2 - things get cold |
And totally nontoxic! Uranium nuclear power is hyper toxic - for the plutonium and strontium - the most dangerous substances known to man kind.
Around the world a nuclear plant will experience a triple core meltdown, once every 25 years. Think Windscale, 3 mile island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Without doubt the worst nuclear incident in history. All totally preventable!
For every uranium nuclear power plant uses loads are reinforced concrete. The cement to wheat is free used via a fossil fuel burn on limestone. Making uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
A massive spike during the plant construction! Releasing in two years the Covent of the carbon emissions from a conventional power plant, or oil or gas fired in 25 years.
The ultimate carbon emissions! Luckily the temperate earth land and sea, is filled by plants doing photosynthesis. Which eats carbon dioxide during the day, to enter the present limit of just two parts per million. Carbon emissions are feeding time for plant's.
1 mCO₂+(3+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll+rO₂→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray+Lb)
So photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water cancer lies by chlorophyll, during daylight hours to fix the carbohydrates of life. Excreting the surplus oxygen. A process that takes in energy. Luckily it is linked to the plant doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
Which are releases helium, and free radical oxygen. Which bonds with oxygen molecules in the air to form ozone. So the major life support system on earth is endothermis.
But the biological molecular nuclear fusion we are doing, turns regular water into helium and ozone gases, releasing a faint blue light plus massive energy and X rays. Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.
However physicists refused to talk to biology about nuclear fusion. But every plant in the light is busy doing nuclear fusion. The process physics can't achieve!
The turbulent flow of water through a steam engine, does physical molecular nuclear fusion. Which is the engineering not physics!
2 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray
Which is why a working steam engine and forms helium and gives out X ray radiation. And produces so much energy! We are doing nuclear fusion guys.
The simplest way for man kind to get at this fusion energy source, is to copy lightening. Who was again lightening gives out X rays and Prix uses ozone as it is doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. In the free air! Set up by heavy rain or snow storms also are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
3 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray E²=1.2 MW/m
Embarrassingly enough the geography academics have written academic papers on the production of helium and X rays from storms. With an massive heat production! So rain storms warm the air.
The stalls freeze positive ions, which collects above the clouds layer. And the negatively charged electrons carry the negative charge to the ground. At 5000 volts 100 amps, A partial steam plasma tracks its way from the cloud tops to the ground. A lightening down strike.
To discharge party logical potential. For once set up the 1.5x2cm steam plasma does massive amounts of physical molecular nuclear fusion.
4 H₂O+P+de/dT+O₂→He+O₃+E²+X-ray
Hence the emission of massive energy, or X rays plus helium and free radical oxygen from lightening up strikes. All set up by that electric field.
The we can use the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, to set up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder.
The plasma strips the water molecules into positive ions and free electrons. The hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons. The a minder of matter!
5 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰
These bond with a helium and oxygen ions, to cause repeated nuclear fission and till the Moffitt just hydrogen ions and free electrons. And here Brett in America, did the practical experiments.
6 H₂O+de/dT→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So the plasma burns the matter into massive heat the motor light and lower power X rays. He firm that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma freeze a constant carbon 01 megawatt of heat.
I am an engineer, I realized a steam turbine is 50% efficient in converting heat into electrical power. But the steam turbine would cost 12,000 UK pounds!
To start off we use a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator. Which is only 13% efficient. So or 1 MW of heat ends up as 65 kW of carbon zero heat.
That is the electrical power for eight houses. An annual income of 12,000 UK pounds. So you can buy a steam turbine next year! And start generating ½ MW of carbon zero power.
An annual income of 1.5 million UK pounds. For that lovely carbon zero heat. And we have no massive power plant construction process. The plasma Power System is basically carbon neutral - once you have made the glass cylinder.
You require no 18 billion nuclear power plant. You can do it in the garden shed or in your cellar, and burn your side to the street the carbon zero electricity. Getting an annual income of 18,000 UK pounds.
If your great to 1.5 million a year - good luck on spending that! The average working man only earns four million in a lifetime. You are catapulted into the economic stratosphere - the economic earnings earner of the billionaire's.
And he is he isn't really carbon zero. With no prospect of a triple core radioactive meltdown. As we utilised and produce no radioactive materials. We are require a non of the 100 billion annual insurance required by all for 122 nuclear power plant so on earth.
Who fabricated manmade global warming, to distract the world from the Chernobyl nuclear incident in 1986. The natural climate started cooling 2005. Which nuclear power never did explain!
Promoting the meaningless manmade climate change after Fukushima in 2010. Where every biology teacher on earth realise is photosynthesis today limits carbon dioxide around the temperate earth, I just two parts per million.
The Jurassic did have four PPM carbon dioxide in its one periods. As photosynthesis was less adept at dumping free radical oxygen. Oxygen is a limiting factor on photosynthesis.
But the Jurassic had three natural ice ages. Where carbon dioxide levels rose to eight PPM. Four times the present trace limit! And remember every arctic winter, we have a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
Air temperature above the Antarctic ice cap eight PPM. Carbone rises in the cold.
The little ice age of the 18th century across Europe, we are the same four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Like in arctic winter! Air temperature -20° C. Across Europe!
What ever drugs the inventors of man made global warming were on, were obviously far full pharmaceuticals. Or they were just barking mad!
The academics have written papers on manmade global warming, and then after 2010 man made climate change, have obviously forgotten their mental health medication. They are talking science fiction on behalf of nuclear power. The enemy years of education!
And for that matter enemies of life on earth.
This year we have experienced 27 years of natural global cooling. Which nuclear power and its stooges have termed climate change. As global warming was obviously just wrong.
So next year the global climate will stop warming again. Expect financially induced academics to dust off their fictitious papers on global warming from 30 years ago air. Which are just paid fiction.
Ask him to explain the warm medieval period. The warmest high in recorded history. Where mankind had the odd would fire. So virtually no carbon dioxide! Though they to carbon source was from animals breathing out.
And every the warm periods in history! For my money, the war may he was due to the of friction of the clapping Ahern's from all the medieval monks. Celebrating God, and or warming the air. All before mankind's industrial revolution 400 years later.
Now we can fire up a steam plasma cylinder, and get at her 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Generating 65 kW of carbon zero electricity. And firing an area space heating system totally carbon zero.
Carbon dioxide years the gas of life. Ask any biologist! And are static trace gas affects nothing. And photosynthesis leaves a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.
We have four PPM above the Antarctic ice cap. Where there is no plant life. Which is pretty much how a nuclear power likes things!
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