Earning money from carbon zero power
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Carbon supports life |
Not nuclear power! Uranium nuclear power is so hyper toxic, since Fukushima every 100 MW power plant, has required annual insurance cover of one billion. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.
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There is no commercial source of insurance at 100 billion. That would make nuclear power costs 2:60 UK pounds per kilowatt hour. Even over priced oil and gas costs just eight P per kilowatt hour.
Is also the United Nations has the legal imperative, to shut down all for 122 operating nuclear power plant in the world. All running criminally under insured!
And constructing a nuclear power plant uses a lot of cement, producer of fossil fuel burn on limestone. To make all their reinforced concrete. Releasing in two years the carbon equivalent from a commercially fired or oil or Gas Power station running for 25 years.
And after 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant! Then he an active nuclear plant building programme is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Nuclear power is so not carbon zero!
Shutting down nuclear power will make such a huge difference to mankind's carbon emissions. Though plant's take in carbon dioxide from the air, and within 5 minutes over the temperate land and sea converts into plant biomass. No climate effect!
1 mCO₂+(n+r)+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)
Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ= the carbohydrates of life. So photosynthesis uses chlorophyll an infrared light, to produce carbohydrates yes, but he also sets off molecular nuclear fusion. Their rating helium and free radical oxygen gases, and faint blue light massive energy and X rays. So any santis wishing to study nuclear fusion, is going to field a green crops during daylight hours.
With a Geiger counter, and an air sampler. I disco this through my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000 at Sheffield University. Which is surrounded by farm fields, as the world wide reputation for gas analysis. Specializing in radioactivity! Pretty much the ideal university.
2001 I wrote my first paper on molecular nuclear fusion r(...). And Dr. Z, ended my PH D studies. Just as uranium nuclear power bought him a chair in chemical and process engineering.
And uranium nuclear power is so did not want people to notice nature doing nuclear fusion on earth. Your beating heart also does molecular nuclear fusion.
2 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray)
Which is why you breathe out methane and helium gas. There being no chemical source of helium. And you can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter. We have 70 ways of nuclear fusion a minute, from the human heart.
As the pressure waves converts some other water molecules containing blood, into helium and free radical oxygen, massive energy and X rays.
All the santis studying nuclear fusion look a bit stupid! Their own all the strings do nuclear fusion in time with the heartbeat. And they have the Geiger counter at hand! And presumably have a gas analysis equipment handy.
Every 3 minutes around the earth there is a lightening strike. Where nature is doing physical molecular nuclear fusion in the moist air. Sets off for a heavy rain or snow storms. Themelves doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
4 (1+r)H₂O+P+TU→H₂O+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray) heavy storms the set of light flash illumination, and the production of X rays. As covered in academic documents by geography.
So heavy storms produce helium gas in the air. Of which there is no chemical source. This is why storms feel electric! They are Tony water molecules into positive and negative sub atomic particles.
The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, with the helium and oxygen positive ions. And yes S oxygen will carry a positive charge - though he really does not like it!
The negative charge falls with electrons to the ground. And the store as ever it gives out X ray radiation. Yet more use pure handy Geiger counter.
When we build up a potential charge of 5000 volts 100 amps between the cloud tops and the ground, a partial steam plasma tracks its way he for the charge arrears, to discharge all that electrical potential. 50,000 W!
A but then the steam plasma does our old friend molecular nuclear fusion - r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray).
5 (1+r)H₂O+P+e⁻→H₂O+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray) so the water molecules are so not undergo nuclear fusion, heat up! And we have a usual light flash illumination and X rays. Geography has written academic papers on this subject! And fortunately physics do not read geography papers. So failed to notice nature is doing nuclear fusion.
Within the plasma the high June ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons. Hydrogen ions are basically a proton bonded to one or more neutrons. Usually one.
6 H⁺+e⁻→2n⁰ A non nuclear source of neutrons. Which are sprayed out into the environment!
2001 we fired up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, just as my PH D work was suddenly and inexplicably ended. At the behest of the nuclear visitor. From uranium nuclear power.
7 (H₂O+PL)confined→2(E²+L+X-ray) within a confined glass cylinder, we convert the water molecules into just heat light and X rays. The practical confirmation work was done for me by Brett in America. Who had no academic bosses, preventing any work on curing manmade global warming or later climate change.
He user high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, to fire up a steam plasma. And firmly ultimate carbon zero heat system.
A 30x1.5cm or do water or steam plasma, liberated a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. With associated lower power light and X rays.
If we drive a commercially sourced 130 kW thermoelectric generator, they produce a constant 130 kW of DC Power. For convenience we rectify into mains AC current. There every house needs just 8 kW of electrical power.
So we are producing the carbon zero electrical energy for 60 houses. An annual income of 400,000 UK pounds. Every year! This is the income for Sunday worth about 10,000,000 UK pounds.
We are suddenly catapulted into the earning league of the super rich. Andy use the exit steam to drive an area space heating system. Carbon zero space heating for the same 60 houses. Plant around by our free electricity!
So we feature no oil or gas boiler room. An absolutely no radioactive materials required all produced. We just smashed water molecules, into heat light and lower power X rays.
Just 3x10⁻ⁱcc of regular water a year. We will struggle to measure it in 1000 lifetimes! The steam plasma cylinder self sustains, producing free light and heat for ever.
We can erect a chain of steam plasma is below little flotation balloons, to provide free light and heat throughout the night. This is especially important for the polar regions. Which have a long cold dark winters!
Week in our grow and two crops a year in the north of England. Doubling farm yields. Animal started the steam plasma is run for free. We have a little water reservoir or spring loaded, which we never need to top up!
For the home user we generate than 130 kW of carbon zero electricity. But really, carbon dioxide supports biological life on earth. Reducing carbon dioxide in the free air to the trace level of just two parts per million. It's static level since 1880 - before the industrial revolution.
Mankind's additional carbon dioxide, for burning the life fossilised in the mass extinctions of prehistory, are converted back into active life on earth. Additional plant and animals are life!
The carbon dioxide is contained within low earth orbit. It never makes it to the stratosphere - where our weather is made. For last 27 years all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling.
Including MARs with 98% carbon dioxide in the air. Average air temperature -115° C. Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas.
Gardeners like additional carbon dioxide as it increases crop yields. Wearing them prizes for the biggest marrow. All due to the small cage of animals, eating wheat and breathing out carbon dioxide.
Above the poles in winter there is no photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM. Just as the Antarctic ice cap temperatures fall to -80° C. Whoever concocted manmade global warming was a serious biological idiot.
Funded obviously by hyper toxic uranium nuclear power. Who so obviously should never have been anywhere near education. Spurting nuclear fiction - the full to life on earth. Wanting you dead.
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