carbon zero heat is not even hard

Carbon 0 so easy

We got interested in steam plasmas doing carbon zero heat, as every 3 minutes around the world a lightening strike is a steam plasma which does molecular nuclear fusion.

First or we have a heavy rain or snow storm, also are doing molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer.  The negative charge falls of electrons to the ground.  This is why heavy storms feel electric!  There are massive natural battery is.  At 5000 volts 100 amps, A partial steam plasma links up the charge arrears.  That is a lightening down strike!  That discharges all that electrical potential.

Academic geographers have published the fact that every lightening strike is a 1.5 x 2cm steam plasma.  And once you have discharge the electrical potential, the plasma does a plasma burn from steam.

2 (H₂O+de/dT+PL) contained →2(E²+L+X-ray)

This is why plasma donor strikes give off visible light and also the X ray radiation.  The lightening up strike goes off to sign the less visible light.

My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, and got a carbon zero or 1 MW of heat.  Eureka!

So twice the energy density of a lightening strike.  Which releases 1.2 megawatts of carbon zero heat, our steam plasma is set up at eight atmospheres, collapsing at three.

You can buy a 1000 UK pounds thermoelectric generator, and generate 130 W of carbon zero power.  The carbon zero electricity for 60 houses.

My local MP, Rebecca long Bailey says she's interested in carbon zero electricity.  Right until the instant I told the house simple in was.

Totally within the RE minute of the garden scientist.  Who gets an annual check from the power company for 450,000 UK pounds a year.  A small steam turbine we generate ½ MW our carbon zero electricity.  But then we had to defer payment of the steam turbine, and some of them and start coming in.

The engineering firm could sell you the turbine, there is some for the first three days of payments from the national grid.  Which pays for the device, for a nice profit.

And the home owner gets carbon free electricity for ever.  From 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  We start off with a spring loaded water reservoir, and never top up.

We do not buy electrical current from the national grid.  They are the customer for our excess current!  Pay us for our free electrical power.  Which we rectify into mains linked AC voltage and frequency current.

And this is not hard science!  I again that lovely annual cheque for more money than we can ever spend.  Three million UK pounds, from 1/2 MW steam turbine.

High schools can use her of physics department, to build a little plasma power plant.  And start supplying the local area all the carbon zero electricity.  In exchange for a considerable fortune!

Sweet!  And no carbon dioxide. 


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