The climate is still cooling
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It is cold |
As been since 1995. Which is why in 2005 nuclear power German it's global warming fiction, are there for manmade climate change. Predicting nothing! But then he or on increasing level of carbon dioxide in the air.
Not biologically possible. As every her level biology student is taught, plant's eat carbon dioxide. Limiting its temperate level around the earth to just two parts per million.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+X-ray+E²)
So during light hours photosynthesis on land and in the seas, sucks in carbon dioxide. Down to the temperate limit of just two parts per million. It uses light and chlorophyll to bill carbohydrates - the process is excrete oxygen and takes in energy.
The same time we are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion r(...). Safe and clean nuclear fusion. 80 times as dynamic as hyper toxic uranium nuclear fission. Which makes the stratospherically toxic plutonium and strontium, as is are requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion: since Fukushima in 2020. Every nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.
They carry a criminally insignificant 50 million. 0.5% of the required legal minimum! Every nuclear power plant on earth is running criminally under insured. Your own beating heart does biological molecular nuclear fusion.
2 CO₂+4H₂O+P+dP/dT→CH₄↑+He+2H₂O+X-ray+O₂+X-ray
Which is why you can take your poles with a Geiger counter. As your heart and arteries are busy doing nuclear fusion 70 times a minute. Life he is four of molecular nuclear fusion.
The clean and safe Energy System. Carbon dioxide around the temperate earth is that the same two parts per million, it was that in 1880 - at the start of the industrial revolution.
A static trace gas affects nothing. Carbon dioxide levels above the arctic ice In winter, rise to four parts per million. Air temperature across the south pole down to -80° C.
Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas. It bottoms out at the minimum for photosynthesis, across the temperate land and C every day as the sun falls.
Nuclear power is a massive carbon source. Releasing the two so far plant construction the carbon equivalent from A commercially fired power plant for 25 years.
So uranium nuclear power is certainly not carbon zero! Nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of carbon emissions on earth. Really should have shut the hell up about carbon dioxide before they said anything.
The garage harvest can set up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder - using the steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan, and high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light.
By now my Malta for favours have been bred by every climate scientists on earth. Who have never commented!
3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) 2E²= 1 MW our carbon zero heat. From 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. From which a commercially sourced steam turbine will generate 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.
With the back under 130 W, to maintain the plasma. This is not perpetual energy - we are burning water. Which is are massively dense form of energy. E=mc² c²=x10³⁰W
The whole of the natural world is busy doing nuclear fusion. Animal blood systems do it in time with her beating heart. Which means U are busy doing nuclear fusion! Safe clean and nontoxic.
Everything uranium nuclear power is not. They invented manmade global warming, failing to factor in their own massive carbon emissions. And photosynthesis, the main life support system on earth.
Extra carbon dioxide from burning the fossil fuels, is back as active biology within 5 minutes. All the fossil fuels were active biology in prehistory.
Are locked in the Jurassic! They generally warm period, they are 85% more active life and sea levels 60 metres lower, with three natural ice ages! Carbon dioxide was at four parts per million during the one periods. Photosynthesis was less evolved!
Rising to 8 PPM in the three natural ice ages. And he the rest santis this trait faces on the TV today, explaining how the extra come dioxide in the air has caused more evaporation from the seas.
Green plants' have other ideas! Carbon is so a static. This would make sea levels fall. And three personally natural snow bombs around the earth every year . Throughout recorded history !
The natural climate has been cooling since 1995. Any person on aware of this basic metre logical fact, should not be talking about the climate! The are a serious nuclear funded idiot.
I do not think North America now's the time for manmade anything. It is just nuclear fiction for the brain dead.
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