Helium is being produced on Earth
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Engineers doing nuclear fusion |
Since the atmosphere of the Earth has a mass of about 5.14×1018 kilograms (1.133×1019 lb), the mass of ³He in the Earth's atmosphere is the product of these numbers, or about 37,000 tonnes (36,000 long tons; 41,000 short tons) of ³He.
Helium is a light gas. And is not contained by the as feeble gravity. Being lost to space within 24 hours. However nature is busy making helium all day. The biggest source of helium is the turbulence in the deep seas. Where the cold currents taking equatorial, water to the equator to figure heat, to physical molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+TU→³He+O+E²+X-ray we know there he is nuclear fusion going on, as we bubble of helium three. Which no longer the production of X rays, tells us we are doing nuclear processes.
And there is no source of radioactive decay! We are doing nuclear fusion from the turbulent flow of high pressure water. And we can sample for the gas bubbles, and see ³He. When there is no source of radioactive processes - other than molecular nuclear fusion.
The isotope we measure in the air is ³He. An yet no santis is fixed up on the fact, that is the radioactive isotope. We would expect it to decay he ever 5 ms. In the earth's atmosphere the ³He is being constantly renewed.
Helium-3 accounts for about 0.0001% of helium on Earth and physicists believe that most of it is primordial – meaning that the isotope was created by nuclear fusion in ancient stars before being incorporated into the Earth as it formed 4.5 billion years ago.4 Jan 2019
So constantly the deep seas are bubbling with helium and oxygen gases. And no radioactive isotopes of helium and at that. But no scientist has ever countenanced that the turbulent flow of high pressure water did nuclear fusion: there are Dr Z told me that 2000. Just as uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering, and he lost interest in safe and clean nuclear fusion.
I have mentioned by four that of beating animal hearts also does molecular nuclear fusion. Sorry for repeating this insight! I think it is only appropriate here.
2 4H₂O+CO₂+P+dP/dT→CH₄+He+3O₂+X-ray
As you're reading this, your heart is busy doing nuclear fusion 70 times a minute. And you breathe out methane and helium gases. No direct again we are getting ³He. Which we can easily sample for in universities.
Where ever we looked through nature, if we have the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam, we see the release of helium and X rays, possibly with light.
Growing green plants in the sunlight do biological molecular nuclear fusion - which we term photosynthesis. Which in its X rays, a faint blue light, the massive energy and helium.
3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂)+r(³He+O+Lb+X-ray)
And polish most a freely on the Internet. And every couple weeks against a complaint from my readers, there are saying nothing new. Well I haven't talked about helium three much!
All this is very very interesting as you can fire up a steam plasma, and get a physical molecular nuclear fusion. The carbon zero Energy System of nature.
4 H₂O+PL→He+O+L+X-ray
As hoping to spark of Siam intercontinental work on nuclear fusion. It gain a guy in America are it fire up a steam plasma for me. And get some practical results. He firm that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma give off a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
Using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up a plasma in a glass cylinder. With steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan. He did not tell me there was each to maintain the plasma. Which should have been way below 130 Watts.
We use it to fire a boiler room free steam turbine. And get steam at an estimated eight atmospheres pressure, 800° C: some practical confirmation work would be appreciated here!
We certainly shaken off ½ MW of carbon zero electricity. For convenience we convert the DC current into mains linked AC current. The correct voltage and phase!
The national grid will then pay us three million UK pounds, five million U.S. dollars, for our excess current. Enough to power 60 houses of carbon zero heat.
Utilising so little water, we will struggle to measure it in a lifetime. Somewhere around 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc a year. We start off with a little 5 cc spring loaded water reservoir, and our distant descendants can top up the water level.
It transpires the carbon zero heat and power of really really easy! Uranium nuclear power runs a steam cycle. And Prix uses too much energy for the uranium they utilise. As her driving a steam cycle.
Which does, physical molecular nuclear fusion.
5 H₂O+P+TU→³He+O+E²+X-ray
So the steam cycle produces helium and oxygen gases. After all steam cycles around the world. Which is why the industrial revolution came union as mankind started using the compresses steam cycle.
And universally started doing nuclear fusion on earth. Radioactive decay he would account for only parts per billion helium in the global air. We have five parts per million.
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