High school biology saves life
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Mars 98% CO2 -117 F |
High school biology teaches that during the day, plants on land and sea eats carbon dioxide. Producing the carbohydrates of life. In the present epoch leaving just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→9Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
The r(...), is interesting. As it teaches is that biology does molecular nuclear fusion. Turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases. With massive heat a little light blue light, and X rays.
There being no chemical source of helium, light blue light and X rays. I had devised the nuclear fusion on earth professor Z asked me to continue working on, as he yanked my PH D away from me 2001.
There PH D was about nuclear fusion on earth. So I solved the problem! In just 20 years - as I was busy writing songs and sing on stage. As well hours writing songs and sing on stage. So the rating the fact that an burn to talk again, after emit a car accident and 30% brain damage.
Likely the damage was to manmade the sided temporal type. And we think without frontal brain nerves. I also investigated how to repair my damages.
I settle on the standard physiotherapist idea to refer organ damage. 20 sessions of 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side of my head.
This will fix all the head injuries and strokes. Ultrasound applied externally will correct any tissue organ damage. Amazingly enough including spinal damage.
I re-engaged with ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion in liquid water, during my time at Sheffield University. The professor confirm idea that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion. His uncle had devise cold fusion at Columbia University.
Explain our fluid turbulence set off nuclear fusion higher pressure water or steam. My molecular nuclear fusion again.
2 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²
Amazingly enough the professor was like no credit for this work on devising nuclear fusion on earth. He was incredulous that green plants do nuclear fusion during photosynthesis, in the plant photo blast: he was a chemist a mathematician, but was obviously taught to biology at high school.
Every university scientist, has been taught the modern photosynthesis limits free carbon dioxide to the minimum level for photosynthesis to happen. Which he university we learn is just two parts per million.
There never come by an increase of carbon dioxide in the air. As mankind's extra 0.0004% carbon dioxide burn the fossil fuels - that use to be active biology in prehistory, were convert into plant biomass within 5 minutes.
So burning the fossil fuels has increased life on earth. No possible weather effect, there is just 5.9 parts per billion per cubic metre of the air in the stratosphere - where our weather is made.
That is a static 5.9 part per 10²ⁱcc of air! Which is a good approximation to zero! 0.000,000,000,000,000,0005,9%. That is a way he below and accurate measurement.
After the Chernobyl incident of 1986, nuclear power hypothesised that the increasing level of carbon dioxide had warmed the global air. As Chernobyl cause a localised nuclear winter.
There has been no increase of carbon dioxide in the air, since even before mankind had evolved.
There was four PPM in the Jurassic Air. A generally warm period the sea levels 60 metres lower. 85% more active life. Outside the three natural ice ages. When carbon dioxide will have risen to 8 PPM.
Above the Jurassic ice There was 16PPM carbon dioxide in the ice ages. So eight times the trace of carbon dioxide, above the poles in an ice age. Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.
And a every higher education scientist was taller carbon dioxide was strictly capped by natural photosynthesis during available, as a 14 year old! They can be no handers of PPM carbon dioxide in the air, Christmas just would not allow it. Then he just two PPM in the afternoon air today.
The site is all rushed to delete all their papers on manmade global warming climate change: take scientific nuclear fiction, on behalf of hyper toxic nuclear power.
After Chernobyl every nuclear power plant in the world requires annual insurance cover of 40 billion. Which I mentioned in my engineering essay 1987. Professor Argent said it was an insightful undergraduate essay. Thanks here to the data from Greenpeace!
After Fukushima in 2010 the required annual insurance cover rose to 100 billion. Nuclear power carries a criminally insufficient 50 million. Every nuclear power plant in world criminally under insured since 1986.
My American friend fired up my steam plasma. And found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder, the ready constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. He did not mention the required external current. Which are guesstimate at 130 W. Though once fired up, the plasma should self sustain and powed.
We drive the boiler room free steam turbine and produce steam at eight atmospheres pressure an estimated 800° C. So a patient to generate a constant ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.
No radioactive materials required! No fossil fuel burning either required. We fire up the plasma using the high voltage electronics from an old fluorescent light, were blast of external current.
We can build a plasma power plant in the garden shed. And generate the carbon zero heat and electricity for 60 houses. A 1mx2cm steam plasma at four atmospheres will release a constant 8.6 MW of heat.
24 of them will drive 100 MW power station, where no fossil fuel burn. No radioactive materials required all produced. So no impossible insurance needed.
The home plasma power plant utilises just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. Basically we never need to top up the system! The lightening tube, said as every using massive heat with a little light and lower power X rays.
We get three heat and electricity for life. We do not need to burn any over priced oil or gas. And obviously no radioactive materials required all produced!
I it worked all this out 2008, that Sheffield University have never seen fit to publish my work. That was a direct result of my PH D studies 2000-. Presumably as it makes climate santis the black nuclear funded idiots! He should never have been anywhere near education.
Some other and will still be working in education. I sympathise with her poor students! Professor Z was a genius. And saw nuclear power paid in to talk scientific crap.
The world static cooling 1995. Cause five predictable solar emission cycles. So all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling. Included Mars, with 98% carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!
Hence the genesis of man made climate change: which basically blames the natural weather on a static trace level of carbon dioxide in the air. A static trace gas affects nothing!
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