carbon dioxide rises in the cold
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CO2 rises in the cold |
Carbon dioxide was at twice the present limit, of 4 parts per million, in the warm Jurassic period. When there was 85% more life on earth and today. Sea levels were 60 metres lower globally!
There was 10% more oxygen in the air. Dinosaurs could not breathe in the present air, with only 21% oxygen in. That the Jurassic had three natural ice ages!
The carbon dioxide rose to 8 PPM. A part per million is 0.0001% to have any effect on the infrared absorption of the air, with the carbon dioxide to V at or above 8%. At which concentration he will be toxic to an all life!
I was fossil 2000 were locked on the Internet for carbon dioxide levels. Nobody was writing papers on its! And biology teaches us carbon dioxide bottoms out at the minimum level for photosynthesis.
In the Jurassic there was 4 PPM. Today that level is two PPM. Every day in the light photosynthesis continues, until carbon dioxide falls below that level. Physics talks about carbon emissions are over 100 PPM.
And not quite sure why! Emissions are hellishly local. And are not actually measured numbers, they are nuclear gueses! That any rational scientist should be very wary of!
As high school biology teaches us the plant's all time as carbon dioxide. So any emissions becomes plant biomass within 5 minutes. Sucking the gas as the air. The temperate low levels air.
The carbon dioxide their reaches the stratosphere is a result of explosive volcanic eruptions. Man carriers carbon emissions never reaches the stratosphere! Even the emissions from jet aeroplanes fall back into the lower atmosphere very very quickly.
The carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere is a result of natural events. And every static since patients began. I sore one reading recently of 5.9 parts per million carbon dioxide, third cubic metre! That gives us an effective carbon dioxide level of four parts per 1,000,000,000,000.
Even feeble insecure mental health units, would not think that at any affect on anything! Santis follow the money! They will write any old rubbish for cash. No matter how scientifically ludicrous.
In daylight across the temperate earth, carbon dioxide is taken in down to two PPM. After 9.30 AM, fans could only take Ian the carbon dioxide released by animal respiration throughout daylight hours.
At night to take back and sell the oxygen excreted really day, to oxidise fats. And get a the residual nuclear fusion energy. The chemical equation for carbohydrates Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ.
1 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂+TU→mCOₘ+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) TU= turbulence around the planet energy production unit. As nuclear fusion is usually the province of physics. Who are still wonder the missing illusions at emit in carbon dioxide could affect the weather.
It it stimulates plant growth! And the plant's be easily do molecular nuclear fusion.
Actually building the carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water, also does molecular nuclear fusion. So green plants are the dominant nuclear fusion entity on earth.
Biology has never at any papers on this subject! There are a lot of very important papers waiting to be written!
High school biology teaches that photosynthesis proceeds every day, until he hit the law limit for photosynthesis. As mentioned this is two PPM. Somebody tell physics!
All faces of man made climate change or global warming is biological nonsense. Burning the fossil fuels just stimulates plant growth during the day. Carbon dioxide ends up as ased a static trace gas in the air.
And a static trace gas affects nothing! There is no gradual buildup of carbon dioxide in the air. Green plants around the temperate earth have other ideas. Why to either mention temperate earth?
Every year in the arctic winter, carbon dioxide levels double. To the present limit of 4 PPM. In the Jurassic the arctic carbon dioxide limit was 8 PPM. Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas.
He reacts to the wax and wane of plant life. In the little ice age of the 18th century across Europe, we are back to the Jurassic 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the air above the snow.
Average European temperature -20° C. We had twice the present level of carbon dioxide in the air. The ice age was very intermittent, as there are photosynthesis resumes, plant's start doing nuclear fusion as a metabolise carbon dioxide.
And release heat, a faint blue light and X rays. They are light heat production units! Which to operate under the snow.
We can actually tap in two they heat and light production of molecular nuclear fusion. We actually fire up a steam plasma. Which technically is twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion. Which I named a plasma burn!
My American friend fired up a steam plasma for me - which might UK academic contacts would not countenance. As the academic world disprove manmade global warming climate change:
Even before the world cooled naturally from 1995. Next year is last year on natural global cooling. The natural climate is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles. Which Prix uses 28 year periods of warming and cooling in all planets in the inner solar system.
Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air. Average temperature -104° C: I repeat carbon dioxide is so much not a warming gas! The RE concept years nuclear science fiction of the most risible type.
I did the calculations on a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, and the number crunching suggested the heat generation or 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat. My American friend of bought a 30x1.5cm glass cylinder from the hardware shop.
Charter with steam from a boiling pan or a wallpaper stripper. He if I do non pressurised. And got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Which is pretty much a exactly what my calculations would have suggested!
1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so or 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
A commercially sourced little steam turbine will generate a constant plasma kilowatts of carbon zero electricity. And the exit steam will still power an area space heating system. Again totally carbon zero.
We are utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive substances. Uranium nuclear power uses a enriched uranium, and produces a hyper toxic plutonium and strontium.
After Chernobyl in 1986 the annual required insurance was 40 billion: nuclear power plant to carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. They have operated totally illegally for nearly 40 years.
After Fukushima in Japan, the required insurance rose to be 100 billion. The United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every uranium nuclear power plant on earth.
My little plasma power plant produces ½ MW of carbon zero power, from 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. So we produce the carbon zero heat and electricity for 60 houses.
Without any oil or gas burner and certainly no radioactive substances involved all produced. Technically the plasma produces ³He, which infections away into hydrogen ions, ending up as heat light and X rays. So no radioactive material leaves the plant.
Here in itself is inert, and loads of ³He and O bubble up from the deep seas - as the deep sea currents to molecular nuclear fusion. It reacts with nothing Annie is lost to space the same day. There is no possible weather effect! There so gone on around the earth seas water over 3 m existed is around the earth 3.5 billion years ago.
Again geography departments in every university around the world, should be studying this nuclear fusion system on earth. I only found out by chance! I discover that helium and oxygen gases for walled up from the deep sea currents. Interesting!
If we fire up a 1m x2cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, we get a constant 8.6 of self sustaining heat. 24 will run 100 MW power plant. With no oil or gas burn! And again no utilisation of production of radioactive materials.
Clean and safe carbon zero power.
And like the idea of a plasma power plant, as he allows every garage santis around the world, to generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity - and the carbon zero heat to an area central heating system has the bonus.
Without any fossil fuel burn! Selling our excess current to national grid. The get an annual income of 3 million UK pounds. 5 million U.S. dollars.
I would have thanked Dr. Z for his contribution to this idea at Sheffield University 2000. But nuclear power bought him a chair of Chemical Engineering, and he became professor Z.
And handed over molecular nuclear fusion to meet research: the name was invented by the late Professor Bernard Argent. As a house to research nuclear fusion from my house in salford quays.
And for China got involved in song writing and singing. So manmade global warming could have been totally demolished as the rational idea, even in 2000.
Man made climate change would have been total rubbish the boy does it even invented by nuclear power in 2005. Only 10 years after the natural climate started cooling!
The climate is determined by a predictable solar emission cycles. Carbon dioxide rising throughout history in cold periods. It bottoms out in warm periods!
He does not have any warming or cooling effect. And the world stop warming again naturally 2024. Cause five predictable solar emission cycles.
By which time the world more by using plasma power plants, and leaving carbon dioxide to biology - to supports life on earth.
All the scientists who have written papers on manmade global warming or climate change, where nuclear fantasists. A static trace gas affects nothing! Now has done, never will clear.
And the static level of carbon dioxide is fixed at just 0.0002%. Since even before mankind evolved!
A steam plasma that gives out light and X rays - as if earns water molecules into just heat light and X rays. There is no chemical source of light or X rays. The also the matter into waveforms. Which is interesting!
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