Better than burning fossil fuels
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Nature does nuclear fusion on Earth |
Burning Oil Gas releases just 45 kW/m of burners. Hence we are not using a lot of row of burners. Burning the fossil fuel actually does molecular nuclear fusion.
1 CH₄+3O₂+flame→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)
So we do oxidise the carbons into carbon dioxide. The gas which stimulates plant growth! Never rising above the ecosphere, where life hangs out! The the all man's carbon emissions are converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.
Somebody tell physics that temperate level carbon dioxide is capped at just two parts per million. Above the arctic ice In winter there is no photosynthesis. We have four PPM carbon dioxide, air temperature down to -80° C by the south pole.
Man carriers carbon dioxide never leaves the ecosphere. Our weather is made in the stratosphere. Control by a predictable solar emission cycles.
So the global climate has been cooling since 1995. And will next warm in 2023 - it is a totally natural 28 year cycle of warming and cooling. Carbon dioxide has been a static trace gas at two PPM, even before mankind evolved!
Green plants' determine the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air. In the Jurassic there was 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the air. As photosynthesis was less efficient!
There was twice the level of carbon dioxide. Sea levels were 60 metres lower in a warm period. But there were three natural ice ages. The carbon dioxide rose to eight PPM. Carbon dioxide very much not a warming gas!
To reinforce its we have a little ice age across Europe in the 18th century. An intermittently snow covered Europe. We have four PPM carbon dioxide in the cold periods. Which and down to -20° C. I repeat carbon dioxide does not warm anything!
Master's 98% carbon dioxide in the air. Average Martian Air temperature -112° C, last time I visited! (joke). I used B Internet for the temperature details.
Every year above the arctic ice We have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. And lowest temperature on earth. Yet still uranium nuclear power insist on paying people to talk about carbon dioxide warming the weather. They have forgotten about the nuclear carbon dioxide!
They build lower power plants using reinforced concrete. Where the cement is free used viral fossil fuel burn on limestone. To drive of carbon dioxide. Making an active nuclear power plant building programme humanity is fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
Emitting in just two years the carbon equivalent of the operation of a commercially fired power plant. For 25. And after 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant! If it is not experience a triple core meltdown. Which happens somewhere around the world with a frequency of what so every 25 years.
Required annual insurance cover today of 100 billion: 40 billion after Chernobyl in 1986, in the Ukraine. Russia invaded the Ukraine is a very very stupid! It is going to cause a major nuclear reactor tragedy.
Though protein is getting his ass kicked.
My American friend fired up a steam plasma formé, as my UK academic pounds were not countenance any work which contradicted the fictitious manmade climate change: university lecturers to each side the static trace gas affects nothing.
The trace level of carbon dioxide in the air has been static since before mankind evolved. Way he before the industrial revolution! Absolutely no chance of any climatic effect.
And remember carbon dioxide rises in the cold! Very much not a warming gas. But the best energy solution is just a fire up the molecular nuclear fusion without the carbon fuel.
We use a high voltage electronics from a all fluorescent light. And fire up a steam plasma - which use the structure produced by burning fossil fuels. Leading to the throat and of helium and emission of visible light and X rays. No chemical source of helium, there's a light or X rays. And no source of nuclear fission! We have to be doing nuclear fusion from the term and interaction of steam molecules.
Which was the idea given to me 2005 professor Z at Sheffield University, who was Dr. Z, and indeed my PH D work and I wrote a paper on molecular nuclear fusion. And uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering, to make him a professor.
His uncle helped devise cold fusion at Columbia University. Very clever thinking!
The simplest way to do nuclear fusion on earth is copy nature. Fire up A steam plasma. Just as lightening down is from heavy rain or snow storm.
1 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray+RW RW are the radio always in the long wave radio range, given off by every lightening strike. There being no chemical source of these electro magnetic emissions.
These charged ions set of a lightening strike, linking up the positive charge is above the clouds, with the ground where the electrons fall. And we get a lightening down strike to discharge the electrical charge.
Followed by the much more energetic lightening up strike. That does at molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+de/dT+P→He+O++E²+X-ray+RW E²=1.2 megawatts/m from a 1.5 KM x 2 cm lightening bolt. So nature does massive carbon zero energy production by every 3 minutes somewhere around the world.
You can hear the lightening strikes on long wave radio.
So the effect is on record. Though the explanation was not! Until now.
My American friend had fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma - which unfortunately did not pressurise. Using the electronics from old fluorescent light. And got out a constant 1 MW of heat. I imagine he used 130 W to sustain the plasma. He will self sustain at four atmospheres.
Driving the boiler room for a commercially sourced steam turbine, we can generate a constant 500 kW of carbon zero electricity. We rectify into mains AC current. Selling our excess current to national grid. We fire 60 houses. All that lovely carbon zero electricity.
Being carbon dioxide to biology. 99.9996% of the daily carbon available for photosynthesis, is free from the animal respiration. Which is why the cretaceous mass extinction happened.
As carbon dioxide fell to just one PPM. The existing animals multiplied, eating all those dead plants. As the freak out carbon dioxide, life on earth recovered! Since when plants and animals have been in a dynamic balance.
As mankind burns the fossil fuels - that you be active biology in prehistory, particularly in under the Jurassic, more life on earth increases.
That the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air is capped at just two PPM. We are gradually getting back the 85% additional life, that the Jurassic had that died at the mass extinction. Win 90% of life on earth died. And the fossil fuels are still represents 85% of the active biological life, and cease to exist at the end of the Jurassic.
They can be no increase in the temperate carbon dioxide level. Though the carbon dioxide level does double above the arctic ice In winter - where there is no photosynthesis on the snow covers the land and ice covers seas. Global temperatures 428 Chile -80° C.
Just as carbon dioxide levels double! Then spring comes, and we are back to temperate average of just two PPM carbon dioxide. And photosynthesis in the seas resumes. Life is powered by metabolising carbon dioxide. The sulphur cycle is just too acidic to be a major life support system. And again metabolising salford dioxide into hydrogen sulfide, does molecular nuclear fusion. Work out the equation for yourself!
All members fossil fuel burning has increased active life on earth. No possible weather effect! That is brain dead science fiction from the paid phones to nuclear power. I repeat mankind's fourth largest carbon source. They never did a carbon audit on themselves.
During the day he photosynthesis on land and sea takes in an ice carbon dioxide. Mankind's feel carbon emissions are have really below measurement! Around 0.0004%.
Firing up a steam plasma releases massive heat. Somewhere around 367 times as much from burning oil or gas. Though if we pressurise the oil or gas flame, we can double their to be we get from fossil fuels.
We get 500 kW of carbon zero electricity from 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. We have no massively overpriced fossil fuel. And produce just heat light and X rays. No hyper toxic radioactive waste.
Not even any helium and oxygen gases - which bubble from the deep C as the deep C ties do molecular nuclear fusion.
3 H₂O+P+TU→He↑+O↑+E²+X-ray so the deep seas bubble with products of molecular nuclear fusion.
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