Free carbon zero heat

Free carbon 0 is here

Not uranium nuclear power.  Which requires an annual impossible insurance cover of 100 billion annually, for each 100 MW power station.  And produces no stratospheric Lee toxic plutonium and strontium.  From enriched uranium.  Itself a dangerous and undesirable element!

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  That produces five tonnes of helium gas, as it does molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray e²=2.5X10³⁰W our carbon zero energy

TU= turbulence in the rain or snow shower.

So every 3 minutes around the world, nature is doing nuclear fusion in the air.  But you said we fire up A regular steam plasma in a glass cylinder.

2 (H₂O+PL) contained→2(E²+L+X-ray) E²=2.4MW at four atmospheres/

My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, using that high voltage electronics borrow from an old fluorescent light.  And got at 1 MW our constant carbon zero heat.  He did not record the pressure!  The plasma is likely to have shot up to 10 atmospheres, as the plasma it takes hold.

It we utilised just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  Basically the sun will have swallowed the earth, before we need to top up!

If we use the steam plasma to heat up a boiler chamber prayer steam turbine, will get steam at an estimated eight atmospheres 800° C.  And generate 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.

This minute without any feeling cost!  An absolutely no radioactive processes involved.  Which use to a clean and safe and nontoxic plasma burn of regular steam.

Or within the capabilities of the garage scientist.  Who can generate a constant ½ MW our carbon zero mains electricity: we rectify the DC current into mains linked AC.

Whose sense us an annual check for three million UK pounds, for our excess current.  The ultimate answer to the present credit crunch the developed world is experiencing.

And saddened at my local MP, Rebecca long Bailey for Labour, has not raise the issue of carbon zero power generation in the house.

Higher education is dependent on the funding they get from nuclear power, to research the meaningless manmade climate change: next year the climate will be back into a natural 28 year warming phase.

All control by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Carbon dioxide in the afternoon air around the temperate earth, is limited to a preindustrial two parts per million.

Above the polar ice In winter there is no photosynthesis, so carbon dioxide rises to four PPM.  Air temperature down to -50° C across the north pole, and must 80° C across the south poles.  Totally naturally every year!

Carbon dioxide in the light stimulates photosynthesis.  Increasing plant growth.  Which sucks the night's carbon dioxide, out of the air.  Converting into plant biomass.

A trace gas at a static concentration, affects nothing!  Carbon dioxide in the afternoon air limited to just two parts per million.  The static level since before humanity even evolved.

But now the garage santis can fire up A steam plasma in a cellar or shed, and generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.  It is really not hard!  There was no radioactive substances.

Uranium nuclear power bills its power plants using loads and loads of reinforced concrete.  Where the cement is produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone - to drive of the carbon dioxide.  Forming cement.

Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon source!  And nuclear power is so not carbon zero.  A little steam plasma plant generates 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

From two little regular water ever to measure!  It initiated by the thoughts of professor Z for a Sheffield University.  Who when he moved from Dr. Z, as uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of Chemical Engineering, lost all interest in clean safe non 

toxic nuclear fusion.

There is loads of work to be done on a steam plasmas.  The carbon zero Energy System of the future.  The Energy System that drives lightening!  That gives off massive heat and even X rays.  There is no chemical source had even of its visible light.

It is nature doing nuclear fusion on earth.  Also on Io!


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