
Showing posts from September, 2022

Light up farms

free artificial suns Heavy rain or snow is continuously doing physical molecular nuclear fusion in the air around the world. 1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E+X-ray E=1/m megawatt of carbon zero heat from are steam plasma utilising regular water.  We fire up the plasma using the high voltage electronics.  Data for a 30x1.5cm steam plasma. We want firmer electric generators on the top of each plasma cylinder, to give us access to free carbon zero electricity. During the day we turn down the applied current, to just maintain the plasma, Liberating infrared light! We store the current in a little battery, and at night we turn up the applied current.  To mass of the boost the light radiation and even the X-rays carry off the steam plasma. So the sun goes down, but the motor light heat seeing the crops and they need might actually rise.  This will allow farming in the dark. Allowing Lancashire and Yorkshire to harvest another pound harvest every year.  Turning what is ...

Sheffield university cured Global Warming 2000

CO 2 doubles in the polar winter They needn't have bothered!  The rest of academia so he didn't want to hear!  Professor Z told me the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did what we called molecular nuclear fusion: professor argent devise the name 2008. 1 H₂O+TU→He+O+X-ray+E² If it was actually devised by American academics working on what they termed cold fusion.  It was certainly the most radical thinking I ever heard!  Closely followed by professor argent, who pointed out that green plants take in carbon dioxide to grow. The the in just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air around the world.  Above the polar ice There is no photosynthesis, carbon dioxide its banks over the arctic winter to 4 PPM.  Down to -80° C of the south pole. Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas!  This is 2022, and I have been playing with the concept for 20 years. The most useful method of doing zero carbon heat...

storms do nuclear fusion

Storms are electric - they do nuclear fusion Geography has written technical academic papers on rain or snow storms giving out X rays.  Of Of which there is chemical source!  We have to be doing molecular nuclear fusion. All the people studying nuclear fusion only need a small pump and drizzle water two metres into a child's paddling pool.  When the water drops interact as above one what of intensity, or metre of relative velocity difference, we do nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁺+X-ray+E² The amount of nuclear fusion into is very small.  So detecting the presence of helium and free radical oxygen.  Is a little difficult!  But X-rays are easier to detect.  And if we use light water, there is no possible source of X rays except molecular nuclear fusion. So all the students doing PH D's into nuclear fusion and not doing it, look such idiots!  Go out in the rain storms with a Geiger counter.  Job done! Electrons actually hav...

cheapest carbon zero green power

plants do nuclear fusion to grow Nuclear power bills its uranium power plants using loads and loads of reinforced concrete.  Which is produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone.  Which is why for Sizewell C, they are looking at a massive concrete manufacturing plant. Making an active nuclear power building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  And doing operation they had to transport, house and clothe their staff.  All carbon sources! In operation the nuclear plant turns enriched uranium into the hyper toxic plutonium.  There is no natural source of plutonium.  It has to manufacture had enough power plant. As in the deep earth there is a river of geothermal water that's circulates the planets in a turbulent fashion.  As professor Z pointed out to me 2000, the turbulent flow of water does nuclear fusion.  Which Professor Bernard Argent named molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray So the river of ...

Heat & Energy should be free

Carbon 0 heat is easy Every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow sets up for a lightening strike.  By doing molecular nuclear fusion.  Name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent for my idea. He was very dismissive of man made global warming: as he stated 'plans take in carbon dioxide to grow!  The natural carbon sink of nature.  Each lightening strike use is a 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma.  Which produces five tonnes of Helium. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+e⁻+E+X-ray TU= precipitation turbulence the emission of X rays an production of heat from heavy rain or snow storms is on record. Or to the energy release when a steam plasma links up the charge arrears between the cloud tops and the ground. This discharges the 100 amps 5000 volts of electrical potential.  And the steam plasma then does massive molecular nuclear fusion. 2 H₂O+P+PL²→TU→He²⁺+O⁺+e⁻+E²+X-ray E²=2.5x10³⁰ the energy release Nicol and to the conversion of hydrogen ions into...

Power that pays

3 million a year each A gas plasma smashed use the atomic nuclei and electrons together.  Reducing the matter into just heat light and X rays.  Not theory!  My American contact the verified the science. 1 H₂O+PL→E₁²+L+X-ray E₁²= 1 megawatt of carbon zero heat.  For convenience termed E Now there is so interesting!  We immerse his 30x1.5cm plasma cylinder, in a steam turbine boiler room. Only reaches eight atmospheres,.  The steam obvious an estimated 800° C.  Which would generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity. The garage scientist can knock up the plasma power plant in a week - the major delay the in five days to get the steam turbine over the Internet. And he then it gets hot megawatts our carbon zero power.  An annual income of three million UK pounds from the national grid.  We do not consume mains electricity or gas!  Only a matter the innate coal or oil burn.  We handle and produce no radioactive substances. ...

Free Home Power

carbon 0 hom power As happily doing a PH D into the climate that Sheffield University 2000.  When the late emeritus Professor Bernard Argent pointed out that green plants take in carbon dioxide. Down to the present limit of just two parts per million.  In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient.  And the carbon dioxide level in the temperate air there was four PPM - twice what we have today. There was 85% more biological life on earth.  Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower.  Except or three natural ice ages!  Cause five predictable solar emission cycles. They cause  ice ages.  So the emission fluctuations do. Jurassic Period | Climate, Plants, Animals, & Facts | Britannica › science › Jurassic-Period 14 Sept 2022 — Because there is no evidence of major glaciations in the Jurassic, any global sea level change must have been due to thermal expansion of ... And it wrote a paper and that the turbu...

Free carbon zero power

plants EAT CO 2 all day! Obviously not nuclear power!  Which uses reinforced concrete to build its 18 billion UK pound power plants.  Making the world's fourth largest carbon emitter of is the building hyper toxic and an insured nuclear plants. Since Fukushima every nuclear facility on earth has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  But Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million.  The most hyper toxic and an insurable industry ever! My American friend had fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma: I have already published extensively about the carbon zero nature of plasma heat! He found that he is plasma liberated 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  And sent back my equation! 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) 1 MW of carbon zero heat. If you use this to power a steam turbine boiler room, we get steam at eight atmospheres 800° C as an estimate.  We deftly generate 500 kW of carbon zero power. This is a sort of cell and or by governments :iz Truss's wants!...

The climate started cooling 1995

  Things are ccooling still It is the regular 28 year period of global warming and cooling.  Cause by predictable solar emission cycles.  Carbon dioxide has no effect! The trace level of carbon dioxide in the temperate air there is just two parts per million.  It's static level since before humanity evening evolved.  The manmade global warming rubbish was invented by nuclear power, to distract the world from the toxic nature of uranium nuclear power. After the Chernobyl incident 1986 - demonstrated that nuclear power should not be done!  2010 and Japan experience the Fukushima incident.  And both Japan and Germany renouncing uranium nuclear power. Still people like Sir David Attenborough are wittering on about global warming!  As if it was somehow magically caused by man.  The climate calls and warms according to predictable solar emission cycles. In one periods carbon dioxide bottoms out, and the minimum level for photosynthesis to...

Free natural gas

Free natural gas Plants eat carbon dioxide, does the present temperate level around the earth are just two parts per million.  That carbon dioxide is converted into plant biomass - no possible climate effect. Above the polar ice In winter carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM.  Air temperature -50° C at the north pole, cancer was 80° C above the South. All time deep water bacteria are converting carbon dioxide into methane.  The tender pressure buzz of water to form methyl hydrate. 1 CO₂+2H₂O+TU+catalyst→CH₃OH and methyl hydrate is also methanol. Under pressure, this is sense to see there is as a white solid.  If there is a local earthquake, the compounds for externally to methane and water. 2 CH₃OH+dP/dT→CH₄+H₂O Methane is natural gas!  And the deep water methyl hydrate deposits, are regenerating sources of methane gas.  In is very second somewhere around the world the me as a bacteria will be for the methane.  A non fossil fuel source o...

Bacteria eat carbon dioxide

Biology eats CO 2 Continuously around the world deep sea bacteria use the fluid turbulence of the deep seas, to metabolise carbon dioxide into methyl hydrate.  Which is basically methane bonded to a water molecule. 1 CO₂+2H₂O+TU+catalyst→CH₃OH Methanol synthesis catalysts - Johnson Matthey › products-and-markets › chemicals catalyst methyl hydrate catalyst from Methanol synthesis is the formation of methanol from carbon oxides and hydrogen. It is catalysed by copper-zinc catalysts. KATALCOTM 51-series methanol ... It would appear that methyl hydrate and methanol are actually the same compound!  So the methyl hydrate is the white solid lying on sea birds around the world.  It a visit to 70 per cent of the natural gas in the world active end up as methyl hydrate on world sea beds. And the geographers have now located with frell hydrate deposits all around the world.  If there is an underground earthquake, the methyl hydrate decomp...

physics does carbon zero heat and power

Plasmas save life?  Carbon -0 heat and power And climate change 'scientists' are so ecstatic!  As ever totally carbon free heat and Power System.  No possibility of man made climate change ever being real.  But there again green plants eat extra carbon dioxide within 5 minutes of its release.  Turning the gas into plant biomass. Sucking the gas out of the air, leaving just a preindustrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  And are static trace gas affects nothing! Above the polar ice In winter there is no photosynthesis.  Carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM.  In the north pole down to -50° C.  In the cellr full down to -80° C.  So carbon dioxide tracks the cold. Across Europe in the little ice age of the 18th century, we are back to a Jurassic 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the European Air.  A quick search of the history books tonnes year the average air temperature was -20° C: though the ice age was ...

Free carbon zero heat

Free carbon 0 is here Not uranium nuclear power.  Which requires an annual impossible insurance cover of 100 billion annually, for each 100 MW power station.  And produces no stratospheric Lee toxic plutonium and strontium.  From enriched uranium.  Itself a dangerous and undesirable element! Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  That produces five tonnes of helium gas, as it does molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray e²=2.5X10³⁰W our carbon zero energy TU= turbulence in the rain or snow shower. So every 3 minutes around the world, nature is doing nuclear fusion in the air.  But you said we fire up A regular steam plasma in a glass cylinder. 2 (H₂O+PL) contained→2(E²+L+X-ray) E²=2.4MW at four atmospheres/ My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, using that high voltage electronics borrow from an old fluorescent light.  And got at 1 MW our constant carbon zero heat.  He did n...