Cost free carbon zero heat and energy
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Free heat n power |
Fossil fuels have realised in horror, though there a market is about to vanish! As the cheapest zero carbon Energy System is actually a steam plasma.
Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike. Which does professor Z suggested 2001, did molecular nuclear fusion. Though the name was invented eight years later by the late emeritus Professor Bernard Argent.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray TU= turbulence in the rain or snow storm
So constantly around the world there a heavy rain or snow storms. Which turn regular water into helium and oxygen gases, massive heat and X rays, there is no chemical source of helium or X rays.
And geography has put on record that heavy rain or snow storms give out X rays! So they're doing molecular nuclear fusion.
The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, the negative charge falls of electrons to the ground. At 5000 volts, a 1.5x2cm steam plasma links up the charge areas. And discharges a 100 amps of electrical charge or that nuclear fusion has produced.
So constantly around the world nature is doing nuclear fusion on earth. And it is all written up by university geography departments. Who fail to realise the significance of X rays or helium gas. I have a master's degree in Engineering Materials. So 2000 and I became very interested!
And much 2001 we fired up a steam plasma. I went away to see my government for the week end. I came back, I was ejected from my PH D for doing a peeping Tom thing in the inner city hall of residence.
When I was 150 miles away! I am a mature student, so at the financiers to travel around the rail network. There was no way I could have been in Sheffield! I was in Barry lancashire.
So so run out of my PH D at Sheffield, with my experimental notes. Which made interesting reading! My PH D supervisor has suggested that the turbulent flow of water molecules did molecular nuclear fusion.
That is exactly the case in snow or rain storms. And even more so in a lightning strike.
We a fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder. My 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release 2.4 MW of heat. But being ejected from Sheffield I could not get that data.
My American friend on benefits fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma and got a 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Eureka! We feed into a commercially sourced steam turbine, and get out 500 kW of carbon zero electricity. For convenience we convert into mains AC current. The plasma generates DC.
So all the sudden we have got carbon zero, cost free massive heat! From plasma burn on regular steam. We Eva he utilised or produce any radioactive materials.
Present uranium nuclear power know needs annual insurance cover of 100 billion: since Fukushima in 2010. It was just 40 billion after Chernobyl in 1986.
Nuclear power bills its power plants using loads and loads of reinforced concrete. Producing using a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to make all the cement.
Meaningless an active nuclear power building programme is mankind's fourth largest carbon source. Plasma power is totally carbon zero.
2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion. The X rays are low power and of no consequence.
A garage scientist can use the electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma. My American friend did not pressurise it, so were required to move around 130 W of electrical power.
But we are generating over 60 kW. The carbon free electricity for seven houses. Annual income from the national grid of three million UK pounds. My pressurise plasma produces 150 kW of carbon zero electricity, at just four atmospheres pressure.
An annual income from the national grid of 6 million UK pounds. A 50% more than a lifetimes earnings of the average working man. Good luck on spending that money!
Which use the science to cure climate change has been worked out in the 1950s. I was familiar even during my degree in the 1980s.
And the staff on lightening strikes was freely published on the Internet. We convert regular water into heat light and X rays. With no hyper toxic radioactive waste. So we require no annual insurance cover. No hundred billion!
And he utilises no fossil fuel burn. Which is why the fossil fuels people are desperately raising their prices - as their market vanishes before their eyes.
All over the world how scientists are building their own little plasma power plants. Which go totally carbon zero. And free use a massive annual income! And involves no burning of fossil fuels.
They utilised no enriched uranium! They free use no strontium are plutonium. The plasma enriches its own hydrogen and oxygen isotopes, from regular water.
As the hydrogen ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons. And they cause the other elements to burn into heat light and X rays. All of which is first year undergraduate university physics.
It really is triveal science. By your glass cylinder from the hardware shop, get a fluorescent light starter from your second hand shop all your departmental storm.
All your little steam turbine over the Internet, and next week he will be generating that six million UK pounds from the national grid. Use the exit steam to provide free space heating. For saving houses year's supply the carbon zero electricity.
Rebecca long Bailey MP, my local MP says she's interested in carbon zero heat and energy. She was not interested in the solution! Only in raising carbon taxes. She is after all a politician!
Issues really interested in chemo our carbon zero heat and power. She was a semi the e-mail for the climate change people already! There is still time. To save life on earth! She is a Labour MP. Hence cure starmer has red and all my papers on carbon zero heat and power.
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