zero current fluorescent lights

My pussy cats playing with light sabers

We use the standard fluorescent light.  But we use a special fluorescent cylinder/tube.  Which it at the sodium gas as today but at 10 per cent hydrogen gas!

Where we fire up the fluorescent, those atoms are convert into positive ions and free electrons.  Today he we have an expansive high voltage per 1,000,000 air the factory.  No longer required!

Today and the free electrons ricocheted through the shell electrons, until they end up at the time nucleus, where they bond with the protons!

They form neutron, decrease in a tight number by 1, am making the element radioactive!  Which then undergoes nuclear fission.  Emitting light and X rays and a halving into two smaller elements.

Which repeat the action, and till we are left to a hydrogen ions.  Which again funder of the free electrons to form neutrons.

Or there for under two neutrons to undergo a hydrogen fission - the most energetic decay in physics.

1 H⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray)

So gradually A fluorescent light burns said immune to lighter and lighter elements, any year with heat light and X rays.  So gradually the fluorescent loses weight and stops working.

For by introducing term percent hydrogen gas, we have pushed the fluorescent into the run on area.  Where we fire up the fluorescent light, but when we turning off the tube just keeps on shining.

Emitting visible light and X rays!  Just like a present fluorescent light.  Which also gives off heat.  But now we have avoided minute for tube burning in.

And it uses so little gas, my idea of a little pressurised halide container to source of fresh hygiene gas, they are not really be necessary.  It may give out light for a century.  And we then do need to consider refilling the fluorescent with hydrogen.

40% of electrical current issues for space lightening.  But now we have totally removed that electricity demand.


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